

单词 远离
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAN〕It felt good to get away from the city and breathe in some pure mountain air. 远离城市,呼吸山区清新的空气令人感到愉快。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕Gina moved away from me with a look of distaste on her face. 吉娜脸上带着厌恶地远离了我。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕Tilt the board so that it is sloping upwards away from you. 把这块板翘一下,让它远离你的一端往上倾斜。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕The conferences always take place in grand hotels, away from the realities of life. 这些大会总是在大酒店举办,远离生活的现实。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕It's a wonderful place to escape from the hubbub of London's busy streets. 这是一个美妙的地方,远离了伦敦那繁忙喧嚣的街道。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Stick to the paths, and make sure you keep your distance from nesting birds. 沿着小路走,而且要远离筑巢的鸟儿。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The thunder and lightning seemed to have moved away, but the rain continued to pour. 雷电似乎已经远离,但是大雨继续倾盆而下。朗文写作活用〔alive〕Lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.他迷了路并且远离其他人,要活下去需要作拼死的抗争。牛津搭配〔animal〕Avoid saturated animal fats.要远离饱和动物脂肪。外研社新世纪〔appeal〕The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the area over the weekend.警察呼吁公众在周末远离这一地区。剑桥高阶〔away〕We live a block away from the park.我们住的街区远离公园美国传统〔axon〕The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.轴突:一般传导远离神经细胞体的冲动的神经纤维突,通常为长突美国传统〔back〕Distant from a center of activity; remote.偏远的:远离活动中心的;偏远的美国传统〔booth〕They sat in a corner booth, away from other diners.他们坐在位于角落的一个雅座里, 远离其他就餐的客人。外研社新世纪〔booth〕They sat in a corner booth, away from other diners.他们坐在位于角落的一个雅座里,远离其他就餐的客人。柯林斯高阶〔cloistered〕He spent most of his adult life cloistered in universities.成年后,他大部分时间都在远离尘世烦恼的大学里度过。韦氏高阶〔concrete jungle〕I finally got out of the concrete jungle and moved to the country.我终于远离了混凝土丛林,搬到了乡下。韦氏高阶〔contagion〕He continues to insulate his country from the contagion of foreign ideas.他继续使本国远离外来思想的侵袭。柯林斯高阶〔corrosion〕Check that the terminals of the battery are free from dirt and corrosion.确保电池端子远离灰尘和锈蚀。外研社新世纪〔direct〕Plant in a shady position away from direct sunlight.种植在远离阳光直接照射的阴凉处。麦克米伦高阶〔distal〕Situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as a tooth or tooth surface.远侧的,远中的:远离颌的中前部的,如牙齿或齿面美国传统〔distance〕At a safe distance from the action, General Lewis was directing troop movements.刘易斯将军正在远离军事行动现场的安全地点指挥部队调动。麦克米伦高阶〔distant〕Separate or apart in space.远离的:在空间上分离或分开的美国传统〔distant〕These adjectives mean apart from others in space, time, or relationship.这些形容词都表示在时间、空间或关系上的远离、远隔或分开。美国传统〔distraction〕A weekend at the beach was a good distraction from her troubles.到海滩度周末是让她远离烦恼的不错的消遣。韦氏高阶〔exarch〕Of or relating to a xylem whose early development is away from the center and toward the periphery.(植)外始式的:早期发育远离中心而向外部发展的木质部的或与其有关的美国传统〔exhortation〕Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.肯尼迪劝诫听众远离暴力。柯林斯高阶〔exhort〕Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.肯尼迪劝诫听众远离暴力。外研社新世纪〔eye〕He has kept his family out of the public eye.他一直让自己的家庭远离公众视线。外研社新世纪〔far〕He felt lonely and far from home.他觉得自己孤独寂寞,远离家乡。剑桥高阶〔field〕A military area away from headquarters.远离总部的军事基地美国传统〔formula〕No one has a magic formula for keeping youngsters away from crime.