

单词 赡养
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕She runs off with another man, and to add insult to injury demands huge sums in alimony. 她跟另一个男人跑了,更糟的是还索要巨额赡养费。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Because Jean had given up a career to support her husband's career, the court ordered him to pay alimony. 由于琼为了支持丈夫的事业而放弃了自己的事业,法庭就判定他支付赡养费。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕His alimony amounts to around one thousand dollars a month. 他的赡养费加起来每月约为一千美元。朗文写作活用〔alimony〕A great deal of Jeff's money went in alimony to his three former wives.杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任妻子支付赡养费。柯林斯高阶〔commissary〕A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents, usually located on a military installation.补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店:军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施美国传统〔contribute〕The brother and sister contributed to their mother's support.兄妹合力赡养母亲。英汉大词典〔gigolo〕A man who has a continuing sexual relationship with and receives financial support from a woman.靠女人赡养的男人,吃软饭的男人,小白脸:与一妇女有持续的性关系并从她那儿得到财力支持的男人美国传统〔hide〕An old English measure of land, usually the amount held adequate for one free family and its dependents.海得:旧的英国土地测量单位,一般指赡养一家自由农民所必需的土地美国传统〔lie〕It lies upon the eldest son to make provision for his aged father.赡养年迈父亲的责任落在长子身上。英汉大词典〔life care〕The provision of services for elderly people, including housing, health care, and social activities.赡养:向老年人提供的服务,包括住宿、医疗保健和社交活动美国传统〔maintenance〕He pays maintenance to his ex-wife.他付赡养费给他的前妻。牛津同义词〔maintenance〕They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make them pay maintenance.他们不得不寻找那些抛弃孩子的父亲,让他们支付赡养费。朗文当代〔nonsupport〕Failure to provide for the maintenance of one's legal dependents.不履行赡养义务:对某人法定的依靠人不尽赡养的义务美国传统〔obligation〕Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income may be considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.赡养费、子女抚养费或分居抚养费的收入可以视作偿还这一债务的基础。外研社新世纪〔only child〕As an only child, it was her duty to take care of her aging parents.作为家里的独生女,她有义务赡养年迈的父母。韦氏高阶〔palimony〕An allowance for support made under court order and given usually by one person to his or her former lover or live-in companion after they have separated.供养费:按法院命令支付的一笔赡养费,在他们分开后由一个人支付给他或她的以前的爱人或生活伴侣美国传统〔protector〕Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.许多母亲将儿子看成是未来的保护人和赡养人。外研社新世纪〔protector〕Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.许多母亲将儿子看成是未来的保护人和赡养人。柯林斯高阶〔provision〕There are very generous provisions for the mother.这位母亲在物质上得到了很好的赡养。外研社新世纪〔provision〕There are very generous provisions for the mother.这位母亲在物质上得到了很好的赡养。柯林斯高阶〔relieve〕Children cannot be relieved from supporting their parents.子女不能不履行赡养父母的义务。21世纪英汉〔take〕To assume responsibility for the maintenance, support, or treatment of.照料,赡养:承担对…的保养、赡养或治疗的责任美国传统〔the public purse〕People should provide for their own retirement and not expect to be supported by the public purse.人们应当为自己的退休做好准备,而不应指望由国家来赡养。剑桥高阶For years he was having love affairs behind his wife's back and now she's asking for 90% of his income in alimony -- man, payback's a bitch.好几年来他一直背着老婆在外面风流,现在老婆问他要他收入的90%作为离婚后的赡养费---- 唉,真是吃不了兜着走。剑桥国际He has two young daughters and he has to provide for them (= give them all of the things necessary for life).他有两个年轻的女儿,还得赡养她们。剑桥国际He was saddled with a wife and five children. 他负起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。译典通Hunter is the chief support of the family. 汉特是他一家的主要赡养者。译典通She has no children to support her in her old age.她老年时没有孩子赡养她。剑桥国际




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