

单词 赠予
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bounty〕The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.慈善事业完全依靠全体基督徒的慷慨赠予。剑桥高阶〔endow〕The money will be used to endow the museum and research facility.这笔钱将赠予博物馆和研究机构。韦氏高阶〔gift〕The act, right, or power of giving.赠予,赠予权美国传统〔gift〕The child's grandmother had gifted her £10,000.孩子的祖母赠予她一万英镑。剑桥高阶〔grace〕Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.上帝的仁慈和恩典:神赐予人的爱和无偿赠予的保护美国传统〔grant〕One of several tracts of land in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont originally granted to an individual or a group.赠予地:新罕布什尔州,缅因州和佛蒙特州几块授予个人或团体的土地中的一块美国传统〔grant〕Something granted.赠予的东西美国传统〔inscription〕The painting had an inscription that read, “To my loving wife.” 这幅画题有“赠予爱妻”的献词。韦氏高阶〔inscription〕The usually informal dedication of a book or an artistic work.题赠:通常以书或艺术品作为非正式的赠予美国传统〔land grant〕A government grant of public land for a railroad, highway, or state college.政府赠予地:政府准予把公共用地用来建铁路、公路或州立大学美国传统〔manna from heaven〕Your generous gift was manna from heaven.你慷慨的赠予好比天降甘露。韦氏高阶〔receive〕To take or acquire (something given, offered, or transmitted); get.接到:拿到或获得(被给予、赠予或穿送的东西);取得美国传统〔recognition〕He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of (= to show respect for) his years as club secretary.俱乐部赠予他一块金表,以感谢他多年作为俱乐部干事所付出的心血。剑桥高阶〔reversion〕The return of an estate to the grantor or to the grantor's heirs or successor after the grant has expired.归还,归属:在赠予期满后,财产对赠予者或赠予者的继承者或继任者的返回美国传统〔trading stamp〕A stamp given by a retailer to a buyer for a purchase of a specified amount and intended to be redeemed in quantity for merchandise.赠券:由于买者购买了一定数量的商品而零售商赠予买者的一种印有印章的票,并将以付出商品的形式大量回收的一种赠票美国传统〔will〕He willed his entire estate to the church. = He willed the church his entire estate.他立下遗嘱,将全部财产赠予教会。韦氏高阶〔will〕Some things cannot be given away by will.有些东西无法通过遗嘱赠予。牛津搭配He is going to present the town with a new hospital in memory of his mother.他将赠予这个城镇一所新医院以纪念他的母亲。剑桥国际I want to be a giver not a beggar. 我愿做赠予者,不愿做乞讨者。译典通Mr. King liked the lordliness of giving largess. 金先生喜欢慷慨赠予的贵族气派。译典通Shares given to children may be subject to gift tax.给子女的股票可能要征收赠予税。牛津商务She was presented with an engraved silver cup for winning the championship.她赢得了冠军,被赠予雕花银杯一只。剑桥国际The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.慈善业完全依靠全体基督徒的慷慨赠予。剑桥国际




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