

单词 这幢
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUILD/BUILDING〕This elegant two-storey stone building was constructed in 1889. 这幢两层高的漂亮石屋建于1889年。朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕The building was very plain with hardly any decoration at all. 这幢建筑相当简朴,几乎没有什么装饰。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The most distinctive feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof. 这幢建筑最与众不同的特点是它那巨大的拱形屋顶。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Visitors have been told the building will be used as a museum. 参观者被告知这幢建筑将被用作博物馆。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕The building seems out of place among the towering redwood trees. 这幢大楼在这些参天的红杉中显得很不相称。朗文写作活用〔IN ORDER TO〕We bought the cottage with a view to settling down there after retirement. 我们买下这幢乡间小屋是为了退休后到那里居住。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The building was converted into flats with the aid of an urban development grant. 靠着一笔城市发展拨款的帮助,这幢大楼被改建成了公寓房。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Immediately after they were shown the property, they made an offer of $165,000. 他们看了这幢物业之后,立即出价165,000美元。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕They have posted guards at every door to make sure no one enters the building. 他们已在每道门前设置了警卫,以确保没有人能够进入这幢大楼。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Do you know the date when the house was built? 你知不知道这幢房子的建造日期?朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The building should be completed on schedule. 这幢建筑应该能按时建成。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕The house is now worth double the amount we paid for it. 这幢房子的价值比我们当初买下时翻了一番。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕We've set our hearts on this little house in the country. 我们渴望得到这幢乡村小屋。朗文写作活用〔abut against〕The house abuts against the mountain side.这幢房屋倚在山腰上。21世纪英汉〔architect〕The building is well architected.这幢大楼造得很好。21世纪英汉〔bracing〕The bracing supporting the building is perfectly adequate.这幢楼房的支撑结构非常牢固。外研社新世纪〔break〕Paying for the house will just about break me.为了买下这幢房子,我差不多非倾家荡产不可。英汉大词典〔come〕We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.我们想买这幢房子,但拿不出这笔现款。朗文当代〔command〕The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the building.消防专员开始指挥,命令大家离开这幢建筑。朗文当代〔condition〕The house is in (a) good condition outside but inside its condition is poor.这幢房子外表很好,但里面很差。英汉大词典〔control〕A thermostat controls the temperature in the building.恒温器控制着这幢大楼的温度。朗文当代〔destroy〕The building was destroyed by fire last year.这幢大楼去年被大火烧毁了。牛津搭配〔disrepair〕After years of neglect, the house fell into disrepair.这幢房子多年无人管理,已经破败不堪。韦氏高阶〔distance〕She felt she had to put some distance between herself and the house (=go quite a long way away from it) .她觉得自己得离这幢房子远些。朗文当代〔do〕This house could do with painting.这幢房子需要漆一下了。英汉大词典〔early〕The building should be finished early next year.这幢楼应在明年初完工。朗文当代〔face〕They faced the building with marble.他们用大理石给这幢建筑做外墙。韦氏高阶〔foot〕The house is 275 feet above sea level.这幢房子在海平面以上275英尺。麦克米伦高阶〔forbidden〕Smoking is forbidden in all parts of the building.这幢大楼全楼都禁止吸烟。麦克米伦高阶〔forensic〕Forensic experts searched the house.法医专家搜查了这幢房子。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕He gained entry to the building by showing a fake pass.