

单词 辛苦工作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFICULT〕Let your mother sit down. She's had a hard day at work. 让你妈坐下吧,她辛苦工作一天了。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕When I come home from a hard day at work, I don't feel like talking to anyone. 我辛苦工作了一天,回到家里后不想和任何人说话。朗文写作活用〔appreciation〕The chairman asked me to express our appreciation of all your hard work.主席要我对大家的辛苦工作表示感谢。朗文当代〔bacon〕He worked hard all week to bring home the bacon for his family.为了赚钱养家他一周都在辛苦工作。韦氏高阶〔beer〕After a hard day's work I enjoy a beer or two.辛苦工作一天下来我喜欢喝一两杯啤酒。剑桥高阶〔distraction〕After a spell of hard work I found boating a wholesome distraction.在辛苦工作一段时间后,我觉得划船是有益的消遣。英汉大词典〔doctor〕After a hard day at work a nice meal at home is just what the doctor ordered.辛苦工作一天之后,需要的正是在家享受一顿美餐。英汉大词典〔dose〕Her parents hoped a daily dose of hard work would keep her out of trouble.她的父母希望每日的辛苦工作能让她远离困境。韦氏高阶〔enjoy the fruits of your labor/labors〕She worked hard for many years, but now she has retired and is able to enjoy the fruits of her labor/labors.她辛苦工作多年,现在退休了,终于可以享受自己的劳动果实了。韦氏高阶〔hair〕We work hard all week, so when Friday comes we like to let our hair down a little and have some fun.我们辛苦工作了一周,所以周五时大家都想放松一下,找点乐子。韦氏高阶〔hard〕After a hard day at work, I just want to come home and put my feet up.一天辛苦工作之后,我只想回家休息。朗文当代〔hard〕After a hard day's work, I just didn't want to get my books out in the evening and study.辛苦工作一天之后, 到了晚上我一点都不想拿出书来学习。外研社新世纪〔hard〕I need to relax at the end of a hard day.辛苦工作一天后我需要放松一下。麦克米伦高阶〔immigrant〕Like many first-generation immigrants, they worked hard and saved most of their earnings.和许多第一代移民一样,他们辛苦工作并把赚到的钱大部分都存起来。牛津搭配〔insult〕Such low wages are an insult to hard-working employees.这么低的工资对辛苦工作的雇员来说是种侮辱。麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕All his months of hard work had led nowhere.他几个月以来的辛苦工作都是徒劳。麦克米伦高阶〔moil〕To toil; slave.劳动:辛苦工作;做苦工美国传统〔obsolete〕The philosophy of the traditional career path – toiling your way to the top of the company ladder – is an obsolete concept.关于职业道路的传统观点——辛苦工作以晋升为公司高层——是一种已经过时的观念。外研社新世纪〔pamper〕Why not pamper yourself after a hard day with a hot bath scented with oils? 一天辛苦工作下来为什么不善待一下自己,在散发着精油芳香的水里泡个热水澡呢?剑桥高阶〔plate〕I worked hard for what I've got. It wasn't handed to me on a plate.我现在拥有的是我辛苦工作换来的,并不是人家拱手相送的。朗文当代〔product〕The report was the product of four years' hard work.那份报告是四年辛苦工作的成果。朗文当代〔ravenous〕He felt ravenous after a day's hard work.他在辛苦工作一天之后感到肚子饿极了。英汉大词典〔recreation〕We deserve some recreation after working hard.辛苦工作之后,我们该有一点娱乐。牛津同义词〔restorative〕After a hard day at the office, a hot bath is a welcome restorative.在办公室辛苦工作了一天后,泡个热水澡真是舒爽提神。剑桥高阶〔reward〕The prize was a just reward for all his hard work.奖品是他所有辛苦工作应得的报偿。麦克米伦高阶〔sane〕The only thing which keeps me sane after a hard day in the office is jogging! 在办公室辛苦工作一天后,唯一能使我保持头脑清醒的方法就是慢跑。剑桥高阶〔save〕Save yourself for tomorrow's hard work.为明天的辛苦工作养精蓄锐吧。文馨英汉〔show〕The gift is intended to show our appreciation for all your hard work.这份礼物是用来表示我们对您所做出的一切辛苦工作的谢意。麦克米伦高阶〔slog〕After a day slogging away at work, I need to relax.辛苦工作了一天,我需要放松一下。朗文当代〔step〕Lorelei toiled step by step upwards.洛尔莱辛苦工作, 一步一步向上爬。外研社新世纪〔toilsome〕Characterized by or requiring toil.辛苦的:以辛苦工作为特征的或需要辛苦工作的美国传统〔toil〕After toiling away at work all week, it's good to relax.在辛苦工作整整一个星期后,放松一下挺好。剑桥高阶〔toil〕Workers toiled long hours.工人们长时间地辛苦工作。外研社新世纪〔tribute〕I'd like to pay tribute to (=praise and admire publicly) the party workers for all their hard work.我谨对党内工作人员的辛苦工作表示赞扬和钦佩。朗文当代〔work〕She works her staff hard.她要职员辛苦工作。牛津同义词〔work〕Thanks for all your hard work.感谢您所做的一切辛苦工作。外研社新世纪It was very sad that after spending all those years grafting away (= working hard), he died so soon after he retired.令人十分悲哀的是多年辛苦工作之后,他退休没多久就死了。剑桥国际




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