

单词 词句
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advisory〕When they published the interview they prefaced it with an advisory note that some of the language used might be offensive.他们发表访问记时在篇头加了警告性的按语,说是其中所用的某些词句可能过于粗俗。英汉大词典〔ambiguity〕They had to change some of the wording in the document to resolve the ambiguity.他们不得不更改文件中的一些词句以消除歧义。牛津搭配〔catch phrase〕A phrase in wide or popular use, especially one serving as a slogan for a group or movement.吸引人的词句:广泛使用的或流行的用语,尤指用作集团或运动的口号的用语美国传统〔corrupt〕These expressions merely corrupt your good English.使用这些词句只能使你本来很不错的英语变得一塌糊涂。英汉大词典〔edit ... out〕All the objectionable words and phrases were edited out of the manuscripts.所有可能引起异议的词句都从手稿中删掉了。21世纪英汉〔excess baggage〕Simplifying my poems means reducing them to essences, stripping them as much as possible of excess baggage and getting down to the basic issues.简化我的诗歌就要将其浓缩至精华, 尽量删去冗余的词句, 一语中的。外研社新世纪〔functional shift〕A shift in the syntactic function of a word, as when a noun serves as a verb.词性转换:如当名词用作动词时单词句法功能的改变美国传统〔gist〕He couldn't fully understand the words, but he got the gist.他虽然无法完全理解所有词句, 但主要意思还是明白的。外研社新世纪〔gloss〕A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.注释,注解:简短的说明注释或翻译,常关于较难的或技术性的表达词句,一般插在备注栏或课文或稿件的行间美国传统〔innuendo〕An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.暗示,影射:词句中的不直接的或微妙的,通常贬损的含义;暗示美国传统〔italicize〕We italicize expressions which we wish to emphasize.我们在想要强调的词句下划横线。英汉大词典〔kike〕Used as a disparaging term for a Jew.犹太佬:用作对犹太人的侮辱性词句美国传统〔long-winded〕The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.宣言长篇大论, 内容叠床架屋, 词句常常含混不清或不知所云。外研社新世纪〔long-winded〕The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。柯林斯高阶〔loophole〕A way of escaping a difficulty, especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance.漏洞:逃避困难的一个办法,尤指在合同或法律词句中的疏漏或含糊不清,提供了一种逃避遵守的方法美国传统〔posy〕Archaic A brief verse or sentimental phrase, especially one inscribed on a trinket.【古语】 铭文:短诗或充满感情的词句,尤指刻于小装饰品上的美国传统〔question〕An expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.问题:征求或要求回答的询问的词句美国传统〔reword〕To state or express again in different words.改变措辞:以不同的词句重新陈述或表达美国传统〔reword〕To state or express again in the same words; repeat.再说,重述:以同样的词句再次陈述或表达;重复美国传统〔rhyme〕Correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse.押韵:词句或诗行的末尾的一致美国传统I knew my father would be angry if he knew I was in debt, and I weighed my words carefully before asking him for money. 我知道我父亲要是知道我欠债了准会生气,所以在向他要钱时我仔细斟酌了词句。译典通The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract. 争议是由合同中模棱两可的词句引起的。译典通




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