

单词 远征
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕All of us knew that the expedition was likely to be extremely hazardous. 我们大家都知道这次远征很有可能十分危险。朗文写作活用〔Myrmidon〕Greek Mythology A member of a warlike Thessalian people who were ruled by Achilles and followed him on the expedition against Troy.【希腊神话】 迈密登:好战的塞萨利人中的一员,受阿喀琉斯统治并随其远征特洛伊美国传统〔Polynices〕A son of Oedipus for whom an expedition against Thebes was raised.波吕尼刻斯:俄狄浦斯的一个儿子,他曾对底比斯发起远征美国传统〔STRONG〕The expeditions behind enemy lines were a tremendous test of one's endurance and nerves. 在敌军后方远征是对一个人的耐力和勇气的极大考验。朗文写作活用〔anabasis〕An advance; an expedition.进军;远征美国传统〔away〕They haven't won a single away game this year.他们今年没赢过一场远征比赛。文馨英汉〔away〕They lost all their away matches.他们输马所有的远征比赛。文馨英汉〔command〕She has command of the whole expedition.这次远征由她全权指挥。牛津同义词〔crusade〕To engage in a crusade.参加十字军远征美国传统〔dangerous territory〕The goal of the expedition is to map unexplored/uncharted territory.远征的目的是勘测未探索过/地图上未标明的地域。韦氏高阶〔disaster〕The expedition ended in disaster, with three people being killed.远征以3人丧生的灾难性结局告终。麦克米伦高阶〔encounter〕They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.两名远征队员受伤,他们遇到了严重的问题。朗文当代〔expedition〕Every scientific expedition was accompanied by a photographer.每一支科考远征队都有一名摄影师随行。牛津搭配〔expedition〕John Franklin's ill-fated expedition to the Arctic 约翰・富兰克林命运坎坷的北极远征牛津搭配〔expedition〕The Canadians agreed to a joint expedition with the French.加拿大人同意与法国人进行一次联合远征。牛津搭配〔expedition〕The army sent a punitive expedition into Mexico.陆军派远征军讨伐墨西哥。牛津搭配〔expedition〕We are hoping to mount the first manned expedition to Mars by 2020.我们希望到2020年人类能够首次远征火星。麦克米伦高阶〔force〕A large expeditionary force is now being assembled.现在正在集结一支人数众多的远征军。牛津搭配〔go〕The story goes that the expedition was a failure.据说这次远征失败了。英汉大词典〔hunt〕A hunting expedition or outing, usually with horses and hounds.狩猎旅行:远征或郊游狩猎,通常骑着马、带着猎犬美国传统〔hunt〕Those taking part in such an expedition or outing.参加狩猎旅行的人:参加这种远征或郊游的人美国传统〔ill-fated〕They started out on the ill-fated expedition.他们出发去从事那次注定要失败的远征。文馨英汉〔impending〕On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.出发远征的那个早上,我醒来就有一种灾难即将来临的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔misconduct〕He misconducted the expedition, losing half the supplies.他对这次远征指挥不当,损失了一半的供应物资。英汉大词典〔mudbath〕The cars in the safari braced themselves for a possible mudbath.狩猎远征汽车队为可能陷入泥沼作好了准备。英汉大词典〔on〕He has been going on expeditions since he was eleven years old.他从11岁开始就一直在进行远征探险。麦克米伦高阶〔ration〕The expedition carried rations to last a month.远征军携带了够一个月食用的口粮。牛津同义词〔seal〕This disaster sealed the fate of the expedition.这场灾难注定了此次远征的命运。外研社新世纪〔unambitious〕This was not by any means a daring expedition into the outback, it was a very unambitious exploration.这绝不是什么冒险深入内地的远征,只是一次平淡无奇的探险而已。柯林斯高阶〔war party〕A band of warriors engaged in fighting or raiding an enemy. Used especially of Native Americans.远征队:从事与敌作战或突袭敌人的一队战士。尤其用于美洲土著居民中美国传统All the members of the expedition to the South Pole died of exposure (= from being without protection against the cold).所有去南极远征的队员都死于寒冷天气。剑桥国际Brian is going on an exploratory expedition to Antarctica (= is travelling there in order to discover more about it) next month.布莱恩下个月将作南极勘探远征之行。剑桥国际Expeditionary forces are soldiers sent to other countries to fight in a war.远征军是战时被派往其他国家作战的部队。剑桥国际For his winter vacation this year, he's decided to go on a safari.他决定在今年寒假参加狩猎远征。剑桥国际General Haig took command of the British Expeditionary Force in 1915.黑格将军曾在1915年统率英国远征军。剑桥国际He took his trusty (= reliable, esp. because of having been owned and used for a long time) bike with him on his expedition into the Himalayas.他带着他那可靠的自行车远征喜马拉雅山。剑桥国际He was designated to lead the expedition. 他被指派率领远征队。译典通He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic. 他参加探险队远征南极。译典通




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