

单词 躲避
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The villagers headed for the mountains to escape the invading army. 村民们逃往山里躲避侵略军。朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕Except when they were filming, the two actors avoided each other like the plague. 除了拍摄的时候,这两位演员相互之间就像躲避瘟神似的避而不见。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕The teenager took his life in his hands in trying to avoid being caught by police. 这少年冒死设法躲避警察的抓捕。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕A flood of refugees poured over the bridge to escape the fighting. 大批难民拥着过桥,躲避战争。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Most of the women there were Somalis fleeing from the civil war. 那里大部分妇女都是躲避内战的索马里人。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Many spiders spin special webs to conceal themselves from danger. 许多蜘蛛织出特殊的网,把自己藏起来躲避危险。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕A convicted murderer was on the run last night after escaping from Lewes prison. 一名已定罪的杀人犯昨晚从刘易斯监狱逃脱后仍在躲避追捕。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕People took shelter from the flooding in churches and schools on high ground. 人们在高地的教堂和学校躲避洪水。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕She finally found a place to escape to, a small haven for herself and her daughter. 她终于找到了一个可以躲避的地方,一个让她和女儿可以安身的小地方。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The Allies are being asked to provide more refuges for those fleeing the fighting. 同盟国被要求为躲避战乱的难民提供更多的避难所。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The basement provided us with a refuge from the fighting. 打仗的时候,地下室为我们提供了躲避的地方。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕Thousands of families came here seeking refuge from the civil war. 成千上万户人家来这儿躲避内战。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Joseph sprinted away to dodge the volley of gunfire. 约瑟夫飞奔着躲避那枪林弹雨。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Thousands of refugees are on the move, fleeing heavy shelling in their home towns. 几千名难民在不断迁移,以躲避家园里遭到的重炮轰击。朗文写作活用〔abscond〕To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution.潜逃,逃亡:秘密而迅速地离开且隐藏自己,常为躲避逮捕或迫害美国传统〔appearance〕You must put in an appearance, at least, or she'll think you're avoiding her.至少,你必须露一下面,否则她会认为你在躲避她。柯林斯高阶〔avert〕She apologized to avert trouble.她因躲避困难而表示歉意。21世纪英汉〔avoid〕He was caught trying to avoid arrest.他试图躲避追捕时被发现了。韦氏高阶〔avoid〕The refugees left to avoid getting bombed.难民为躲避轰炸而离去。朗文当代〔bunker〕The soldiers sheltered in a bunker.兵士躲避在掩蔽壕里。牛津同义词〔carnage〕Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.难民越过边境以躲避国内的大屠杀。外研社新世纪〔chicken out〕His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.他妈妈抱怨他找借口躲避家庭聚会,如婚礼之类的。柯林斯高阶〔claim〕The report claimed that hundreds of civilians had crossed the border to escape the fighting.报道称数百平民越过边境以躲避战争。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕After the explosion the street was full of people running for cover.爆炸发生以后,满街的人都奔跑躲避。牛津高阶〔cover〕Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕We took cover from the storm in a bus shelter.我们在公交车站躲避暴风雨。剑桥高阶〔day〕For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.对于战地记者来说,躲避狙击手的子弹是家常便饭。柯林斯高阶〔day〕For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.对战地记者来说, 躲避冷枪飞弹是家常便饭。