他出示了一张伪造的通行证就进入了这幢大楼。麦克米伦高阶〔gaudy〕They bought the house for a gaudy sum.他们花大价钱买了这幢房子。韦氏高阶〔hold〕This house holds up well despite its age.这幢房子虽老,但仍完好地矗立着。英汉大词典〔increase〕The house increased in value.这幢房子增值了。韦氏高阶〔installation〕The building was turned into a secret military installation.这幢楼被改造成了一处秘密军事设施。外研社新世纪〔involve〕Renovating the house involved hiring a contractor.翻新这幢房子需要雇个承包商。韦氏高阶〔joke〕She wasn't joking (= she was serious) when she said she was going to move out of the house.她说本周末将搬出这幢房子是认真的。剑桥高阶〔large〕The house had an exceptionally large garden.这幢房子有一个非常大的花园。麦克米伦高阶〔lease〕The building was leased to a health club.这幢大楼租给了一个健身俱乐部。朗文当代〔maintain〕The house costs a fortune to maintain.维修这幢房子的花销不菲。外研社新世纪〔maintain〕This apartment house is well maintained.这幢公寓房屋保养得很好。英汉大词典〔man〕Hundreds of men, women and children crowded into the building.数百名男人、女人和孩子挤进了这幢建筑物。英汉大词典〔may〕May he never set foot in this house again.但愿他永远不再走进这幢房子。英汉大词典〔modernist〕The building is impeccably modernist: glass, aluminium, and grey.这幢建筑毋庸置疑是现代主义风格:使用玻璃、铝材和灰色调。外研社新世纪〔neglect〕The building has been neglected for years.这幢楼已多年无人看管了。韦氏高阶〔old-fashioned〕The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.这幢房子死气沉沉、风格过时并且破败不堪。柯林斯高阶〔ooze〕The Elizabethan house oozes charm.这幢伊丽莎白时期的房子散发着迷人的魅力。外研社新世纪〔ooze〕The Elizabethan house oozes charm.这幢伊丽莎白时期的房子散发着迷人的魅力。柯林斯高阶〔open〕The owners of the building want to sell and are open to offers.这幢大楼的业主们想把房子卖掉并乐意接受报价。朗文当代〔orientation〕The building has an east-west orientation (= it is built on a line between east and west).这幢大楼是东西向的。剑桥高阶〔originally〕The building was originally used as a prison.这幢建筑最早是当监狱用的。朗文当代〔outside〕The house looks larger when looked at from the outside.这幢房子从外面看显得更大些。剑桥高阶〔painting〕When we bought the house, we had to do a lot of painting and redecorating.我们买下这幢房子的时候,不得不好好油漆装修一番。剑桥高阶〔partly〕The house is partly owned by her father.她父亲拥有这幢房子的部分产权。剑桥高阶〔photograph〕He wants to take some photographs of the house.他想给这幢房子拍一些照片。柯林斯高阶〔possibility〕This old building has some intriguing possibilities.这幢老建筑物有一些很吸引人的开发潜质。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕The farmhouse is priced at £195,000.这幢农舍标价为195000英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔sheer〕The sheer size of the building took his breath away.这幢建筑的规模之大让他叹为观止。外研社新世纪〔shine〕The house is a shining example of Art Deco architecture.这幢房子是艺术装饰派建筑的杰出典范。朗文当代〔showpiece〕The house is an architectural showpiece.这幢房子是建筑学的典范。韦氏高阶〔shudder〕The building gave a sudden shudder .这幢大楼突然颤动了一下。朗文当代〔sight〕The house is hidden from sight behind trees.这幢房子隐藏在树林后面,外人看不见。朗文当代〔silent〕The large house was silent and lonely.这幢大房子寂静而荒凉。朗文当代〔straight〕There wasn't a single straight wall in the building.这幢楼里连一面平直的墙都没有。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕The house suffered superficial damage from the flood.这幢房子由于水灾外表受损。麦克米伦高阶〔swarm〕Swarms of police officers surrounded the building.大批警察包围了这幢楼。麦克米伦高阶〔tenant〕This old house has not been tenanted for three years.这幢旧房已有3年无人居住。英汉大词典〔tornado〕The building was badly damaged in a tornado.这幢建筑物在龙卷风中遭到严重破坏。牛津搭配〔track〕The movie ends with a long tracking shot around the deserted house.影片的结尾场景是一个围绕这幢废弃房子拍摄的跟踪长镜头。