

单词 赞同
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DISAPPROVE〕showing disapproval 表示不赞同朗文写作活用〔anti〕pro and anti views 赞同和反对意见英汉大词典〔associate oneself with〕to associate oneself with his advice对他的意见公开表示赞同21世纪英汉〔associate〕associate oneself with sb.'s remarks 对某人的话公开表示赞同(或支持)英汉大词典〔bless〕to be blessed by the priests得到教会的赞同21世纪英汉〔cluck〕clucks of disapproval 不赞同的啧啧声韦氏高阶〔concurrence〕act with sb.'s concurrence 在某人的赞同下行动英汉大词典〔concur〕a concurring smile 赞同的微笑英汉大词典〔construe〕construed my smile as assent.See Synonyms at explain 把我的微笑看作赞同 参见 explain美国传统〔cotton〕cotton to a suggestion 赞同一个建议英汉大词典〔disapproval〕his disapproval of Wallace's conduct 他对华莱士行为的不赞同牛津搭配〔disfavo(u)r〕look with disfavo(u)r on sth. 不赞同地看待某事物英汉大词典〔endorse〕endorse sb.'s proposal (opinions) 赞同某人的建议 (意见) 英汉大词典〔endorse〕policies agreed by the Labour Party and endorsed by the electorate. 得到工党赞同并受选民支持的政策柯林斯高阶〔eye〕eye sb. jealously (narrowly, warily, with disgust, with disapproval, with suspicion, askance) 妒忌地(仔细地,警戒地,厌恶地,不赞同地,怀疑地,斜着眼)看某人 英汉大词典〔favorable〕a favorable report. 赞同的报告美国传统〔favor〕won the favor of the monarch; looked with favor on the plan. 赢得君王的好感;赞同这个计划美国传统〔favour〕favour a proposal (plan) 赞同一项提议(计划)英汉大词典〔frown〕frown upon a scheme 对计划表示不赞同英汉大词典〔incite〕foment civil insurrection. Toabet is to approve, encourage, and support actions, especially those in violation of what is right or proper: 煽动平民造反。 Abet 指赞同、鼓励并支持某些行为, 特别是错误与不正当的: 美国传统〔murmur〕a general murmur of assent 众人表示赞同的低语声牛津搭配〔murmur〕a murmur of agreement/approval/complaint 表示同意╱赞同╱抱怨的低语声牛津高阶〔murmur〕a murmur of agreement/protest 一片低声的赞同/抗议韦氏高阶〔murmur〕a murmur of dissent/agreement/discontent 低声的异议/赞同/不满麦克米伦高阶〔murmur〕murmured his approval. 小声表示赞同美国传统〔negative〕a negative response 不赞同的答复麦克米伦高阶〔nod〕a nod of approval 表示赞同的点头牛津搭配〔nod〕to give a nod of approval/agreement/encouragement 点头表示赞同╱同意╱鼓励牛津高阶〔prepossess〕prepossess sb. in favour of sth. 事先影响某人使其赞同(或支持)某事英汉大词典〔second〕the view that seconded by the majority获得大多数人赞同的观点21世纪英汉〔shout〕a shout of approval that rang through the hall 响彻大厅的表示赞同的欢呼声英汉大词典〔sniff〕a sniff of disapproval 不赞同的哼声朗文当代〔subscribe〕to subscribe to a theory or a course of action.赞同某理论或某行动。牛津同义词〔sympathetic〕to be sympathetic to the party's aims 赞同该党的目标牛津高阶〔sympathize〕sympathized with the goals of the committee. 赞同委员会的想法美国传统〔unstinting〕unstinting approval. 毫不保留的赞同美国传统〔unwary〕seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence 诱使掉以轻心的读者轻易默认赞同英汉大词典〔vote〕voted yes on the motion; voting against the measure. 对这项运动上投赞同票;投票反对提案美国传统〔wholehearted〕wholehearted approval.See Synonyms at sincere 全心全意的赞同 参见 sincere美国传统〔win〕win sb. over to a policy 说服某人赞同一项政策英汉大词典




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