

单词 输送
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NATURAL〕A pipeline carries natural gas from under the sea to the refinery inland. 管道把海底的天然气输送到内陆的提炼厂。朗文写作活用〔SYSTEM〕A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body. 由静脉和动脉组成的血管网络向全身输送血液。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The blood is conveyed to the heart from the veins. 血液通过静脉被输送到心脏。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The electricity is carried by means of cables which are up to 30 cm thick. 电力是由厚达30厘米的电缆输送的。朗文写作活用〔advancement〕A motor inside the camera is used for advancement of the film.相机里的发动机用于输送胶卷。韦氏高阶〔air lock〕A bubble or pocket of air or vapor, as in a pipe, that stops the normal flow of fluid through the conducting part.气穴,气窝:在输送部分阻止液体正常流动的气泡或气窝,如在管道中美国传统〔amass〕The authorities have amassed evidence that an illegal drug operation was funnelling proceeds to terrorist groups.当局已经收集到一家非法贩毒公司将收益输送给恐怖组织的证据。外研社新世纪〔aqueduct〕A pipe or channel designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity.导水管,沟渠:设计用于从远地水源输水的管道或通道,通常通过重力(输送)美国传统〔aqueduct〕Anatomy A channel or passage in an organ or a body part, especially such a channel for conveying fluid.【解剖学】 导管,水管:有机体或身体部分的通道或通路,尤指用于输送液体的这样一个通道美国传统〔beneficial〕The revival of the railroad service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.铁路运输的复兴对加快客货输送大有助益。英汉大词典〔black ... out〕Falling trees blacked out several electric power lines.倒下的树使几条电力输送线路发生了故障。21世纪英汉〔bloodstream〕Red blood cells transport oxygen through the bloodstream.红细胞通过血液循环输送氧。牛津搭配〔blood〕The heart pumps blood around the body.心脏把血液输送到全身。牛津搭配〔calcification〕Arterial walls may develop calcifications, which reduce the ability of the vessels to transport blood adequately.动脉血管壁可能出现钙化,降低血管正常输送血液的能力。剑桥高阶〔canal〕Anatomy A tube, duct, or passageway.【解剖学】 导管,道:管子、输送管或通道美国传统〔capacity〕The pipeline has a capacity of some 1.2m barrels a day.该管线的输送量为每天约120万桶。外研社新世纪〔carry〕A drain carries surplus water to the river.一根排水管把多余的水输送到河里去。朗文当代〔carry〕Oil is carried to the factory through these pipes.石油通过这些管道输送到工厂。韦氏高阶〔carry〕The veins carry blood to the heart.静脉把血液输送到心脏。牛津高阶〔carry〕Underground cables carry electricity to all parts of the city.地下电缆将电力输送到该市各个地区。剑桥高阶〔ceruloplasmin〕A blood glycoprotein to which copper is bound during transport and storage.蓝胞浆素,血浆铜蓝蛋白:在输送和贮存时附有铜元素的一种血糖蛋白美国传统〔channel〕An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.高效的灌溉系统把水输送到庄稼地里。朗文当代〔common carrier〕One that is in the business of transporting the public, goods, or messages for a fee.运输业者:为酬金从事输送民众、货物或文件的人美国传统〔communicate〕The steam radiator communicated heat to the room.蒸汽散热器向房间输送暖气。英汉大词典〔conduction〕From the time of the Roman Empire to the present day, lead has been used for the conduction of water.从罗马帝国时期至今, 铅一直被用来输送水。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕The hot water is conducted through these pipes.热水由这些管道输送。英汉大词典〔conduit〕A pipe or channel for conveying fluids, such as water.导管:输送液体的管子或渠道,如输水美国传统〔control〕The valves in the heart control how quickly the blood is pumped around the body.心脏瓣膜控制着血液输送到身体各处的速度。朗文当代〔conveyor belt〕A mechanical apparatus consisting of a continuous moving belt that transports materials or packages from one place to another.传送带,输送带:由连续移动、把货物或包裹从一个地方运送到另一个地方的带子所组成的机械仪器美国传统〔convey〕Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。牛津高阶〔convey〕The pipes convey water to the fields.这些管道把水输送到农田。韦氏高阶〔current〕The circuit supplies current to the saw.这一电路给电锯输送电流。