

单词 赞美诗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dies Irae〕A medieval Latin hymn describing Judgment Day, used in some masses for the dead.最后审判日:描述最后审判日的中世纪的拉丁赞美诗,用于为死者作的弥撒仪式美国传统〔Ligeti〕Hungarian-born Austrian composer whose experimental works include orchestral, chamber, and choral music.莱则提,吉奥盖·桑多尔:匈牙利裔的奥地利作曲家,其实验派作品包括交响乐、室内乐以及赞美诗.美国传统〔OWN〕This hymn book is the property of Pitt Street Methodist Church. 这本赞美诗是匹特街卫理公会礼拜堂的财产。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕Would you all please stand to sing hymn 106? 请大家起立唱赞美诗106首好吗?朗文写作活用〔Tenebrae〕The office of matins and lauds sung on the last three days of Holy Week, with a ceremony of candles.纪念耶稣受难的赞美诗晨祷:在复活节前一周最后三天的早课经和赞美经,伴随有烛光仪式美国传统〔alleluia〕The cantor sings the Alleluia and the choir then repeats it.领唱者唱“哈利路亚”赞美诗, 然后唱诗班再唱一遍。外研社新世纪〔anthem〕A sacred composition set to words from the Bible.赞美诗,圣歌:从圣经中取词而谱的圣歌美国传统〔antiphon〕A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle.短诗,歌曲:在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲美国传统〔breviary〕A book containing the hymns, offices, and prayers for the canonical hours.祈祷书:教规圣典时刻用的书,包括赞美诗、祭礼和祷文美国传统〔canticle〕Music A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text.【音乐】 圣歌,赞美诗:一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗美国传统〔carol〕Music A song of praise or joy, especially for Christmas.【音乐】 颂歌,赞美诗:表示赞美的歌或欢乐的歌,尤指圣诞颂歌美国传统〔chant〕A canticle or prayer sung or intoned in this manner.赞美,祈祷歌:以这种方式演唱或吟颂的赞美诗或颂歌美国传统〔chapter〕A short Scriptural passage read after the psalms in certain church services.圣经章节:在一些教堂仪式中唱完赞美诗后所读的《圣经》片断美国传统〔chorale〕A Protestant hymn melody.赞美诗曲调:新教赞美诗的曲调美国传统〔close〕The service closed with a hymn.礼拜以一首赞美诗[歌]结束。文馨英汉〔close〕They closed the service with a hymn.他们唱一首赞美诗结束礼拜。英汉大词典〔deacon off〕She deaconed off a hymn.她带头唱赞美诗。21世纪英汉〔gusto〕They sang hymns with great gusto.他们满怀热情地唱赞美诗。朗文当代〔hearse〕Roman Catholic Church A triangular candelabrum used at Tenebrae during Holy Week.【罗马天主教】 纪念烛台:一种尤用于犹太教纪念耶稣受难的赞美诗晨祷中的三角形烛台美国传统〔heart〕We sang the hymn with all our hearts.我们虔诚地唱了赞美诗。朗文当代〔huddle〕The group chanted while they huddled beside the consulate building.人们聚集在领事馆旁, 唱着赞美诗。外研社新世纪〔hymnal〕The band had written a batch of songs in hymnal form.这个乐队曾写过一批赞美诗形式的歌曲。外研社新世纪〔hymnody〕The composing or writing of hymns.谱写赞美诗美国传统〔hymnody〕The hymns of a particular period or church.某一特定时期或某一教堂的赞歌或赞美诗美国传统〔hymnody〕The singing of hymns.赞美诗之歌唱美国传统〔hymnology〕The study of hymns.赞美诗学:关于赞美诗的研究美国传统〔hymn〕A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity.赞美诗,赞歌:对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌美国传统〔hymn〕He liked to sing hymns as he worked.他工作时喜欢唱赞美诗。朗文当代〔hymn〕The service began with a rousing hymn.礼拜仪式开始时先唱了一首令人心潮澎湃的赞美诗。牛津搭配〔hymn〕To praise, glorify, or worship in or as if in a hymn.赞美:在…赞美,神圣化或崇拜,或好象在一首赞美诗里一样美国传统〔hymn〕To sing hymns.唱赞美诗美国传统〔introit〕A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church.圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗:牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗美国传统〔introit〕Roman Catholic Church The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri.【罗马天主教】 应答轮唱圣诗:弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成美国传统〔laud〕A hymn or song of praise.赞美诗或颂歌美国传统〔neume〕A sign used in the notation of plainsong during the Middle Ages, surviving today in transcriptions of Gregorian chants.纽姆符号:中世纪教堂音乐的一种乐谱符号,现存于罗马教皇格利高里赞美诗中美国传统〔paean〕An ancient Greek hymn of thanksgiving or invocation, especially to Apollo.赞歌:古代希腊感恩节或祈祷的一种赞美诗,尤指对太阳神美国传统〔prayer〕Not all Psalms are hymns or prayers.圣歌并不都是赞美诗和祈祷文。外研社新世纪〔precentor〕A cleric who directs the choral services of a church or cathedral.领唱者:指挥教堂或圣公会大教堂合唱赞美诗的牧师美国传统〔processional〕A piece played or sung when the clergy enter a church at the beginning of a service.圣歌,赞美诗:尤指教士在礼拜之前进入教堂时演奏的乐曲或演唱的圣歌美国传统〔processional〕The choir and clergy marched into the church singing the processional.唱诗班和教士们唱着列队行进赞美诗进入教堂。英汉大词典〔psalmist〕A writer or composer of psalms.赞美诗的作者或作曲者美国传统〔psalmody〕A collection of psalms.赞美诗集美国传统〔psalmody〕The act or practice of singing psalms in divine worship.赞美诗诵唱:在神的崇拜中唱赞美诗的动作或做法美国传统〔psalmody〕The composition or arranging of psalms for singing.赞美诗音乐改编:创作和改编赞美诗用于歌唱美国传统〔psalm〕A sacred song; a hymn.赞美诗:神圣的歌曲;圣歌美国传统〔recessional〕Music A hymn that accompanies the exit of the clergy and choir after a service.【音乐】 退场赞美诗:一种在做完礼拜以后随着牧师和唱诗班的退场而吟唱伴奏的赞美诗美国传统〔rendering〕They began with a loud rendering of the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”.他们响亮地奏出“前进,基督教战士们”的赞美诗乐曲,作为开始。英汉大词典〔reverberate〕The cathedral reverberated with songs of praise.大教堂里回荡着唱颂赞美诗的声音。外研社新世纪〔rubric〕Ecclesiastical A direction in a missal, hymnal, or other liturgical book.【基督教会】 礼拜规则:祈祷书、赞美诗集或其他礼拜仪式的中的指导美国传统〔sequence〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn sung between the gradual and the Gospel.【罗马天主教】 继叙经:在赞美诗和福音之间唱的圣歌美国传统〔spiritual〕The congregation sang hymns and spirituals.教堂会众合唱了赞美诗和灵歌。韦氏高阶〔theomachy〕Strife or battle among gods, as in the Homeric poems.神间斗争:神与神的斗争,如在赞美诗中美国传统〔verse〕The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.合唱团只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。柯林斯高阶〔verse〕The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.唱诗班只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。外研社新世纪〔vesperal〕A book containing the words and hymns to be used at vespers.晚祷书:晚祷时用的含有语句和赞美诗的书美国传统Groups of devout worshippers chanted and sang as they walked in procession.一群群虔诚的祈祷者排成队列边走边吟唱赞美诗。剑桥国际He used to give out the bibles and hymn books in church.他过去曾在教堂里散发《圣经》和《赞美诗集》。剑桥国际The minister droned out the psalm. 牧师喃喃地念赞美诗。译典通The wedding service began with the hymn ‘The Lord's My Shepherd’.婚礼在赞美诗“耶和华是我的牧者”中开始。剑桥国际




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