

单词 身穿
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CLOTHES〕a woman dressed in green 一位身穿绿衣服的女士朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕tall, blond soldiers in immaculate uniforms 身穿整洁军服、身材高大的金发士兵朗文写作活用〔apparel〕photographs of brides in wedding apparel身穿结婚礼服的新娘们的照片外研社新世纪〔armour〕knights in armour. 身穿盔甲的骑士柯林斯高阶〔battledress〕a riot policeman in full battledress 身穿全副战斗服的防暴警察英汉大词典〔camo〕guys in camo and hunting hats 身穿迷彩服,头戴狩猎帽的男人们剑桥高阶〔cap〕a frontier guard in olive-grey uniform and a peaked cap. 身穿橄榄灰制服、头戴大盖帽的边境哨兵柯林斯高阶〔chesty〕men in oversize top hats leading chesty women in see-through evening wear戴着超大高顶帽子的男人们领着身穿透视晚装的大胸女人们外研社新世纪〔clad〕the figure of a woman, clad in black. 一个身穿黑衣的女人的身影柯林斯高阶〔clad〕the leather-clad biker身穿皮衣的摩托车手外研社新世纪〔costume〕actors wearing historical costume 身穿古装的演员英汉大词典〔costume〕men and women in eighteenth-century costume. 身穿18世纪服装的男男女女柯林斯高阶〔dashiki〕a dashiki-clad black politician 身穿短袖花套衫的黑人政治家英汉大词典〔eel〕eel through a small door 一扭身穿小门而过英汉大词典〔fatigue〕soldiers in combat fatigues 身穿作战服的军人牛津搭配〔foxy〕a foxy blonde in a turtleneck sweater. 一位娇媚的身穿高领羊毛衫的金发美女柯林斯高阶〔foxy〕a foxy blonde in a turtleneck sweater身穿高领毛衣的娇媚的金发女郎外研社新世纪〔full dress〕officers in full dress uniform 身穿礼仪军服的军官朗文当代〔funereal〕dressed in funereal black 身穿适于葬礼的黑衣服剑桥高阶〔garbed〕singers garbed in costumes of gold 身穿金色演出服的歌手朗文当代〔gear〕police dressed in riot gear 身穿防暴服的警察麦克米伦高阶〔get up〕an old tramp got up in a velvet smoking-jacket. 身穿一件天鹅绒吸烟服的老流浪汉柯林斯高阶〔gossamer〕wafting around in clouds of gossamer身穿团团薄纱滑步而行外研社新世纪〔haute couture〕celebrities wearing haute couture 身穿高档时装的名人韦氏高阶〔infant〕infants and juniors in their school uniforms身穿校服的幼儿和小学生外研社新世纪〔knuckle-duster〕a guy in a leather jacket and jeans, with a shaven head and a knuckle-duster一个剃着光头, 身穿皮夹克、牛仔裤, 戴着指节金属套的家伙外研社新世纪〔motley〕a motley clown 身穿彩衣的小丑英汉大词典〔posho〕a bunch of braying poshos in rugby shirts 一群身穿橄榄球衫,说话粗声粗气的上流人士剑桥高阶〔regulation〕a noisy cheerful group of people in regulation black parade tunics. 身穿正统黑色游行束身服装、吵吵嚷嚷欢呼庆祝的一群人柯林斯高阶〔rig〕young children who are rigged out in designer clothes 身穿名牌服饰的年幼孩子朗文当代〔robed〕a man robed in black 身穿黑袍的男人朗文当代〔shrug〕to shrug oneself into a sweater缩身穿上了一件套衫21世纪英汉〔sidle〕sidled through the narrow doorway. 侧身穿过狭窄的门道美国传统〔sneer〕sneer at a girl's cheap clothes 嘲笑一个姑娘身穿的廉价衣服英汉大词典〔sombre〕a woman dressed in sombre black 身穿灰黑色服装的女人英汉大词典〔sombre〕a worried official in sombre black. 一名身穿深黑色服装、面带忧虑的官员柯林斯高阶〔swathe〕women swathed in expensive furs 身穿名贵皮草的女人朗文当代〔tacky〕a woman in a fake leopard-skin coat and tacky red sunglasses. 身穿假豹皮大衣、戴着俗气的大红色太阳镜的女人柯林斯高阶〔tweeded〕a tweeded man in his fifties 一个50多岁身穿花呢衣服的男子英汉大词典〔white〕a sailor wearing his whites 身穿白制服的水手英汉大词典




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