

单词 连续
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔WIN〕their fourth success in a row 他们连续第四次的胜利朗文写作活用〔all-round〕a galley-style kitchen with all-round windows四面具窗、橱柜连续排列的狭小厨房外研社新世纪〔award-winning〕an award-winning author/TV series/design 获奖作家/电视连续剧/设计剑桥高阶〔back-to-back〕back-to-back performances; back-to-back home runs. 连续的演出;连续的本垒打美国传统〔beat〕the sound of a beating drum 连续的击鼓声韦氏高阶〔break〕a 147 break(= the highest possible break in snooker) 连得 147 分(斯诺克中的最高连续得分)牛津高阶〔chain-drink〕a man who chain-drinks Pepsis 连续不断地喝百事可乐的人英汉大词典〔clock〕work round the clock 连续工作一昼夜英汉大词典〔consecutive〕was absent on three consecutive days; won five consecutive games on the road. 接连三天都缺席;一路上连续赢了五场比赛美国传统〔constant〕constant phone calls/interruptions 连续不断的电话/一再打断麦克米伦高阶〔continuous wave〕a continuous wave laser; continuous wave radar. 连续波激光器;连续波雷达美国传统〔continuous〕the continuous frieze of sculpted figures雕像做成的连续横饰带外研社新世纪〔continuum〕a continuum of temperatures ranging from very cold to very hot 从严寒到酷热的连续的气温变化韦氏高阶〔continuum〕the total historical continuum 全部历史的连续性英汉大词典〔everbearing〕an everbearing strawberry 连续结果的草莓英汉大词典〔final〕the final episode of this exciting drama series 这部激动人心的连续剧的最后一集麦克米伦高阶〔headline〕a scandal that grabbed the headlines for weeks 连续几周大字标题报道的丑闻朗文当代〔in〕a radio serial in four parts 共有四部分的广播连续剧朗文当代〔life〕a new TV series in which history really comes to life 一部真正生动地再现历史的新电视连续剧麦克米伦高阶〔long-running〕a long-running TV series 长期播放的电视连续剧英汉大词典〔non-stop〕non-stop entertainment/work 连续不断的娱乐╱工作牛津高阶〔perpetual〕the perpetual noise of the machines 机器连续不断的噪音朗文当代〔play-by-play〕a play-by-play broadcast of a basketball game 篮球赛一场接一场的连续广播文馨英汉〔quarter〕six consecutive quarters of improved earnings 连续 6 个季度的增收牛津搭配〔rally〕a long rally. 长时间的连续对打柯林斯高阶〔running〕a running battle between husband and wife 夫妻之间的连续争执文馨英汉〔running〕films like the record running StarWars 像《星球大战》一类连续放映时间打破纪录的影片英汉大词典〔serialize〕a story serialized on TV电视连续剧21世纪英汉〔serial〕a serial rapist 连续作案的强奸犯朗文当代〔space-time〕a space-time continuum 时空连续体文馨英汉〔speechifying〕five tedious days of speechifying and punditing. 连续 5 天没完没了的高谈阔论和权威评论柯林斯高阶〔successive〕on three successive days. 连续的三天美国传统〔successive〕the third successive day 连续的第三天韦氏高阶〔tap-tap〕the steady tap-tap of typewriters 打字机连续的嗒嗒声英汉大词典〔time-lapse〕time-lapse photography 延时摄影(如对花朵开放过程分割地进行的定时拍摄,连续放映时,就能看到花朵似在瞬间开放)英汉大词典〔top-rated〕the top-rated American television series. 最受欢迎的美国电视连续剧柯林斯高阶〔unbroken〕a single unbroken line 一条连续的线牛津高阶〔unbroken〕eight hours of unbroken sleep 连续八小时的睡眠韦氏高阶〔unbroken〕have eight hours of unbroken sleep 连续睡8小时英汉大词典business continuity services/plans 业务连续性服务/计划牛津商务




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