

单词 这么晚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAULT〕I'm so sorry. It's my fault that we're so late. 很抱歉,我们这么晚到是我不好。朗文写作活用〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕They hadn't meant to stay out so late. 他们不是故意这么晚才回家的。朗文写作活用〔LOST〕Sorry we're so late. We got lost. 对不起,我们来得这么晚,我们走错路了。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Mom shook her head. ‘You can't go out again at this time of night.’ 妈妈摇摇头,说:“这么晚了,你不能再出去。”朗文写作活用〔UNUSUAL〕We were beginning to worry. It was unusual for David to be so late. 我们开始担心起来,戴维一般是不会这么晚的。朗文写作活用〔angry〕He was angry at/with her for staying out so late.她在外面待到这么晚,他很生气。韦氏高阶〔awkward〕The staff wanted to go home and they were getting awkward about a meeting starting so late.员工想回家,但这么晚才开始开会,他们很不合作。朗文当代〔bad〕Really, it was too bad of you to be so late.你来得这么晚实在不像话。牛津高阶〔betray〕By staying out so late, they have betrayed my trust (= disappointed me because I had trusted them not to).他们在外面呆到这么晚才回来,真是辜负了我的信任。剑桥高阶〔between〕At this late hour the buses are few and far between.这么晚了,公共汽车班次稀少,而且间隔拉长。英汉大词典〔come〕How do you come to be so late? 你怎么这么晚才来?牛津高阶〔disturb〕I'm sorry to disturb you at such a late hour.我很抱歉这么晚打扰您。韦氏高阶〔disturb〕I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I don't have my phone with me.很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,我的汽车坏了,而且我没有带电话。剑桥高阶〔do〕What are you doing walking around at this time of night? 这么晚了你还在到处逛什么?朗文当代〔excuse〕I hope you'll excuse me for being so late.我来得这么晚,希望你能原谅。牛津高阶〔excuse〕What's your excuse for being so late? 这么晚才到,你的理由是什么?韦氏高阶〔explain〕This partly explains why he was so late.这部分解释了他为什么会这么晚。牛津搭配〔fancy〕I don't fancy our chances of getting a ticket this late.我不相信这么晚我们还能弄到票。朗文当代〔figure〕I hadn't figured on getting home so late.我没有估计到这么晚才回到家。牛津高阶〔forgive〕Forgive my phoning you so late.原谅我这么晚打电话给你。朗文当代〔for〕Did he give any reason for arriving so late? 他说明了来得这么晚的原因吗?麦克米伦高阶〔fuck up〕You really fucked up this time, getting to work so late.你这次真把事情搞砸了,这么晚才来上班。韦氏高阶〔get out〕Sorry to get you out at this late hour,doctor,but Mother became suddenly ill in the middle of the night.医生,对不起,这么晚了请你出诊,母亲半夜突然发病了。21世纪英汉〔go postal〕If he calls me this late again, I'm going to go postal on him.如果他再这么晚给我打电话,我就对他不客气了。韦氏高阶〔happy〕I'm not very happy about the children being out so late.孩子们这么晚了还在外头,我觉得不太好。麦克米伦高阶〔hate〕I don't like it when you phone me so late at night.我不喜欢你夜里这么晚给我打电话。牛津高阶〔hour〕Who can be calling at this late hour ? (=used when you are surprised or annoyed by how late at night or early in the morning something is) 谁会这么晚打电话来呢?朗文当代〔hour〕Who could be calling us at this unearthly/ungodly hour (= so late at night)? 谁会在夜里这么晚给我们打电话?剑桥高阶〔hour〕You can't turn him away at this hour of the night.天这么晚了,你不能把他赶走。牛津高阶〔late〕Is that the time? I'd no idea it was so late.都这时候了!我不知道都这么晚了。剑桥高阶〔late〕It was no great surprise that you were tired given the lateness of the hour.