

单词 过年
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hogmanay〕A present requested or given on this day.过年礼物美国传统〔MOT〕Her car failed its MOT.她的车没有通过年检。外研社新世纪〔MOT〕My car's just failed its MOT.我的车未能通过年检。朗文当代〔age-barred〕If I wait another two years before I apply, I will become age-barred.如果我再等两年才申请,就会超过年龄限制。剑桥高阶〔grandfather〕The grandfather of Soviet football had also been mentor to the young Mikhailichenko.这位苏联足球前辈还曾经指点过年轻的米哈伊利琴科。外研社新世纪〔half〕You two can't go half. You're over age.你俩不能买半票,你们已超过年龄。英汉大词典〔idealism〕She never lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.她从未丧失过年轻时的理想主义,终生都在为正义事业而奋斗。剑桥高阶〔subscription〕It is available through an annual subscription service.通过年度订阅服务可以买到。牛津搭配Celebrating Spring Festival is an agelong tradition for Chinese people. 过年是中国人持续很久了的传统。译典通




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