还没人能提出一个让年轻人远离犯罪的良方。牛津搭配〔from〕He is far away from wife and children.他远离妻小。英汉大词典〔get away〕We've decided to go to hiking in the mountains to get away from it all.我们已经决定去山里徒步旅行,彻底远离这一切。剑桥高阶〔glare〕She prefers to live away from the glare of London.她更喜欢远离伦敦的浮华, 居在别处。外研社新世纪〔good〕It looks like Jamie has left for good this time.这一次杰米看起来是永远离开了。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕For parents, it is an easy way of keeping their children entertained, or simply out of harm's way.对父母来说, 这是一个能让孩子们玩得开心或者就只是让他们远离危险的简单办法。外研社新世纪〔haven〕Now they are at the beach and havened from the noises of the city.现在,他们来到了海滩上,远离了城市的喧哗和嘈杂。21世纪英汉〔haven〕The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.这个花园是块远离喧嚣都市的静地。剑桥高阶〔heaven〕It was heaven being away from the office for a week.一个星期远离办公室真是快活极了。牛津高阶〔hermetic〕Their work is more cosily hermetic than ever.他们的作品比以往更加令人惬意, 远离世俗。外研社新世纪〔hinterland〕A region remote from urban areas; backcountry.腹地:远离城区的地区;边远地区美国传统〔hustle〕She waited until they were beyond the hustle of the Washington Saturday night traffic.她一直等到他们远离了华盛顿周六晚上的车水马龙。外研社新世纪〔hustle〕She waited until they were beyond the hustle of the Washington Saturday night traffic.她一直等到他们远离了华盛顿周六晚上的车水马龙。柯林斯高阶〔infected〕Keep away from anyone who may be infected.远离可能被感染之人。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕The part away from the edge; the middle part.中间部分:远离边缘的部分;中间部分美国传统〔insulate〕Children should be insulated from the horrors of war.应该让孩子远离战争的恐怖。剑桥高阶〔interior〕Situated away from a coast or border; inland.内陆的:位于远离海岸或边境的;内地的美国传统〔isolation〕He lives in splendid isolation(= far from, or in a superior position to, everyone else).他过着远离尘世的生活。牛津高阶〔isolation〕The mansion sits in splendid isolation on top of the hill (=it is far from everything and looks impressive) .宅邸位于山顶,远离尘嚣。朗文当代〔juvenile〕She works to keep juveniles away from drugs.她致力于让青少年远离毒品。韦氏高阶〔keep away〕I wanted to keep her away from my husband.我想让她远离我丈夫。外研社新世纪〔keep away〕It's impossible to keep fans away from the flat.让粉丝们远离公寓是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔keep off〕Office workers were advised to keep off the streets.办公室一族被建议远离街道。外研社新世纪〔latecomer〕Latecomers had to park their cars far from the stadium.晚来的人不得不把车停到远离体育场的地方。韦氏高阶〔miles from anywhere/nowhere〕They live miles from nowhere, in the middle of the countryside.他们住在远离人烟的乡下。剑桥高阶〔nappe〕Geology A large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved far from its original position.【地质学】 移动的岩石:被移于远离原先位置的巨大层状岩石美国传统〔nature〕She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature.她非常渴望远离城市, 回归自然。外研社新世纪〔off〕The ship stood off to sea.那艘船远离海岸泊着。英汉大词典〔off〕We need to keep criminals like him off the streets.我们要让像他这样的罪犯远离街头。外研社新世纪〔onus〕The onus is on parents to teach their children not to use drugs.父母有责任教育子女远离毒品。韦氏高阶〔outlandish〕Located far from civilized areas.偏僻的:远离文明地区的美国传统〔outside〕Sports A position at a distance from the inside or center, as of a playing field or racetrack.【体育运动】 界外,外侧位置:远离,如运动场或跑道的内部或中心的位置美国传统〔out〕He lives right out in the country.他住在远离此地的乡间。牛津高阶〔pervert〕To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.使堕落,使走邪路:使远离正确的、合理的或好的事物;使堕落美国传统〔phototropism〕Growth or movement of a sessile organism toward or away from a source of light.