

单词 这么多
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔culture〕the drug culture that is destroying so many young lives today 毁掉当今这么多年轻生命的毒品文化朗文当代〔frown〕frowned on the use of so much salt in the food. 不同意食物里放这么多盐美国传统〔impractical〕the sheer impracticality of collecting DNA from such a large population 从这么多人当中收集 DNA 核酸完全不切实际朗文当代〔lo〕the adventures we have shared for lo these many years 瞧这么多年我们共同经历的冒险韦氏高阶〔pith〕could pith so much of the vigor out of his body能从他的身体抽出的精力就是这么多21世纪英汉〔so many〕issued so many memos each week. 每星期都要印发这么多的油印材料美国传统〔so much〕charged so much a yard. 每码付了这么多钱美国传统




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