外研社新世纪〔desperation〕In desperation, they jumped out of the window to escape the fire.情急之下,他们跳出窗户躲避大火。剑桥高阶〔ditch〕To get away from (a person, especially a companion).躲避(某人,尤其是同伴)美国传统〔dive〕The thief dived into an alley to escape from the police.小偷潜进一条小巷躲避警察的追捕。英汉大词典〔dodge ball〕A game in which players outside a circle try to eliminate players on the inside by hitting them with an inflated ball.躲避球游戏:站在圈外的游戏者以充气的球掷向站在圈里的人,被掷中者则淘汰出圈美国传统〔dodge〕He ran across the courtyard, dodging a storm of bullets.他跑过院子,躲避着雨点般的子弹。朗文当代〔dodge〕The act of dodging.躲避美国传统〔duck〕He didn't duck fast enough to avoid the rock.他躲避不及,被石块打中。21世纪英汉〔elusion〕The act or an instance of eluding or escaping; evasion.躲避,逃避:躲避、逃避的行为或事件;逃避美国传统〔entrance〕The band left by the rear entrance to escape photographers.为躲避摄影记者,乐队从后门离开了。牛津搭配〔escaped〕This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。柯林斯高阶〔evade〕The aircraft is designed to evade detection by radar.这架飞机经设计可以躲避雷达的侦查。外研社新世纪〔evade〕They are continuing their efforts to evade punishment for their heinous crimes.他们一直在企图躲避其滔天大罪应受的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔fight shy of〕She has always fought shy of publicity.她一直躲避公众的关注。韦氏高阶〔foil〕To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers.搅乱痕迹:使(痕迹或气味)模糊难辨以躲避追击者美国传统〔give (someone) the slip〕The intruder ran from the police and gave them the slip.那名闯入者躲避了警方的追捕并摆脱了他们。韦氏高阶〔heat〕People fled indoors from the heat.人们逃到室内躲避炎热的天气。外研社新世纪〔hide〕He's hiding from the police.他在躲避警察。文馨英汉〔hide〕She wanted to curl up and hide from the horrors outside.她想蜷缩起来, 躲避外面恐怖的一切。外研社新世纪〔hurry along〕She felt foolish hurrying along beside him, dodging the pedestrians.她觉得和他一起边躲避行人边向前赶路是件很傻的事。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding.军队空运转移了为躲避洪水而爬到房顶的群众。柯林斯高阶〔loophole〕It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.据估计,每逢周日开门营业的店铺有6万家,通过钻法律漏洞躲避检控。柯林斯高阶〔low〕I've got to lay low on account of my heavy debt.我负债累累得躲避一下。英汉大词典〔media circus〕The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.为了躲避媒体的关注, 这对新人在加勒比海结的婚。外研社新世纪〔mind〕As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind(= I was not thinking of it at all).至于说躲避你,我根本就没有这样的想法。牛津高阶〔mount〕A car suddenly mounted the pavement to avoid a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.有辆汽车为了躲避对面驶来的一辆车突然冲上了人行道。朗文当代〔nowhere〕A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time.一辆轿车不知从什么地方突然冒了出来,我只得向后跳到树篱中躲避,险些躲不及。柯林斯高阶〔ostrich〕One who tries to avoid disagreeable situations by refusing to face them.鸵鸟般回避现实的人:企图靠拒绝面对现实来躲避不利情况的人美国传统〔persecution〕We had to leave the country to escape persecution.我们不得不离开这个国家以躲避迫害。外研社新世纪〔phototaxis〕The movement of an organism or a cell toward or away from a source of light.趋光性:有机物或细胞移向或躲避光源的运动美国传统〔pit〕I'm trying to avoid all these pits in the road.我在设法躲避路上的这些坑。外研社新世纪〔port〕A place along a coast that gives ships and boats protection from storms and rough water; a harbor.避风港:船只能够躲避风暴与巨浪的海滨地区;避风港美国传统〔question〕Stop avoiding the question and answer me! 别躲避问题,回答我!韦氏高阶〔refuge〕Residents took refuge from the bombing in the local church.居民们在当地教堂躲避轰炸。麦克米伦高阶〔refuge〕She took refuge from the blistering heat by sitting in the shade by the front gate.她坐在前门的阴凉处躲避酷热。外研社新世纪〔runaround〕Informal Deception, usually in the form of evasive excuses.