向光性,趋光性:无柄(固着)的生物朝向或远离某光源生长或运动的特性美国传统〔publicly〕He has kept his wife and daughter out of the public eye.他一直让妻子和女儿远离公众视线。柯林斯高阶〔rear〕The part of a military deployment usually farthest from the fighting front.后方:军事行动中常指远离前线的地方美国传统〔recreate〕I am trying to recreate family life far from home.我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔removed〕The city remained relatively removed from the worst of the conflict.这个城市相对远离冲突最激烈的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕The land rises as you move away from the coast.随着你逐渐远离海岸,地面不断隆起。韦氏高阶〔safe〕I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.我会躲在一个远离战场的安全地带。柯林斯高阶〔sea bird〕A bird, such as a petrel or an albatross, that frequents the ocean, especially far from shore.海鸟:尤指远离海岸,栖息在海洋上的鸟,例如海燕或信天翁美国传统〔secluded〕Removed or remote from others; solitary.隐退的:与别人分离或远离别人的;孤独的美国传统〔spot〕I chose a spot well away from the road.我选了一个远离马路的地点。朗文当代〔steer〕Ruth attempted to steer the conversation well away from work.鲁思试图使谈话的内容远离工作。麦克米伦高阶〔sticks〕They live somewhere out in the sticks.他们住在远离城镇的边远地区。麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕They were away from home, and in times of stress they felt it strongly.他们远离家人, 面临压力时格外想家。外研社新世纪〔tension〕Stay clear of cables which are under tension.远离绷紧的缆绳。牛津搭配〔touchpaper〕The instructions on the fireworks said "Light the blue touchpaper, and stand clear." 爆竹上的说明写道:“点燃蓝色导火纸,然后远离。”剑桥高阶〔trouble〕I hope Tim stays out of trouble this year.我希望蒂姆今年能远离麻烦。朗文当代〔trouble〕The camp is a great way of getting kids off the street and keeping them out of trouble.让小孩子去度假营是个很好的办法,这样可以让他们远离街头,不会惹是生非。剑桥高阶〔upstage〕The rear part of a stage, away from the audience.舞台后部(远离观众)美国传统〔upwind〕The rich went to live in the west of London, upwind of the smell of people and industry.有钱人搬去伦敦西区住,远离尘世的喧嚣。柯林斯高阶〔venture〕He never ventured far from home.他从未冒险远离自己的家。外研社新世纪〔versus〕It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.那是较好的就业前景与搬走并远离朋友的不便之间的矛盾。牛津高阶〔warn〕Children must be warned to stay away from main roads.必须警告孩子们远离交通要道。柯林斯高阶〔warn〕The snake's markings are intended to warn away predators.蛇身上的斑纹是用来警告捕食者远离自己的。朗文当代〔wide〕The first salvo was more than half a mile wide of the target.第一次齐射远离目标半英里多。外研社新世纪〔year〕In his later years, he drifted away from politics.他晚年逐渐远离了政治。牛津搭配A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. 为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。译典通After a whole hour of driving round, we fetched up at some tiny village in the middle of nowhere.四处开车兜了一小时风之后,我们到了一个远离人烟的小村庄。剑桥国际Life's so much quieter away from the city.远离城市的生活安静得多。剑桥国际She sprayed her name in red paint all over his car in one last vengeful act before leaving him for good.在永远离开他之前,她采取了最后一次报复行动,用红漆将她的名字喷满了他的车身上。剑桥国际The camp is a great way of getting kids off the street and keeping them out of trouble.野营是个很好的办法。它使孩子远离街头,不惹麻烦。剑桥国际The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.这个花园是个远离喧嚣繁忙都市的静地。剑桥国际The locus of decision making is sometimes far from the government's offices.决策地点有时候远离政府办公室。剑桥国际The timing of the announcement was calculated to take media attention away from the factory closures.选择在这一时间发布消息是为了让媒体的注意力远离工厂关闭。牛津商务Time and distance often sunder friends. 朋友久别远离常产生隔阂。译典通We must not forget our boys serving far from home.我们绝不能忘记我们那些远离家乡服兵役的士兵们。剑桥国际




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