

单词 词形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accidence〕The section of morphology that deals with the inflections of words.词形变化,词法:词法学中处理词的词形变化部分美国传统〔active〕Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.主动的,主动语态的:表示句子主语完成或导致动词表达的动作的。用于动词形态或语态美国传统〔analogy〕The similarity between words like “see” and “free” causes some pupils to make the analogy “seed” for “saw”.“see”与“free”词形的近似使一些小学生据此类推,以“seed”去代替“saw”。英汉大词典〔barbarism〕A specific word, form, or expression so used.不合语法的表达:不正确或不规则使用的词语、词形或表达法美国传统〔barbarism〕The use of words, forms, or expressions considered incorrect or unacceptable.不合语法:不正确的或不规则的词语、词形和表达法的运用美国传统〔base〕Linguistics A morpheme or morphemes regarded as a form to which affixes or other bases may be added.【语言学】 词素,字根:词素,它被看作词缀或其它词根可以加上的词形美国传统〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式美国传统〔case〕The form of such an inflected word.变形词:这样一个词形发生屈折变化的词的形式美国传统〔conjugate〕Can you conjugate the verb “to go”? 你能列出动词go的各种词形变化吗?韦氏高阶〔conjugate〕How does this verb conjugate? 这个动词有哪些词形变化?牛津高阶〔conjugate〕The verb "to be" conjugates irregularly.动词 to be 的词形变化是不规则的。剑桥高阶〔conjugate〕The verb 'to go' conjugates irregularly.动词 to go 的词形变化不规则。朗文当代〔conjugation〕Latin conjugations 词形变化相同的拉丁语动词韦氏高阶〔conjugation〕Latin verbs of the second conjugation 属于第二种词形变化的拉丁语动词牛津高阶〔declension〕A class of words of one language with the same or a similar system of inflections, such as the first declension in Latin.词形变化中的一组静词:一种语言中的一类词,它们有相同或相似的词形变化系统,如拉丁语的第一词形变化美国传统〔declension〕How many declensions are there in German? 德语有几种词形变化?剑桥高阶〔declension〕In certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender.词形变化:某些语言中,名词,代词和形容词在格,数和性等方面的词形变化美国传统〔declension〕Rex is in the third declension Rex 属于第三类词形变化。剑桥高阶〔decline〕We had to decline the Latin adjective “brevis” on our test.我们在测试中必须列出拉丁文形容词brevis的词形变化。韦氏高阶〔desiderative〕Grammar Designating a clause, a sentence, or in some languages an inflected verb form that expresses desire.【语法】 愿望的:指明在一个从句、句子或某种语言中一个表示愿望的词尾变化了的动词形式的美国传统〔dual〕An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people.双数格:用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形美国传统〔durative〕A durative verb or verb form.持续动词:持续性动词或动词形态美国传统〔durative〕Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses action continuing unbroken for a period of time.(动词)持续性的:用来表示动作继续一段时间而未中断的动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔equative〕Of, relating to, or being a form of an adjective or adverb indicating identity of degree of comparison.对等状态的:一种指出比较性程度定义的形容词或动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔feminine〕The feminine form of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔feminine〕The feminine of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔frequentative〕A frequentative verb or verb form.反复词:反复动词或动词形式美国传统〔future〕A verb form in the future tense.将来时:以将来时态出现的动词形式美国传统〔future〕The form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence.将来式:用于表示将来动作或状态的动词形式美国传统〔genitive〕A form or construction in this case.所有格词(或结构):这种所有格的一个词形或句法结构美国传统〔govern〕Latin nouns govern adjectives that modify them.拉丁语名词决定了修饰它们的形容词的词形变化。外研社新世纪〔hapax legomenon〕A word or form that occurs only once in the recorded corpus of a given language.罕用语:在一定语言的记载资料中只出现一次的字或词形美国传统〔indeclinable〕Of, relating to, or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected.无词形变化的:无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化美国传统〔inflection〕A pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection.词形变化的规则:形成词形变化的种类,如名词屈折变化、动词屈折变化美国传统〔inflection〕The paradigm of a word.词的词形变化美国传统〔inflect〕In principle, all these words could inflect.原则上这些词都可有词形屈折变化。英汉大词典〔inflect〕Sanskrit, a highly inflected language.梵语,一门词形有丰富屈折变化的语言柯林斯高阶〔inflect〕To give all of the inflected forms of a word; to provide a paradigm.词形变化形式:给出一个单词所有的屈折变化形式;提供词形变化表美国传统〔jussive〕A word, mood, or form used to express command.命令式,命令词,命令语气:用来表达命令的单词、语气或词形美国传统〔metaplasm〕Alteration of a word by the addition, omission, or transposition of sounds or syllables or the letters that represent them.词形变异:一个词的变化,通过音、音节或代表它们的字母的增加、删除或变换而来美国传统〔middle〕Grammar Of a verb form or voice in which the subject both performs and is affected by the action specified.【语法】 中动态的:和动词形式或动词语态有关的,这个动词的主语既是行为主体,又受行为所影响美国传统〔mood〕The subjunctive mood uses distinctive verb forms.虚拟语气使用特殊的动词形式。外研社新世纪〔paradigmatic〕Of or relating to a paradigm.词形变化的:词形变化的或与其相关的美国传统〔paradigm〕A list of all the inflectional forms of a word taken as an illustrative example of the conjugation or declension to which it belongs.词形变化表:一个作为其所在动词变形或词尾变形中的范例的单词的所有变形的形式表美国传统〔participial〕Verbs can take two participial forms, the past participle and the present participle.动词有两种分词形式:过去分词和现在分词。外研社新世纪〔perfect〕A verb or verb form in the perfect tense.动词的完成式:完成时态的动词或动词形式美国传统〔person〕Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.表示某人称的词形:表示这些区别的不同的形式或变化美国传统〔present perfect〕A verb in the present perfect tense.现在完成时态的动词形式美国传统〔present〕A verb form in the present tense.现在时态的动词形式美国传统〔preterit〕The verb form expressing or describing a past action or condition.过去式动词:表示或描绘过去的动作或状态的动词形式美国传统〔principal parts〕In traditional grammars of inflected languages, the forms of the verb that are considered basic and from which all forms of the verb are derived.动词的主要变化形式:在有文法变化的语言的传统语法中,被认为是基本的并从中可以导出动词的所有其他形式的动词形式美国传统〔progressive〕Grammar Designating a verb form that expresses an action or condition in progress.【语法】 进行的:规定动词形式的,这种形式表明进行中的动作或状态美国传统〔proper adjective〕An adjective formed from a proper noun.专有形容词:由专有名词形成的形容词美国传统〔verb〕Do you know how to conjugate the verb 'seek'? 你知道动词 seek (寻求)的词形如何变化吗?牛津搭配




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