

单词 身分
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔associate〕associate membership of the European Union 欧洲联盟的非正式会员身分牛津高阶〔capacity〕acting in her capacity as manager 以她作为经理的身分行事牛津高阶〔challenge〕to challenge an intruder.向闯入者查问身分。牛津同义词〔coverture〕under coverture 为妻[有丈夫]的身分文馨英汉〔cover〕the cover of an assumed identity.假身分的伪装。牛津同义词〔elevated〕an elevated status 高贵的身分牛津高阶〔gently〕gently born [bred] 出身名门的,有身分的文馨英汉〔id〕an ID card 身分证牛津高阶〔incognito〕to travel incognito.旅行时隐匿身分。牛津同义词〔low〕low in one's class 身分低文馨英汉〔out〕an out gay man 已公开同性恋身分的男子牛津高阶〔paper〕divorce/identification papers 离婚╱身分证件牛津高阶〔rank〕a person of (high) rank 身分很高的人文馨英汉〔regal〕a regal figure.帝王的身分。牛津同义词〔row〕row for Cambridge 以剑桥大学选手的身分参加赛舟文馨英汉〔sense〕a strong sense of purpose/identity/duty, etc. 重大意义、很强的身分认同感、很强的责任感等牛津高阶〔sink〕sink one's identity 隐瞒身分文馨英汉〔tamper-proof〕a tamper-proof identity card 防涂改身分卡牛津高阶a laminated identity card (= one that is covered with plastic) 压膜身分证牛津商务an ID card/badge/number 身分证;身分标牌;身分证号码牛津商务associate membership of the European Union 欧洲联盟的非正式会员身分牛津商务identification papers 身分证明文件牛津商务victims of identity theft 身分被盗用的受害者牛津商务




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