

单词 过敏性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aeroallergen〕Any of various airborne substances, such as pollen or spores, that can cause an allergic response.空气过敏原:能导致过敏性反应的各类空气传播的物质,如花粉或孢子美国传统〔antiallergic〕Preventing or relieving allergies.抗变应性的:防止或减轻过敏性的美国传统〔intradermal test〕A test for hypersensitivity or allergy in which a small amount of the suspected allergen is injected into the skin.皮下试验:通过在皮肤里注射少量有疑点的变应原以测定过敏性或变应性的试验美国传统〔ocular cromolyn〕An anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.眼用色苷酸:用来治疗过敏性结膜炎的消炎药美国传统〔patch test〕A test for allergic sensitivity in which a suspected allergen is applied to the skin on a small surgical pad.斑片试验,皮肤接触试验:一种测定过敏性的试验,把一种受怀疑的过敏原涂在外科手术用的小垫上敷于皮肤上美国传统〔scratch test〕A test for allergy performed by scratching the skin and applying an allergen to the wound.划痕试验:通过在皮肤上划痕并把过敏原放在伤口上来检验过敏性的试验美国传统〔tuberculin test〕Any of various tests used to determine past or present infection with the tubercle bacillus and based on hypersensitivity to tuberculin.结核菌素测试:以对结核菌素的过敏性为基础用以确定过去或当前结核菌感染的各种测试美国传统




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