

单词 质地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕One of the mugs rolled off the table and broke into bits on the stone floor. 一个大口杯从桌上滚落,在石质地板上摔碎了。朗文写作活用〔Comice〕A cultivated variety of pear having greenish-yellow skin blushed with russet-red and yellowish, juicy, fine-textured flesh.世纪梨:一种栽培广泛的梨子,有被红黄褐色和黄色多液汁的质地良好的果肉映红的黄绿果皮美国传统〔Gouda〕A mild, close-textured, pale yellow cheese made from whole or partially skimmed milk.古达干酪:一种气味柔和的,质地紧密的,淡黄色的干酪,由全部或部分脱脂乳制成美国传统〔Gruyère〕A pale yellow cheese, with or without holes, that has a firm texture and a golden-brown rind and is often used in cooking.瑞士格律耶尔干酪:一种淡黄色奶酪,带或不带小孔,质地坚韧,有黄褐色外皮,常用于烹调菜肴美国传统〔SMELL〕Each of the cheeses has its own texture, flavour, and aroma. 每一种乳酪都有其独特的质地、味道和香味。朗文写作活用〔Southdown〕Any of a breed of small, hornless sheep of English origin, having short, dense, fine-textured wool.南丘羊:任一种英国产无角绵羊,长有短而密且质地精良的羊毛美国传统〔TOUCH〕The wood in the table had a lovely smooth texture. 这张桌子的木料质地光滑舒适。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Delicate garments and woollens should be handwashed. 质地精细的衣服和毛织物应该手洗。朗文写作活用〔baccate〕Resembling a berry in texture or form; berrylike.浆果似的:在结构质地或形状上象浆果的;象浆果的美国传统〔bagel〕A glazed, ring-shaped roll with a tough, chewy texture, made from plain yeast dough that is dropped briefly into nearly boiling water and then baked.硬面包圈:一种浇上糖浆的,质地坚韧耐嚼的环状卷饼,由不着色的酵母面做成,只需简单地将酵母面放入近于烧开的水中,然后烘烤美国传统〔banded〕Having bands or stripes of contrasting color or texture.有条纹的:颜色或质地形成对照鲜明的条纹的美国传统〔birch〕The hard, close-grained wood of any of these trees, used especially in furniture, interior finishes, and plywood.桦木:该树木质地硬纹理细的一种木材,尤其用于家具、室内装饰和胶合板美国传统〔blast〕They blasted through several metres of solid steel.他们把质地坚硬的钢材炸穿了好几米。麦克米伦高阶〔bore〕Soft materials bore easily.质地松软的材料钻起来容易。英汉大词典〔californite〕A massive green vesuvianite.加利福尼亚石:一种质地重的绿色火山石美国传统〔channel〕The river has channel(l)ed its way through the soft rock.这条河流已在质地疏松的岩石上冲成一条水道。英汉大词典〔close-grained〕Dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells.木理细致的,纹理细密的:结构或质地细致紧密的,如纹理细密的木材美国传统〔coarse-grained〕Having a rough, coarse texture.质地粗糙的:具有粗糙、粗劣质地的美国传统〔coarse〕Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.亚麻布是一种质地粗糙的布料。剑桥高阶〔coarse〕The fabric varies in texture from coarse to fine.布料的质地有粗有细。韦氏高阶〔coincide〕The cloth had a natural look which coincided perfectly with the image Laura sought.这种布料看上去质地天然,和劳拉所期望的形象完全吻合。朗文当代〔colour〕Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture.经过工厂加工的食品会失去许多色泽、味道和质地。牛津高阶〔complexion〕The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.肤色:自然的颜色、质地和肤色,尤指面部的美国传统〔contrast〕A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。牛津高阶〔cool〕In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable.天气暖和时应该穿质地凉爽而舒适的衣服。外研社新世纪〔coriaceous〕Of or like leather, especially in texture.象皮革的,强韧的:皮革的或象皮革的,尤其是质地美国传统〔distinct〕Gold is distinct from iron.金在质地上不同于铁。英汉大词典〔feeling〕She has a wonderful feeling for texture.她对质地的感受力很强。牛津搭配〔fiddle〕To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous fashion.神经质地摆弄手指或手美国传统〔fluffy〕It's a very fluffy kind of wool.这是一种质地非常柔软的羊毛。外研社新世纪〔fluffy〕It's a very fluffy kind of wool.这种羊毛质地非常柔软。柯林斯高阶〔freestone〕A stone, such as limestone, that is soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting.