

单词 身长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bring〕The heat brought him out in a rash.炎热的天气使他浑身长满了痱子。牛津高阶〔capri pants〕Tight-fitting, calf-length women's pants, often having a slit on the outside of the leg bottoms.卡普里裤:长至脚踝的妇女穿紧身长裤,常常在大腿底部的外侧有一条小缝美国传统〔condition〕I've got a skin condition which gives me blisters all over my body.我患了一种皮肤病, 全身长满了水疱。外研社新世纪〔hauberk〕A long tunic made of chain mail.锁子甲:用带链子的铠甲制成的紧身长上衣美国传统〔height〕Stature, especially of the human body.身高:身长,尤指人类身体美国传统〔length〕His horse led by a length.他的马以一匹马身长度领先。英汉大词典〔length〕The adult animals reach a maximum length of two meters.这种动物成年时身长最长可达两米。韦氏高阶〔length〕The plane had a wing span of 34ft and a length of 22ft.这架飞机的翼展长34英尺,机身长22英尺。柯林斯高阶〔length〕These fish can reach a length of over five feet.这些鱼身长可超过 5 英尺。牛津搭配〔long-waisted〕Having a distance between shoulders and waist that is longer than average.上身长的,低腰身的:肩膀与腰的距离长于一般人的美国传统〔nowhere〕The horse came from nowhere to win by six lengths.这匹马出乎意料地以领先6个身长的距离获胜。麦克米伦高阶〔piercing〕The animal is covered in long piercing spines.这种动物浑身长满了锋利的长刺。牛津高阶〔rank〕They rank vessel size by length or weight of the ship.他们按船身长度或重量来划分船只大小的等级。英汉大词典〔shank〕These hooks are sharp with long shanks.这些钩身长的鱼钩很锋利。柯林斯高阶〔spine〕Hedgehogs are covered with spines.刺猬浑身长满了刺。韦氏高阶〔up〕Dinosaurs were up to twenty-seven metres long.恐龙身长可达27米。麦克米伦高阶The dog has a long and shaggy coat. 这条狗长著一身长长的蓬松的毛。译典通




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