

单词 足以
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔KILL〕able to kill you 足以致命的朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕small and not making much difference to something 小得不足以构成影响的朗文写作活用〔adequate〕training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry 足以满足未来工业需要的培训牛津高阶〔bear〕companies with enough money to bear the enormous expense of testing a new drug 财力雄厚足以支付新药测试巨额费用的公司麦克米伦高阶〔competence〕provide one's family with a comfortable competence 使家庭具备足以过温饱生活的收入英汉大词典〔damning〕damning criticism/evidence 谴责性的批评;足以定罪的证据牛津高阶〔damn〕a damning evidence足以定罪的证据21世纪英汉〔detect〕a machine that is sensitive enough to detect tiny amounts of explosives 灵敏度足以检测出微量炸药的机器牛津搭配〔dose〕a lethal dose of radiation 足以致命的辐射量牛津搭配〔dystrophic〕a dystrophic lake (所含滋养物不足以使动植物正常生长的)无滋养湖英汉大词典〔encouragement〕the notion that tax encouragements and the like would be sufficient to increase people's appetite for supporting charity. 认为税收激励政策及类似措施足以提高人们支持慈善事业的兴致的想法柯林斯高阶〔evidence〕enough evidence for a successful prosecution. 足以胜诉的证据柯林斯高阶〔expense〕a claim large enough to justify the expense of insurance policy premiums 索赔额高到足以证明保费的合理性牛津搭配〔extraditable〕an extraditable crime. 一个足以被引渡的罪行美国传统〔flummox〕enough to flummox newcomers who have no previous experience足以让没有经验的新人不知所措外研社新世纪〔illustrative〕a remark that was illustrative of sb.'s attitude toward life 足以说明某人处世态度的一句话英汉大词典〔inadequate〕rail tracks that are inadequate for the loads carried on them 不足以承受所运载货物之重量的铁轨麦克米伦高阶〔independent〕a person of independent means. 一个拥有足以过舒适生活的财产的人美国传统〔insolvent〕an insolvent inheritance 一笔尚不足以清偿债务的遗产英汉大词典〔lethal〕the lethal combination of drugs that he swallowed他吞下的足以致命的药物组合外研社新世纪〔magnitude〕a fall in costs of sufficient magnitude to enable us to reduce prices 足以让我们降价的成本跌幅牛津搭配〔maintain〕food sufficient to maintain life 足以维持生命的食品英汉大词典〔maintenance〕an income that barely provided maintenance.See Synonyms at livelihood 收入不足以维生 参见 livelihood美国传统〔meagre〕a meagre diet of bread and beans 不足以裹腹的面包和豆子朗文当代〔mesh〕a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects. 网眼小得足以挡住小昆虫的网柯林斯高阶〔mesh〕a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects网眼小得足以挡住小昆虫的网外研社新世纪〔might〕a system of which we in Britain might well be envious 足以让我们英国人羡慕的一种制度朗文当代〔monument〕a fitting monument to the men who died in the battle 足以给后人凭吊阵亡将士的纪念碑朗文当代〔nakedness〕enough clothing to hide your nakedness足以蔽体的衣物外研社新世纪〔nature〕food sufficient to sustain (或support) nature 足以维持生命的食物英汉大词典〔over〕enough nuclear weapons to destroy all life on Earth ten times over 足以将地球上的所有生命摧毁10次的核武器麦克米伦高阶〔riser〕a portable riser adequate for a full orchestra 足以容纳整整一个管弦乐队的活动平台英汉大词典〔sail〕boats large enough to carry sail 大到足以扯帆的船只英汉大词典〔satisfactory〕a satisfactory explanation/answer/solution/conclusion 令人满意的解释;站得住脚的回答;可行的解决办法;足以服人的结论牛津高阶〔sink〕trouble enough to sink a much younger man 足以使更年轻的人也感到吃不消的困苦文馨英汉〔skinful〕a proper skinful of food 足以饱餐一顿的食物英汉大词典〔suction〕a vacuum cleaner with enough suction to pick up the heaviest particles of dirt 吸力足以将最重的尘土颗粒吸起的真空吸尘器韦氏高阶〔surface area〕enough paint to cover a surface area of 900 square feet 足以覆盖900平方英尺表面面积的油漆麦克米伦高阶〔taxation〕the inability to levy sufficient taxation to meet the costs of government 税收不足以满足政府的开支需要牛津搭配〔unconvincing〕an unconvincing explanation 不足以令人相信的解释英汉大词典




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