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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MORE〕Metcalf has achieved 49 touchdowns, far exceeding even those of his famous father. 梅特卡夫取得了49次触地得分的成绩,甚至远远超出他闻名遐迩的父亲。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕She was driving way over the speed limit. 她开车的速度远远超出了车速限制。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The government promised to increase teachers’ pay well above the rate of inflation. 政府答应把教师的工资提高到远远超出通胀的幅度。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕With the hotel, the flights, and the food, it all added up to much more than I had expected. 旅馆、飞机票和饮食加起来以后远远超出了我的预算。朗文写作活用〔a nip (here) and a tuck (there)〕The department made a nip here and a tuck there, but they were still way over budget.这个部门实施了一系列小幅缩减,但他们的开支还是远远超出预算。剑桥高阶〔actual〕The actual cost of the repair was much higher than the estimate.实际的修理费用远远超出了原来的估计。韦氏高阶〔anticipation〕The result surpassed the highest anticipations of the designer.结果十分理想,远远超出设计师的预料。英汉大词典〔beyond〕Our success was far beyond what we thought possible.我们的成功远远超出了我们的估计范围。牛津高阶〔come〕The total comes out at well over £10,000.总数远远超出1万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔dimension〕The President's decision has far more than a narrow, bilateral dimension.总统的决定远远超出狭隘的双边范围。英汉大词典〔expectation〕They've found success far beyond their initial expectations.他们发现,成功远远超出他们当初的预期。牛津搭配〔extend〕Their influence extends well beyond their immediate circle of friends.他们的影响远远超出了朋友的小圈子。韦氏高阶〔far〕I enjoyed it far more than I expected.我喜欢的程度远远超出了原先的期望。朗文当代〔far〕It cost far more (money) than I could afford.这花费远远超出了我的承受能力。剑桥高阶〔gain〕The costs far outweigh any possible gain from the project.成本远远超出了这个项目可能带来的收益。外研社新世纪〔halo〕His halo's tainted: his bribery payments to city officials far outweigh the money he donates to charity.他的光辉形象被破坏了:他贿赂市政官员的钱数额远远超出了他的慈善捐款。外研社新世纪〔head〕I admit that a lot of the ideas went way over my head.我承认那些想法中有很多远远超出了我的理解力。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕They ventured far beyond the limits of civilization.他们的冒险远远超出了文明的界限。韦氏高阶〔majority〕They had a large majority over their nearest rivals.他们所得的票数远远超出名次仅次于他们的对手。牛津高阶〔maturity〕Beth shows a maturity way beyond her 16 years.贝丝表现出一种远远超出她 16 岁年龄的成熟。朗文当代〔outside〕She is a beautiful boat, but way, way outside my price range.这条船很漂亮,但价格却远远超出我能承受的范围。柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕They were well out of pocket – they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned.他们非常缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕They were well out of pocket — they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned.他们非常缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。柯林斯高阶〔spread〕The effects of this policy spread far beyond children now at school.这一政策的影响已经远远超出了在校儿童的范围。牛津搭配〔subscribe〕Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available.员工申请认购的股份远远超出实际可认购的额度。柯林斯高阶〔subscribe〕Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available.员工申购的股份远远超出实际可认购额度。外研社新世纪〔surpass〕Its success has surpassed all expectations.它所取得的成功远远超出了预期。牛津高阶〔way〕The cost of a new car is way above my means.一辆新轿车的费用远远超出我的支付能力。麦克米伦高阶His work was reproduced on posters, leaflets and magazines and reached far beyond the art gallery.他的作品被复制在海报上、传单上及杂志上,远远超出了美术馆的范围。剑桥国际Sports cars such as Ferraris and Porsches are priced beyond the reach of most people (= They are too expensive for most people to buy).赛车的价格,比如费拉利和鲍适兹,远远超出了大多数人的承受力。剑桥国际The apartment was way out of my price range.这套公寓远远超出了我的支付能力。牛津商务The size of the bequest was beyond all (of) our expectations/beyond (all) expectation (= much greater than expected).遗产的数额远远超出了我们的预料。剑桥国际




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