乱石:一种质地很软以致于不须砸或劈就能被轻易截断的石头,如石灰石美国传统〔frontlet〕The forehead of a bird when of a different color or texture of plumage.(鸟的)额:有不同颜色或不同质地的前额羽毛的鸟的前额美国传统〔gummy〕Having the texture or properties of gum; sticky and viscid.粘性的:有树胶的质地或特性的;胶粘的美国传统〔hand〕Her hand ran over the surface, feeling the different textures.她的手在表面上摸过,感受不同的质地。牛津搭配〔hand〕The aesthetic feel or tactile quality of something, such as a fabric, textile, or carpeting, that indicates its fineness, texture, and durability.手感:触摸诸如纤维、织物、毯子等物时对它们的质地、 品质以及柔软程度的感觉或美感美国传统〔have〕This cloth has a silky texture.这种布具有丝的质地。21世纪英汉〔illuminate〕To adorn (a page of a book, for example) with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering in brilliant colors or precious metals.装饰:用装饰性图案、模型、写成亮色或贵重金属质地的字母对(如书页)进行装饰美国传统〔immaculacy〕The quality or condition of being immaculate.纯洁:纯洁的质地或状况美国传统〔jerrybuild〕To build shoddily, flimsily, and cheaply.偷工减料地修建:劣质地、粗制地且廉价地建造美国传统〔ketchup〕A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成美国传统〔khaddar〕A coarse homespun cloth made in India.卡答布料:在印度制造质地粗糙的布料美国传统〔kosher salt〕A refined, coarse-grained salt with no additives.精制盐:一种精制,质地粗糙且不含任何添加物的盐美国传统〔lignum vitae〕The wood of either of these trees, the hardest of commercial woods.愈疮林材:这种树的木材,是商品木中质地最坚硬的美国传统〔lubricious〕Having a slippery or smooth quality.质地平滑的:有滑或光滑的品质的美国传统〔lustre〕It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.它比棉布和尼龙质地更柔软, 光泽则与丝绸相仿。外研社新世纪〔madras〕A cotton cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern.马德拉斯布:一种质地良好的棉布,通常带有格子、条纹或者有格子花纹图案美国传统〔malleable〕The clay is solid but malleable.黏土虽然质地坚实, 但仍具有延展性。外研社新世纪〔marble〕Resembling metamorphic rock in consistency, texture, venation, color, or coldness.与大理石相似的:在硬度、质地、脉纹、色彩或冷度上象变质岩的美国传统〔materially〕The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.这些布料质地柔软,穿着很舒服。柯林斯高阶〔materially〕With regard to matter as distinguished from form.实质上:关于区别于形式的物质地美国传统〔modeling〕Visual shape and texture of something regarded aesthetically, especially the human face or form.造型:从审美的角度观察某事物的形状或质地,尤指人的脸或外形美国传统〔move〕To make intrusive advances toward; intrude on.侵入:向着某地具有侵犯性质地前进;侵入美国传统〔nervous〕He shifted in his chair nervously.他神经质地在座椅上扭来扭去。麦克米伦高阶〔neurotically〕He was neurotically obsessed with keeping his clothes neat.他神经质地执着于保持自身着装整洁。韦氏高阶〔outsize〕Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕The papers the factory produces are of excellent grade.该厂生产的各种纸品均质地优良。英汉大词典〔peridotite〕Any of a group of igneous rocks composed mainly of olivine and various pyroxenes and having a granitelike texture.橄榄岩:含有大量橄榄石和各种辉石并有花岗岩状质地的岩石美国传统〔perspirability〕The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。21世纪英汉〔platform tennis〕An outdoor court game played with paddles and a rubber ball on a raised and fenced wooden floor that is smaller than a tennis court.平台网球:一种户外场地比赛,在比网球场地小且高四周带围栏的木质地板上用球拍和橡胶球比赛美国传统〔plushy〕Resembling plush in texture.长毛绒似的:在质地上类似长毛绒的美国传统〔poor〕The cloth is of poor quality.这种布料质地很差。英汉大词典〔ratiné〕A loosely woven fabric with a rough, nubby texture.平纹结子花呢:质地粗糙,宽松地织成的呢子大衣美国传统〔rough〕Hessian provides warm colour and a rough homespun texture.粗麻布色调温暖且具有家纺布料的粗糙质地。麦克米伦高阶〔sleazy〕Made of low-quality materials; cheap or shoddy.低廉的,低劣的:用低级材料制成的;廉价的或质地差的美国传统〔soft〕The fabric has a beautifully soft texture.