

单词 迹象
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕abnormal behaviour that may be a sign of mental illness 可能是精神病迹象的异常行为朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕clear signs of an economic recovery 经济复苏的明显迹象朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕something that shows what is true or what is happening 表明某事物正确或将要发生的迹象朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕signs of economic inequality 经济不平等的迹象朗文写作活用〔ageing〕signs of ageing 变老的迹象牛津高阶〔appearance〕appearances Outward indications; circumstances: appearances 表面迹象;细节:美国传统〔direction〕signs of a government that lacks direction and purpose政府缺乏方向和目标的种种迹象外研社新世纪〔display〕to display a sign显出一个迹象21世纪英汉〔evidence〕evidences of prosperity 繁荣的迹象英汉大词典〔fading〕signs of a fading economy 经济衰退的迹象英汉大词典〔failing〕signs of failing health 健康衰退的迹象英汉大词典〔falter〕signs that the economy is faltering 经济走向衰退的迹象韦氏高阶〔filter〕as indications filter in from polling stations. 随着从投票站透露出各种迹象柯林斯高阶〔forcible〕signs of forcible entry into the building 强行入楼的迹象朗文当代〔gear up〕another indication that the Government is gearing up for an election. 政府正准备进行选举的另一个迹象柯林斯高阶〔giveaway〕little hints of body language which are the giveaway透露真相的不起眼的肢体语言迹象外研社新世纪〔incipient〕evidence of incipient racial tension 种族关系开始趋于紧张的迹象英汉大词典〔incipient〕signs of incipient public frustration 公众中开始出现的种种失望的迹象剑桥高阶〔incipient〕signs of incipient unrest 动乱的初期迹象牛津高阶〔incipient〕the incipient signs of economic recovery 经济复苏的初期迹象麦克米伦高阶〔letup〕see no sign of a letup in the rush of foreign investments in this country 看不到外国对本国的蜂拥投资有减退的迹象英汉大词典〔margin〕signs of the party's rapid retreat to the political margins该政党迅速退向政治边缘的迹象外研社新世纪〔mark〕marks of old age 年老的迹象文馨英汉〔neural〕signs of neural activity 神经活动的迹象朗文当代〔pointer〕an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy 说明经济有起色的一个令人鼓舞的迹象朗文当代〔retardation〕show some growth retardation 显出某种成长迟缓的迹象英汉大词典〔rift〕new evidence of a rift between the two countries 两国之间不和的新迹象牛津搭配〔savour〕the drawings savoured by Picasso含有毕加索迹象的绘画21世纪英汉〔scan〕scanning the horizon for signs of land. 扫视海天相接处是否有陆地的迹象美国传统〔scent〕a scent of profits 行将获利的迹象英汉大词典〔scent〕a scent of trouble 要出现麻烦的迹象英汉大词典〔scent〕the first scent of suspicion 引起怀疑的第一个迹象麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕the first signs of spring 春天的最初迹象韦氏高阶〔sign〕the telltale signs of drug abuse 明显的吸毒迹象牛津搭配〔swing〕signs of a late swing to the Democrats 后期倒向民主党的迹象牛津搭配〔tangible〕tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover经济开始复苏的明确迹象外研社新世纪〔tell-tale〕tell-tale signs.能说明问题的种种迹象。牛津同义词〔telltale〕telltale signs 能说明问题的种种迹象英汉大词典〔true〕a true sign (indication) 确凿的征兆 (迹象)英汉大词典evidence of gender bias in the ICT sector 信息与通讯技术部门存在性别偏见的迹象牛津商务




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