【非正式用语】 推诿,搪塞:欺骗,通常以躲避的借口的形式美国传统〔run〕As soon as they heard the siren, they ran for it.他们一听到警报声就奔逃躲避。英汉大词典〔run〕He's on the run from the police.他在躲避警方的追捕。牛津高阶〔sanctuary〕A place of refuge or asylum.避难所或躲避处美国传统〔sanctuary〕It had been built as a sanctuary from World War II bombs.这是二战时为躲避轰炸而建的。牛津搭配〔scurry〕The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.袭击发动后,居民们纷纷奔逃躲避。柯林斯高阶〔seek〕Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.成千上万的人穿过边境寻求庇护,以躲避战争。朗文当代〔shelter〕A cave sheltered the climbers during the storm.山洞为登山者提供了躲避暴风雨的地方。韦氏高阶〔shelter〕In the storm we took (或found) shelter under a tree.暴风雨中,我们躲避在树下。英汉大词典〔shelter〕People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.人们拚命地找地方躲避炮火。牛津高阶〔shelter〕The yacht would seek shelter for the evening until the weather improved.游艇会寻找躲避处过夜以待天气好转。外研社新世纪〔shelter〕Their cabin in the woods served as a retreat from the pressures of business.林中的小木屋是他们躲避生意压力的隐居处。美国传统〔shelter〕They sought shelter from the storm.他们寻找躲避暴风雨的地方。韦氏高阶〔shelter〕We reached the shelter of the caves.我们到了可以躲避的山洞里。朗文当代〔shelter〕We sheltered in an old barn for the night.我们晚上躲避在一个旧仓库里。麦克米伦高阶〔shirk〕To avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).逃避:躲避或忽视(职责或责任)美国传统〔shoulder〕They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain.他们开始迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。柯林斯高阶〔shy〕He's always been work-shy.他总是躲避工作。牛津高阶〔skulk〕One who hides, lurks, or practices evasion.躲避者:躲避、潜伏或逃避责任的人美国传统〔south〕They go south every winter to get away from the cold.他们每年冬天都到南方去躲避严寒。麦克米伦高阶〔take ... to〕The criminal took to the hills to escape from the police.罪犯逃到山里躲避警方的追捕。21世纪英汉〔thither〕They have dragged themselves thither for shelter.他们费力地挪动到那边躲避。柯林斯高阶〔tree〕The hiker was treed by a bear.步行旅人被熊追赶上树躲避。英汉大词典〔turn〕She turned her face away from the camera.她把脸转开以躲避镜头。韦氏高阶〔tyranny〕They came to America to escape political tyranny.他们跑到美国躲避政治专制。外研社新世纪〔volt〕A sudden movement made in avoiding a thrust in fencing.转身躲闪:击剑中躲避一刺的突然运动美国传统〔weather〕The hikers sought protection from the weather under an overhang.远足者在屋檐下躲避暴风雨。韦氏高阶He found the constant media attention intolerable and went to ground abroad for several months.他发觉一直受媒体注意是无法忍受的,于是就到国外躲避了几个月。剑桥国际In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.最后她离家出走,只是为了躲避其母亲专横的管制。剑桥国际She affected a cough so that she could escape from the meeting.她假装咳嗽以躲避会议。剑桥国际She held back from interfering in their arguments.她躲避介入他们之间的争论。剑桥国际She spent much of her time inside the womb of her hotel room sheltering from the gunfire.她大部分时间都待在旅馆房间这个安全隐蔽的地方躲避炮火。剑桥国际The jagged, inland mountains were once the hiding place for locals escaping the endless stream of foreign invaders.这嶙峋的内陆山脉曾是当地人躲避无休止的外国入侵者的藏身之处。剑桥国际The march turned into a scene of bloody pandemonium as the protesters ran to escape the withering (= very heavy and severe) (gun)fire.当抗议者跑着躲避密集的枪弹时,示威游行变成了一个血腥的混乱场面。剑桥国际They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attentions of bigger fish. 它们呆在浅水里以躲避被大鱼盯上而捕食。译典通To escape from police officers the thief weaved through/between stationary traffic on a bicycle.为了躲避警察,这个小偷骑着自行车在停滞的交通行列中迂回行进。剑桥国际Wave on wave of refugees has crossed the border to escape the fighting.一批又一批的难民为了躲避战争而跨越了边境。剑桥国际We sheltered under the overhanging branches of a tree.我们在大树突出的树枝下躲避。剑桥国际




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