韦氏高阶〔cystic duct〕The duct that conveys bile from the gallbladder to the common bile duct.囊管:把胆汁从胆囊输送到总胆汁管的导管美国传统〔deferent〕Anatomy Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel.【解剖学】 传送的:传送的或输送的。用于指导管或管道美国传统〔deferent〕Serving or adapted to carry or transport.用于传送的或适于输送的美国传统〔diplex〕Capable of simultaneous transmission or reception of two messages in the same radio channel.同向双信号的:允许两个独立的信号同时通过同一个无线电频道输送或接收的美国传统〔feeder〕The length of the feeder pipe is 50m.输送管长 50 米。朗文当代〔function〕The function of the veins is to carry blood to the heart.静脉的功能是将血液输送回心脏。剑桥高阶〔funnel〕Huge pipes funnel the water down the mountainside.巨大的管道把水沿山坡输送下山。牛津高阶〔funnel〕No one knows who has been funnelling weapons to the terrorists.没人知道是谁一直在向恐怖分子输送武器。剑桥高阶〔get〕The enemy could not get supplies or reinforcements through because of the guerilla warfare.由于游击战的牵制,敌军没法输送给养或援兵。英汉大词典〔heart〕The heart pumps blood through the body.心脏把血液输送到全身。牛津搭配〔humanitarian〕The United Nations is sending humanitarian aid (= food and supplies to help people) to the areas worst affected by the conflict.联合国正在向受冲突影响最为严重的地区输送人道主义援助。剑桥高阶〔lactiferous〕Producing, secreting, or conveying milk.产生、分泌或输送乳汁的美国传统〔leader〕A pipe for conducting liquid.水管:输送液体的管道美国传统〔lymphatic〕A vessel that conveys lymph.输送淋巴的淋巴管美国传统〔main〕The principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility.主要管道:输送水、天然气、石油系统中的主要管道或沟渠或其他公用事业设备美国传统〔medium〕Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.血液是将氧气输送到人体各个部位的媒介。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.血液是将氧气输送到全身各处的媒介。外研社新世纪〔network〕Drinking water is brought to the town through a network of underground pipes.饮用水通过地下管道网输送到镇上。牛津搭配〔network〕The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。外研社新世纪〔network〕The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。柯林斯高阶〔network〕They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.他们要建立一个油泵和管线的网络输送石油。牛津搭配〔odorize〕The coal gas has been odorized before supplying the users.煤气在输送给用户之前添加了臭味。21世纪英汉〔oxyhemoglobin〕A bright-red chemical complex of hemoglobin and oxygen that transports oxygen to the tissues.氧合血红蛋白:一种亮红色的血红蛋白和氧的化学合成物,它把氧气输送到组织中美国传统〔paddle〕To convey in a watercraft propelled by paddles.搬运,运输:在用船桨推动的船只内输送美国传统〔pipe up〕The waste water was piped up from the sub-stations to the central station for cleaning.污水通过管道从分站向上输送到总站去净化。21世纪英汉〔pipeline〕A conduit of pipe, especially one used for the conveyance of water, gas, or petroleum products.管道,管线:一条尤指用来输送水、气或石油产品的输送管道美国传统〔pipeline〕A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.一家财团计划建造一条从俄罗斯向德国东部输送天然气的管道。柯林斯高阶〔pipe〕A hollow cylinder or tube used to conduct a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid.管子,导管,输送管:用来输导液体、气体或固体细末的管状中空圆柱体美国传统〔pipe〕Hot water is piped to all apartments from the central boiler room.热水从中央锅炉房通过管道输送到每个公寓套房。剑桥高阶〔pipe〕The gas is piped from the oilfields in the North Sea to the mainland.天然气用管道从北海的油田输送到本土。外研社新世纪〔pipe〕The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water.受热气体通过水中的盘管输送。柯林斯高阶〔pipe〕Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.水从水库经管子输送到城里。牛津高阶〔portal vein〕A vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver.门静脉:将血液从消化器官、脾脏、胰脏及膀胱输送到肝脏去的静脉美国传统〔primary coil〕A coil to which the input voltage is applied in an inductively coupled circuit, especially a transformer.初级线圈:输入电压输送到感应耦合的线路里,尤指变压器中使用的线圈美国传统〔pulmonary artery〕An artery that carries venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.肺动脉:一种从右心室将静脉血输送到肺的动脉美国传统〔pulmonary vein〕A vein that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.