

单词 辛迪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Cindy always sulks when I won't buy her any candy. 我不给辛迪买糖的话她总会生闷气。朗文写作活用〔BACK〕Cindi backed up the car and stopped in front of the door. 辛迪把车倒到门前。朗文写作活用〔BETWEEN〕Cindy and Marcia sat at either end of the sofa with me in the middle. 辛迪和马西娅分别坐在沙发两头,我在中间。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕The doctor did his best to reassure us that Cindy would be all right. 那位医生尽力安慰我们说辛迪会没事的。朗文写作活用〔NEXT TO〕Cindy's house was next to ours. 辛迪家在我们家隔壁。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Jay and Cindy entered the dance competition for fun - they had no idea they would win. 杰伊和辛迪参加跳舞比赛只是玩玩而已,他们没想到会获胜。朗文写作活用〔beauty〕He met a blonde beauty named Cindy.他遇到一位金发碧眼的美女,叫辛迪。牛津搭配〔boilerplate〕Journalistic material, such as syndicated features, available in plate or mat form.纸型材料:图版或纸型形式的新闻材料,如报业辛迪加提供的专栏美国传统〔capo〕The head of a branch of an organized crime syndicate.黑社会老大,头目:有组织的犯罪辛迪加的一个部门头领美国传统〔class〕Cindy's taking a class on dealing with stress.辛迪在参加一门克服精神压力的课程。朗文当代〔devour〕Cindy felt devoured by jealousy.辛迪心里充满了妒忌。朗文当代〔first〕Cindy and Joe arrived first.辛迪和乔最早到达。朗文当代〔hustle〕Cindy's not a great player, but she really hustles.辛迪不能算是一位很优秀的球员,但是她非常努力。朗文当代〔lash〕Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside.辛迪把她的快艇系在旁边。柯林斯高阶〔lash〕Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside.辛迪把摩托艇系泊在旁边。外研社新世纪〔off〕Cindy was playing with the doll when its leg fell off.辛迪在玩布娃娃时,布娃娃的腿掉了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔preoccupied〕What's wrong with Cindy? She seems a little preoccupied.辛迪怎么了?她好像有点心事重重。朗文当代〔rub〕Cindy's new shoes were rubbing and giving her blisters.辛迪的新鞋子磨得她的脚都起了水泡。麦克米伦高阶〔syndicatable〕Several firms of mechanical engineering have been syndicated.几家机械工程公司已组成了机械工程辛迪加。21世纪英汉〔syndicatable〕They syndicated our factory.他们已把我们的工厂置于辛迪加的管理之下。21世纪英汉〔syndicate〕A company consisting of a number of separate newspapers; a newspaper chain.报刊辛迪加:由几家报刊分社组成的公司;报刊连锁公司美国传统〔syndicate〕A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities.罪犯辛迪加:操纵有组织的犯罪活动的歹徒的松散的团美国传统〔syndicate〕A syndicate of banks is/are financing the deal.一个银行辛迪加将为这笔交易提供资金。剑桥高阶〔syndicate〕An agency that sells articles, features, or photographs for publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals simultaneously.稿件辛迪加:向各报纸或期刊同时出售稿件、专稿或照片以供同时发表的机构美国传统〔syndicate〕An association of people or firms authorized to undertake a duty or transact specific business.辛迪加:授权承担某项责任或进行特定的商业交易的人们或公司的联合体美国传统〔syndicate〕Her show is syndicated on all the local television networks.她的节目通过电视网辛迪卖给了所有的地方电视台播出。麦克米伦高阶〔syndicate〕The series appeared in syndication throughout the 1960s.在20世纪60年代,电视系列剧开始通过电视网辛迪加在各个电视台播放。麦克米伦高阶〔syndicate〕To join together in a syndicate.联合成辛迪加美国传统〔syndicate〕To organize into or manage as a syndicate.把…组成辛迪加,把…置于辛迪的管理之下美国传统〔syndicate〕To sell (a comic strip or column, for example) through a syndicate for simultaneous publication in newspapers or periodicals.为了在多家报纸或期刊上同时发表,通过稿件辛迪加而出售(连环漫画或幽默小栏目等)美国传统〔syndicate〕To sell shares in.(向辛迪加)出售股票美国传统〔terrific〕Cindy has a terrific personality.辛迪性格很好。麦克米伦高阶〔trample〕Cindy was tired of being trampled underfoot by her colleagues.辛迪厌烦被同事不公正地对待。麦克米伦高阶〔undress〕Cindy was wandering about her room in a state of undress .辛迪光着身子在自己房间里走来走去。朗文当代〔vacant〕Cindy was staring vacantly into space.辛迪茫然地凝视着前方。朗文当代〔wobble〕Cindy wobbled along the street on her bike.辛迪在街上摇摇晃晃地骑着自行车。朗文当代A lot of race-horses are owned by syndicates.许多赛马归辛迪加所有。剑桥国际A syndicate of banks is/are financing the deal.一个银行辛迪加正在资助这笔交易。剑桥国际Cindy had a fright when her car skidded but she came to no harm (=was not hurt).辛迪的车轮打滑把她吓了一跳,但她没有受伤。剑桥国际Cindy is a real fun person (=is energetic and enjoyable to be with).辛迪真是个在相处中令人感到愉快的人。剑桥国际Cindy was chosen to be the homecoming queen (=female student who leads the celebration) for this year's alumni reunion.辛迪被选为今年校友聚会的女主持。剑桥国际He continues to write a syndicated newspaper column.他一直通过稿件辛迪加在多家报纸上同时发表专栏文章。剑桥国际Her weekly column is syndicated in 200 newspapers throughout North America.她的每周专栏通过稿件辛迪加在全北美的200家报纸上同时发表。剑桥国际It's a very beautiful village where Cindy and Tony live but it's very out of the way.辛迪和托尼住的地方是一个十分美丽的村庄,但非常偏远。剑桥国际Sally and Cindy were both born under the Crab.萨莉和辛迪都出生于巨蟹座时段。剑桥国际The bank syndicated the loan to five other banks to cut the risk.这家银行向其他五家银行提供辛迪加贷款以降低风险。牛津商务The loan was so large it had to be syndicated (= shared between several banks).贷款数额太大,只能组成辛迪加统一办理。剑桥国际The president has announced new measures for fighting organized crime and drug syndicates.总统宣布了打击有组织的犯罪和毒品贩卖辛迪加的新措施。剑桥国际




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