

单词 读者
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accessibility〕literary books that are accessible to a general audience. 一般读者都能欣赏的文学作品柯林斯高阶〔artificially〕the novel's use of homosexuality to suggest the artificiality of all relationships in that nervous city. 小说通过对同性恋的描写向读者暗示了在那个浮躁的城市里人际往来的虚情假意柯林斯高阶〔avid〕an avid cook/dancer/fan/golfer/reader 热情的厨师/舞者/粉丝/高尔夫球手/读者韦氏高阶〔avid〕an avid reader 热心的读者朗文当代〔avid〕an avid reader/supporter 废寝忘食的读者/热情的支持者麦克米伦高阶〔avid〕some of the newspaper's most avid readers 报纸的一些忠实读者韦氏高阶〔aware〕a lively magazine for aware and dynamic young people 以具有参与精神和青春活力的年轻人为读者群的风格活泼的杂志麦克米伦高阶〔competition〕competition for readership with the newspaper 与该报的争夺读者英汉大词典〔confidence〕a magazine that tells the truth and has reader confidence 仗义直言得到读者信任的杂志英汉大词典〔content〕manipulate the contents of the reader's mind 操纵读者的思想英汉大词典〔correspondence〕the correspondence column/page(= in a newspaper) 读者来信专栏/版页牛津高阶〔flutter〕cause a mild flutter among the readers 在读者中稍稍引起轰动英汉大词典〔grip〕a story that grips the reader 吸引住读者的故事英汉大词典〔guide〕guide readers to effectiveness in speech and writing 指导读者改进讲话和写作的效果英汉大词典〔literati〕the Australian storyteller who was loved by readers but disdained by the literati那位深受读者喜爱却被文人学士鄙视的澳大利亚小说家外研社新世纪〔observation〕observations from one reader in Hawaii 一位夏威夷读者的评论牛津搭配〔omnivorous〕an omnivorous reader 什么书都看的读者英汉大词典〔popularize〕popularize technical material for a general audience. 向广大读者普及技术性刊物美国传统〔prurient〕a book that appealed to the prurient curiosity of its readers 迎合读者情欲好奇心的书韦氏高阶〔public〕the reading public. 读者大众美国传统〔readership〕a magazine with a readership of 60,000 拥有 60,000 名读者的杂志朗文当代〔reader〕a book that will be too difficult for the general reader 对一般读者来说过难的书牛津搭配〔reader〕a magazine with three million readers 拥有三百万读者的杂志韦氏高阶〔reader〕a reader of science fiction 科幻小说读者韦氏高阶〔reader〕regular readers of the newspaper 这份报纸的长期读者韦氏高阶〔reader〕regular readers of this magazine 这本杂志的固定读者牛津搭配〔regular〕a regular customer/churchgoer/reader/user 老顾客/经常去教堂做礼拜的人/固定读者/老用户剑桥高阶〔slant〕slant a magazine toward the young 把杂志编得适合青年读者的要求英汉大词典〔style〕a book styled for a general audience 针对普通读者的书韦氏高阶〔tailor〕a novel tailored to popular taste (to a young audience) 为迎合大众口味(为青少年读者群)而写的小说英汉大词典〔tardy〕a tardy reader 阅读速度慢的读者英汉大词典〔target〕a new magazine that targets single men 以单身男士为读者对象的新杂志牛津高阶〔thoroughgoing〕readers who are unhappy with such thoroughgoing materialism. 对这种十足的物质主义不满的读者柯林斯高阶〔tickle〕suspense that tickles the reader's curiosity. 激起读者好奇心的悬念美国传统〔titillate〕titillate the reader's interest 激发读者的兴趣英汉大词典〔uninformed〕uninformed readers 不知情的读者韦氏高阶〔uninteresting〕a topic that is uninteresting to most readers 大多数读者都不感兴趣的话题韦氏高阶〔voracious〕a voracious reader. 如饥似渴的读者美国传统〔widely〕anewspaper that is widely read(=read by a lot of people) 读者众多的报纸麦克米伦高阶〔write〕write down to the juvenile readers 为青少年读者写浅显的作品英汉大词典




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