

单词 质量
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CHEAP〕cheap but bad in quality 价格便宜但质量低劣的朗文写作活用〔after-sales service〕a local retailer who offers a good after-sales service. 提供高质量售后服务的当地零售商柯林斯高阶〔all-around〕a good all-around pickup truck 质量好的多功能敞篷小货车韦氏高阶〔baddish〕a mediocre to baddish book 质量中等偏下的书英汉大词典〔bitch〕to bitch about the service, then about the bill先埋怨服务质量差;继而埋怨收费高21世纪英汉〔calculate〕calculate mass/area/distance/speed 计算质量/面积/距离/速度韦氏高阶〔caliber〕a school of high caliber; an executive of low caliber. 高质量的学校;能力较低的行政官美国传统〔compliance〕strategies to force compliance with air quality standards 强制遵守空气质量标准的策略麦克米伦高阶〔conservation〕conservation of energy [mass, matter] 【物理】能量[质量]不灭文馨英汉〔deterioration〕a deterioration in quality 质量下降韦氏高阶〔extra〕extra quality 特优的质量英汉大词典〔grumble〕grumble about the quality of goods 埋怨商品质量不行英汉大词典〔guaranteed〕parts of guaranteed quality质量有保障的零部件外研社新世纪〔guarantee〕guarantee a product. 保证产品的质量美国传统〔high〕the high life 高质量的生活韦氏高阶〔inferiority〕the inferiority of the cheaper materials 便宜材料的质量低劣韦氏高阶〔inferior〕inferior quality.劣等的质量。牛津同义词〔judge〕judge the quality of a restaurant 评价餐馆的质量英汉大词典〔low-grade〕low-grade materials 低质量的材料英汉大词典〔marketable〕the legal safeguard that goods must be of marketable quality商品必须达到可销售的质量这一法律保障外研社新世纪〔merchantable〕of merchantable quality 质量符合销售标准的牛津高阶〔meta-analysis〕a meta-analysis of quality of life estimates after stroke 对中风后生活质量研究的统合分析剑桥高阶〔middling〕middlings Any of various products, such as partially refined petroleum or ore, that are intermediate in quality, size, price, or grade. middlings 中档货:质量、体积、价格或等级处于中等的一种商品,如不完全精炼的石油或矿石美国传统〔pitch〕a good/bad pitch 质量好/差的投球剑桥高阶〔public service〕efforts to improve quality in public services 提高公用事业服务质量的努力朗文当代〔quality〕drugs that improve the quality of life for very ill patients 能改善重病患者生活质量的药物朗文当代〔reproduction〕the quality of photographic reproduction 影印的质量麦克米伦高阶〔run-of-the-mill〕a run-of-the-mill product 质量一般的产品英汉大词典〔select〕select on the basis of quality 根据质量挑选英汉大词典〔standard〕a painting that is a benchmark of quality; 一幅质量上乘的油画;美国传统〔subordination〕subordination of high standards to quick results 质量让位于速度剑桥高阶〔third〕thirds Merchandise whose quality is below the standard set for seconds. thirds 三等货:质量低于二等品标准的产品美国传统〔tireless〕unflagging pursuit of excellence; 对优异质量的不懈追求;美国传统〔trade-off〕the trade-off between efficiency and quality 效率与质量的权衡麦克米伦高阶〔unmatched〕unmatched quality 顶尖的质量韦氏高阶〔upgrade〕upgrade products and services 提高产品和服务质量英汉大词典〔upper〕good quality leather uppers 高质量的皮鞋面麦克米伦高阶a major change programme to improve the quality of the company's service 旨在提高公司服务质量的重大变革方案牛津商务a trade-off between increased production and a reduction in quality 在增加产量和降低质量之间取得平衡牛津商务quality standards for exportable coffee 出口咖啡的质量标准牛津商务




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