

单词 近因
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUG〕Danny was recently arrested for cocaine, but he's kept his job and he's in rehab. 丹尼最近因吸食可卡因被捕,但他仍有工作,正在接受康复治疗。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕You made the news recently when you rescued a young boy from drowning -- can you tell us a bit about that? 你最近因救了一名遇溺的少年而成了新闻—能和我们说得具体一些吗?朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕My desk isn't always this messy - I've been working on a major project. 我的桌子不是一直都这么乱的——最近因为在忙一个大项目。朗文写作活用〔brace〕He was recently fitted with a brace for his bad back.他最近因背部受伤戴了一个支撑架。剑桥高阶〔win〕The party is struggling to win back voters who have been alienated by recent scandals.这个政党正尽力把最近因丑闻而疏远的选民争取回来。牛津高阶Intimates (=Close friends) of the star say that he has been upset by the personal attacks on him that have appeared in the press recently.这个明星的挚友们说他最近因为受到报纸上出现的对他的人身攻击而苦恼。剑桥国际The company was criticized recently for its nepotistic recruitment policy.公司最近因为任人唯亲的招聘方针而受到批评。剑桥国际




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