

单词 躲避
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bid〕a desperate bid to escape from his attackers 竭力躲避攻击他的人牛津高阶〔bilk〕bilk one's creditors 躲避债主英汉大词典〔bilk〕to bilk the police躲避警察21世纪英汉〔cover〕cover from a storm.躲避暴风雨的掩蔽处。牛津同义词〔cover〕find cover from the storm 躲避暴风雨英汉大词典〔ditch〕a coalition seeking to ditch responsibility for Iraq's destiny力图躲避为伊拉克命运负责的联盟外研社新世纪〔dodge〕kept dodging the reporter's questions. 一直在躲避记者的提问美国传统〔doggo〕lie doggo 静待;躲避风声文馨英汉〔evasion〕the rabbit's evasion of the hounds 兔子对猎狗的躲避英汉大词典〔extemporaneous〕an extemporaneous shelter against the storm 临时躲避风暴的掩蔽处英汉大词典〔flak〕avoid the flak 躲避高射砲火文馨英汉〔flee〕refugees fleeing persecution or torture. 躲避迫害和酷刑的难民柯林斯高阶〔flight〕the flight of refugees from the advancing forces 难民躲避挺进的军队牛津高阶〔helter-skelter〕a panic-stricken crowd running helter-skelter to get away from the tear gas. 争相躲避催泪瓦斯的恐慌人群柯林斯高阶〔helter-skelter〕a panic-stricken crowd running helter-skelter to get away from the tear gas争相躲避催泪瓦斯的恐慌人群外研社新世纪〔hide out〕a gang of thieves hiding out from the police一群为躲避警察而藏起来的贼外研社新世纪〔hide〕hide oneself from the enemy 躲避敌人英汉大词典〔hunker〕hunkered down to avoid the icy wind. 蹲下来躲避寒风美国传统〔hurry-scurry〕dash hurry-scurry for shelter 慌慌张张地奔跑着寻找躲避处英汉大词典〔ineluctable〕his ineluctable fate 他无法躲避的命运剑桥高阶〔makeshift〕a makeshift shelter/grave/hospital 临时躲避处/坟墓/医院麦克米伦高阶〔port〕port the helm; ported sharply to avoid a shoal. 向左转舵;猛烈向左转以躲避一鱼群美国传统〔refuge〕the shelters where women and children took refuge from the bombs女人和小孩躲避炸弹的避难所外研社新世纪〔retreat〕the Prince's temporary retreat from the public gaze 王子对人们对他的关注的暂时躲避麦克米伦高阶〔safe haven〕the idea of the family as a safe haven from the brutal outside world. 认为家庭是躲避外面残酷世界的避风港的想法柯林斯高阶〔safe haven〕the idea of the family as a safe haven from the brutal outside world认为家庭是躲避外面残酷世界的避风港的想法外研社新世纪〔sheer off〕to sheer off from hard work躲避艰苦的工作21世纪英汉〔shelter〕refuge the idea of legal protection against a pursuer or of immunity from arrest: refuge 加上了对被追逐者提供合法保护以躲避追逐者或不被逮捕的意思: 美国传统〔shelter〕to take shelter from the storm 躲避暴风雨牛津高阶〔sneak〕to sneak out of the teacher's check躲避开教师的检查21世纪英汉〔social〕a gregarious person who avoids solitude; 躲避孤独的合群的人;美国传统〔stand〕stand off the challenge 躲避挑战英汉大词典〔take〕take shelter from the storm. 找地方躲避风暴美国传统〔violence〕refuges for women escaping from domestic violence 妇女躲避家庭暴力的庇护所朗文当代




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