剑桥高阶〔tract〕The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.这幢房子周围是大片的林地。剑桥高阶〔undervalue〕The company had undervalued the building by £20,000.公司把这幢大楼低估了两万英镑。剑桥高阶〔way〕A number of houses would have to be demolished to make way for the new building.建这幢新大楼将不得不推倒一些房子。柯林斯高阶〔wheelchair〕The building isn't designed very well from the point of view of wheelchair access.在轮椅通道方面,这幢大楼设计得并不是太好。剑桥高阶Before the bank was willing to lend him money, it had to verify that he was the true owner of the house. 银行先得核实他确是这幢房子的主人,然后才肯借钱给他。译典通I asked a contractor to estimate for the repair of the house. 我请了承包商估计修缮这幢房子的费用。译典通I find this building really disorientating --I'm always going through the wrong door.我发现这幢建筑真叫人晕头转向----我老是走错门。剑桥国际It is believed that the building was set alight/ablaze/on fire deliberately.据信,有人故意放火烧这幢楼。剑桥国际Plumbers, carpenters, and other workmen finished the new house quickly. 管道工、木工及其他工匠很快完成了这幢新房子。译典通Stretcher-bearers ran in and out of the building as firefighters struggled to put out the blaze.当消防队员奋力扑灭大火时,担架手在这幢建筑物内跑进跑出。剑桥国际The 200-year-old mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt countryside.这幢有200年历史的豪宅坐落在面积为90英亩、自然美尚未遭到破坏的乡村地区。剑桥国际The building is closed until further notice (= until another official announcement is made).这幢大楼在另一份正式的通告宣布之前一直关闭着。剑桥国际The building was burned to the ground (= completely destroyed by fire) ten years ago.这幢建筑十年前被烧毁。剑桥国际The building was officially opened by Their (Royal) Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.威尔士亲王和王妃殿下为这幢大楼举行正式揭幕典礼。剑桥国际The building was said to be haunted by the ghost of a leper woman. 据说这幢大楼常有一个痲疯病女人的鬼魂出没。译典通The film ends with a long tracking shot around the deserted house.影片以一连串长长的围绕着这幢废弃的房子的跟踪镜头告终。剑桥国际The house has a large master bedroom with its own bathroom.这幢房子有一间很大的带浴室的主卧室。剑桥国际The house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms, one en suite (= joined to a bedroom).这幢房子有四间卧室和两间浴室,其中一间浴室与卧室相连。剑桥国际The house has many original features including oak doors and panelling.这幢房子有很多新颖独到的特点,包括橡木门和嵌板工艺。剑桥国际The house hasn't been occupied (= lived in) by anyone for a few months.这幢房子已经有几个月没人住了。剑桥国际The house is surrounded by trees, so it's not overlooked at all (= it cannot be seen from any other buildings).这幢房子被树木包围着,所以从任何一处都不能俯视它。剑桥国际The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.这幢房子被一大片林地环绕。剑桥国际The once-beautiful building is now covered with grime from the city streets.这幢曾经漂亮的大楼现在积了一层来自马路上的灰尘。剑桥国际The people in the house had died from inhaling noxious smoke/fumes.这幢房子里的人因吸入了有毒的烟/浓烟而死亡。剑桥国际The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.警察奉命在这幢大楼及周围地区巡逻。剑桥国际The scaffolding has been put up in readiness for the repair work on the building.脚手架已搭建起来供这幢房子修缮之用。剑桥国际The upkeep of the large house is more than she can afford. 维修这幢大房子不是她能负担得起的。译典通We live in the top half of the house but the downstairs is for sale.我们住在这幢房子的上半部分,楼下供出售。剑桥国际We'd been living in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall.我们在这幢房子住了一个月后,墙上就开始出现黑色污迹。剑桥国际We've lived in this house for twenty years, so we're well dug in.我们在这幢房子住了有20年,因而算是安家落户了。剑桥国际When we bought the house, we had to do a lot of painting and redecoration.我们买下这幢房子的时候,不得不大大油漆重新装修一番。剑桥国际




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