这布质地非常柔滑。牛津搭配〔spavined〕Even by its own spavined standards the native product is poor.这种当地产品,即使按其本身降低了的水准来衡量,也是质地低劣的。英汉大词典〔stock〕We have a huge stock of quality carpets on sale.我们备有大量优质地毯出售。朗文当代〔striped〕Having lines or bands of different color or texture.有条纹的:有不同颜色或质地的线或条带的美国传统〔stripe〕A long narrow band distinguished, as by color or texture, from the surrounding material or surface.长条:狭长条带,如颜色或质地上,有别于周围材料或外表美国传统〔supple〕The cheese has a soft, supple, creamy texture.这种干酪质地柔软弹滑。外研社新世纪〔tape〕A narrow strip of strong woven fabric, as that used in sewing or bookbinding.带子:一种狭长的由质地坚韧的织物做成的带状物,如用在缝纫或书籍的装订中的美国传统〔taste〕Our cheeses are very different in texture and taste.我们的奶酪的质地和味道与众不同。麦克米伦高阶〔taste〕The unified sensation produced by any of these qualities plus a distinct smell and texture; flavor.风味:由这些性质中的任何一种加上某一特别的气味和质地所产生的合在一起的感觉;滋味美国传统〔textured〕This kind of mixer produces light, silky, even-textured batters.这种搅拌机能搅拌出稀薄、柔滑、质地均匀的面糊。柯林斯高阶〔texture〕Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture.芦荟用于润肤霜中, 赋予其美妙的丝滑质地。外研社新世纪〔texture〕Different textures and colours will increase the child's interest.不同的质地和颜色会增加孩子的兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔texture〕Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.蚯蚓吃下大量土壤, 排出富有肥力、质地优良的腐殖质。外研社新世纪〔texture〕She uses a variety of different colours and textures in her wall hangings.她悬挂的帷幔色彩和质地多姿多彩。牛津高阶〔texture〕The cloth was rough in texture.这种布料质地粗糙。牛津搭配〔though〕His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.他的衣服虽然很旧,但看上去干干净净,质地很好。牛津高阶〔tone〕Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.每一块砖的色调、质地和大小也都略有不同。外研社新世纪〔tone〕Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.每块砖在色调、质地与大小上也都略有不同。柯林斯高阶〔top boot〕A high boot usually having its upper part made of a different material or with leather of a contrasting color or texture.“下翻”式高统靴:一种上部通常由不同材料或不同颜色或质地的皮革制成的高统靴美国传统〔tricotine〕A sturdy, worsted fabric with a double twill, used for dresses and suits.急斜纹精纹细毛哔叽:一种有双面斜纹的、质地厚实的精纹织物美国传统〔twitch〕Her fingers twitched nervously.她的手指神经质地抽搐着。牛津搭配〔twitch〕His face moved nervously, in a series of twitches.他的脸神经质地一阵阵抽动。英汉大词典〔wear away〕The softer rock wears away.质地较软的岩石受到了侵蚀。外研社新世纪〔weight〕To increase the weight or body of (fabrics) by treating with chemicals.作加重处理:用化学制品来增加(织物)的重量或质地美国传统〔woof〕The texture of a fabric.织物的质地美国传统〔wool〕A filamentous or fibrous covering or substance suggestive of the texture of true wool.羊毛覆盖物:丝质的、纤维状的表层或物质,表明真正的羊毛质地美国传统Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。译典通In the silence that followed, the audience tittered nervously.在随之而来的沉默中,观众们神经质地窃笑着。剑桥国际Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.亚麻布是一种质地粗糙的织物。剑桥国际She dropped her cup and watched it smash to pieces / to smithereens on the stone floor.她失手摔落了茶杯,看着它在石质地板上摔得粉碎。剑桥国际She found that the coarseness of the cloth irritated her skin.她发觉这布的粗糙质地刺激她的皮肤。剑桥国际She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers.她神经质地用手指把面包掰碎。剑桥国际She squeamishly refused to touch the dead mouse.她神经质地拒绝碰死耗子。剑桥国际The wooden floor had cracked and split (= formed cracks) in the heat.在高温下木质地板裂开了。剑桥国际This cheese has a firm but crumbly texture (= structure).这干酪质地紧,却容易碎。剑桥国际




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