时间这么晚了,难怪你感觉很累。剑桥高阶〔look at the time〕Just look at the time! I had no idea it was that late! 这都几点了!没想到已经这么晚了!韦氏高阶〔manage〕I don't know how I managed to arrive so late.我不知道自己怎么会弄得这么晚才到。朗文当代〔mean〕What do you mean by calling me at this time of night? 你这么晚打电话给我是什么意思?朗文当代〔mind〕Don't your parents mind you staying out so late? 你父母难道不在乎你在外面呆到这么晚吗?朗文当代〔murder〕Mum's going to murder me for getting home so late.妈妈会因为我这么晚回家而大为光火的。麦克米伦高阶〔nervous〕She was nervous about walking home so late.她害怕这么晚走路回家。麦克米伦高阶〔night〕What is he doing calling at this time of night? 他干么这么晚了还打电话?牛津高阶〔night〕Who are you calling at this time of night? 这么晚了,你在给谁打电话?韦氏高阶〔night〕Who could be calling at this time of night ? 谁会这么晚了还打电话来?朗文当代〔notice〕I must go! I've only just noticed how late it is.我得走了!我才发现已经这么晚了。牛津搭配〔pair〕You are a fine pair coming as late as this! 你们俩来得这么晚,真是一对活宝!英汉大词典〔resentment〕He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.希拉让他工作到这么晚,他很不满。朗文当代〔school night〕I don't usually stay out this late on a school night.明天要上班,我一般不会这么晚还不回家。剑桥高阶〔sensible〕It wasn’t very sensible to go out on your own so late at night.这么晚一个人单独外出是不太明智的。牛津高阶〔skin sb alive〕My mother will skin me alive for being so late home.这么晚回家,我妈妈会活剥了我的皮。剑桥高阶〔sleep〕By getting up so late you sleep away the best part of the day.起身这么晚,你把一天最好的时光都睡掉了。英汉大词典〔sorry〕I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour.这么晚打电话真是抱歉,可是我需要帮个忙。柯林斯高阶〔sorry〕Sorry to call so late.抱歉这么晚打电话来。外研社新世纪〔stiff〕It's a bit stiff to expect us to go out at this time of night.要我们在夜里这么晚的时候出去未免有点过分。英汉大词典〔tap〕At this late hour nobody but a desk clerk would be on tap.时间这么晚了,除了服务台值勤员以外大概没有什么人可供差遣了。英汉大词典〔tardiness〕He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.他痛哭流涕,不仅因为失去了母亲,还因为这么晚才认识到了妈妈对他的爱。柯林斯高阶〔that〕My car broke down. That's why I'm so late.我的车坏了,所以我这么晚才到。剑桥高阶〔time〕Oh dear, is that the (right) time? (= is it really so late?) 哦,天哪,有这么晚了吗?剑桥高阶〔unused to〕I was unused to being awake so late at night.我不习惯晚上熬到这么晚。韦氏高阶〔usual〕It's not usual for him to get home so late.他这么晚回家,不太常见。韦氏高阶〔want〕I don't want you coming home so late.我不希望你这么晚回家。牛津高阶〔would〕It was half seven; her mother would be annoyed because he was so late.7点半了,他到得这么晚,她母亲一定会生气的。柯林斯高阶By staying out so late, they have betrayed my trust.他们在外面呆到这么晚才回来真是辜负了我的信任。剑桥国际I find it hard to focus (=direct my mental powers to a particular activity) when it's so late at night.到晚上这么晚的时候,我发现自己很难集中注意力。剑桥国际I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I was wondering if I could use your phone.这么晚打搅你真不好意思,可车子抛锚了,我不知道能不能用用你的电话。剑桥国际It was very inconsiderate of you to be so late.你这么晚来,太不体谅别人了。剑桥国际Look at the time! I didn't know it was so late.看几点了!我没想到这么晚了。牛津商务My usual train was cancelled. That's why I'm so late.我常乘的那趟火车取消了,那就是我这么晚才到的原因。剑桥国际You don't want to go to bed so late if you're tired all the time! 如果你一直很累,就不该这么晚睡觉。剑桥国际




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