

单词 赞成
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AL〕approval (= the act of approving) 赞成(同意的行为)剑桥高阶〔APPROVE〕to say that you approve of something or someone 表示你赞成某事或某人朗文写作活用〔abstain〕a vote of nine in favour, nine against, and nine abstaining 赞成、反对及弃权均为9票的表决结果英汉大词典〔abstention〕six votes for, three against and two abstentions 6票赞成,3票反对和2票弃权英汉大词典〔approval〕for a person's approval 请求某人的赞成或认可;请示某人文馨英汉〔approval〕show one's approval 表示同意[赞成]文馨英汉〔approve〕to approve the policies of the administration赞成政府的政策21世纪英汉〔argue for〕to argue for the new policy为赞成某新政策而辩论21世纪英汉〔argument〕an argument against (for或in favour of) going 反对(赞成)去的理由英汉大词典〔aye〕the ayes and noes 赞成者与不赞成者文馨英汉〔blow〕blow hot and then cold on the idea 对这个主意由赞成继而变为不赞成英汉大词典〔come〕come out for (against) sth. 宣布赞成(反对)某事物英汉大词典〔concur〕concur in a statement 赞成某项声明英汉大词典〔consensual〕a consensual approach 一致赞成的方法牛津高阶〔contingent〕arms sales contingent on the approval of Congress.See Synonyms at dependent 取决于议会是否赞成的武器销售 参见 dependent美国传统〔cotton〕to cotton to a suggestion赞成建议21世纪英汉〔countenance〕give countenance to sb. (a plan) 赞成某人(某计划)英汉大词典〔demo〕pro-independence demos 赞成独立的游行示威朗文当代〔deprecate〕deprecate hasty action 不赞成匆忙行事英汉大词典〔disapproving〕a disapproving look 不赞成的神色剑桥高阶〔disapproving〕a disapproving look.不赞成的样子。牛津同义词〔exploration〕a full exploration of all the reasons for and against building the reservoir 对赞成以及反对建造水库的理由所作的充分研究英汉大词典〔fair〕an unprejudiced evaluation of the arguments for and against the proposal. 公正地评价赞成和反对计划的论据。美国传统〔for〕committees arguing for increased support of technical education. 赞成加大力度支持技术教育的委员会柯林斯高阶〔held〕to hold with the policy of disarmament赞成裁军的方针21世纪英汉〔ill-disposed〕be ill-disposed toward a plan 不赞成某计划文馨英汉〔no〕give a yes or a no to sth. 表示赞成或反对某事英汉大词典〔pro〕arguments pro and con the proposal 赞成和反对这个建议的论据英汉大词典〔pro〕the pros and cons 赞成与反对的议论或理由文馨英汉〔repeal〕vote for the repeal of that law 投票赞成废止是项法律英汉大词典〔secession〕a vote in favor of secession 赞成独立的一票朗文当代〔show〕to show for a proposal举手赞成一项提议21世纪英汉〔tally up〕to tally up the for and against统计赞成票和反对票21世纪英汉〔tsk〕elicit a disapproving “tsk,tsk” from sb. 引出某人不赞成的“啧啧”声英汉大词典〔unrepentant〕unrepentant defenders of the death penalty. 顽固不化地赞成死刑的人柯林斯高阶〔voice〕voice assent (approval,determination) 表示同意(赞成,决心) 英汉大词典〔vote〕a heavy vote in favor of the bill. 赞成议案的压倒多数美国传统〔with〕an MP who had voted with the Government for privatization 对政府私有化政策投赞成票的议员麦克米伦高阶〔yes〕give a yes or a no to sth. 对某事表示赞成或反对英汉大词典〔yes〕vote yes in the interest of national concord 为了民族和睦而投赞成票英汉大词典




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