肺静脉:一种从肺将含氧的血输送到左心房的血管美国传统〔pump〕A machine or device for raising, compressing, or transferring fluids.抽水机:一种用来提升、压缩或输送液体的机械或装置美国传统〔pump〕Physiology To transport (ions or molecules) against a concentration gradient by the expenditure of chemically stored energy.【生理学】 输送:通过消耗以化学形式储存的能量把(离子或分子)输送到一个集中倾斜度美国传统〔pump〕The heart pumps blood around the body.心脏把血液输送到全身。牛津高阶〔pump〕The heart pumps blood through the arteries/round the body.心脏通过动脉输送血液/将血液输送到全身。剑桥高阶〔pump〕Your heart pumps blood all over your body.心脏能把血液输送到全身。韦氏高阶〔race〕An artificial channel built to transport water and use its energy; a raceway.人工水道:建设以输送水源或利用其能量的人工沟渠;水道美国传统〔reproductive system〕The bodily system of gonads, associated ducts, and external genitals concerned with sexual reproduction.生殖系统:有关性繁殖的生殖腺、联合的输送管以及外部生殖器的身体系统美国传统〔rest〕In contrast the same person at rest would be pumping only 4 or 5 litres of blood a minute.相比之下, 同一个人在不动时心脏每分钟输送的血液只有四五升。外研社新世纪〔retrograde ejaculation〕Ejaculation in which seminal fluid is discharged in the wrong direction, traveling up towards the bladder instead of outside the body through the urethra.逆向射精:精液排出方向错误的射精行为,其向膀胱输送,而非透过尿道排出体外美国传统〔seminal duct〕The duct of the testis that carries semen outward, especially the part of the duct that runs from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.输精管:将精液输送出来的睾丸的管,尤其指从附睾到射精管之间的管的部分美国传统〔seminal〕Of, relating to, containing, or conveying semen or seed.精液的,种子的:属于,关于,包含,或输送精液的或种的美国传统〔severely〕The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought.联合国希望给非洲 10 个旱情严重的国家输送食物援助。柯林斯高阶〔siphon〕To draw off or convey through or as if through a siphon.用虹吸管吸出(或输送):用或仿佛用虹吸管吸或排水美国传统〔steam heating〕A heating system in which steam is generated in a boiler and piped to radiators.蒸汽供暖:锅炉产生蒸汽然后用管道输送到散热器去并供暖的系统美国传统〔supply〕Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.电力是由地下电缆输送的。剑桥高阶〔talk〕The computer is talking to the printer.计算机在向打印机输送信息。韦氏高阶〔tonne〕Oil deliveries will fall 2.5 million tonnes short this year.今年的石油输送量将下降250万公吨。剑桥高阶〔traject〕To transmit.抛越,渡过,输送美国传统〔transport〕They use tankers to transport the oil to Los Angeles.他们用油轮把石油输送到洛杉矶。柯林斯高阶〔variant〕An intriguing variant to pipelines would be to carry the water using the existing system of canals.除用管道外,利用现有的运河系统来输送水也很值得一试。柯林斯高阶〔vas efferens〕Any of a number of small ducts that carry semen from the testis to the epididymis.输精管道:把精液从精巢输送到附睾的许多小导管之一美国传统〔vascular plant〕Any of various plants, such as the ferns and seed-bearing plants, in which the phloem transports sugar and the xylem transports water and salts.维管植物:各种植物,如厥类植物和含种子的植物,在此植物中韧皮部输送糖分而木质输送水分和盐分美国传统〔waste material〕Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动, 输送氧气和养分, 清除组织里的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔water pipe〕A pipe that is a conduit for water.水管:输送水的管子美国传统A current of high potential is used in transmitting electric power over long distances. 高压电流被用来远距离输送电力。译典通Gas is piped into all the houses. 瓦斯由管道输送到各家各户。译典通Reports are coming in via satellite.报道是通过卫星输送进来的。剑桥国际The pipeline could carry up to 700 billion cubic feet of gas a year.这条管道一年能输送多达 7 000 亿立方英尺的气体。牛津商务The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.建造输油管使油穿过阿拉斯加被输送到海岸的各港口。剑桥国际The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.肺静脉将含氧的血液从肺部输送到心脏。剑桥国际The trans-Alaskan pipeline carries oil right across Alaska.横穿阿拉斯加的输油管道正是穿越阿拉斯加输送油的。剑桥国际They wanted to flume the much needed water to the inland. 他们想用引水槽将极需的水输送到内地。译典通




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