

单词 辣酱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Russian dressing〕Salad dressing, such as mayonnaise, with chili sauce or ketchup, chopped pickles, and pimientos.俄式蛋黄酱:一种色拉调味品,(如蛋黄酱)含有辣酱或调味番茄酱,腌菜条和青椒美国传统〔Worcestershire sauce〕Would you like Worcestershire sauce in your tomato juice? 你的西红柿汁里要不要加伍斯特辣酱?剑桥高阶〔Worcestershire〕A piquant sauce of soy, vinegar, and spices.伍斯特郡辣酱油:一种含大豆、醋和香料的辣酱油美国传统〔chutney〕A pungent relish made of fruits, spices, and herbs.印度酸辣酱:用水果、调料和药草制成的有刺激性味道的调味品美国传统〔dullness〕The chutney did little to help the overall dullness of the dish.酸辣酱也无法让这道索然无味的菜变得可口。外研社新世纪〔eggs Benedict〕A dish consisting of toasted halves of English muffin topped with broiled ham, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.火腿蛋松饼:由浇有烤火腿,水煮荷包蛋和荷兰酸辣酱的半个英式烤松饼组成的菜美国传统〔enchilada〕A tortilla rolled and stuffed usually with a mixture containing meat or cheese and served with a sauce spiced with chili.玉米卷饼:一种卷肉的辣薄玉米饼,通常包卷及填充混有肉、奶酪的馅,且常蘸着辣酱食用美国传统〔ketchup〕A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成美国传统〔olive〕If you don't have any chutney, try olive paste.你要是没有酸辣酱, 用橄榄酱试试。外研社新世纪〔pickle〕Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。柯林斯高阶〔pulpy〕The chutney should be a thick, pulpy consistency.酸辣酱应当是浓稠的、糊状的。外研社新世纪〔pulpy〕The chutney should be a thick, pulpy consistency.酸辣酱应该是浓稠的软糊状。柯林斯高阶〔relish〕A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.调味品:加有香料的或开胃的佐料或开胃品,如辣酱或者橄榄美国传统〔slash〕Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子, 再把辣酱塞进去。外研社新世纪〔slash〕Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。柯林斯高阶〔tamarind〕The fruit of this tree, eaten fresh or used in the preparation of chutney, curry, or soft drinks.罗望子:这种树的果实,可以在新鲜时食用或用来做印度酸辣酱、咖喱或不含酒精的软饮料美国传统




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