

单词 身体部分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anatomy〕The bodily structure of a plant or an animal or of any of its parts.分解:动植物及其身体部分的结构美国传统〔aqueduct〕Anatomy A channel or passage in an organ or a body part, especially such a channel for conveying fluid.【解剖学】 导管,水管:有机体或身体部分的通道或通路,尤指用于输送液体的这样一个通道美国传统〔cushion〕A padlike body part.肉垫:类似垫子的身体部分美国传统〔dilator〕A muscle that dilates a body part, such as a blood vessel or the pupil of the eye.扩张肌:扩张身体部分的肌肉,例如血管或眼睛的膜孔美国传统〔dilator〕An instrument that dilates a body part, such as a cavity, canal, or orifice.扩张器:扩张身体部分的一种仪器,例如腔、管或是口美国传统〔humeral〕Relating to or being a body part analogous to the humerus.似肱骨的:关于或作为与肱骨相似的身体部分的美国传统〔intrinsic〕Anatomy Situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts. Used of certain nerves and muscles.【解剖学】 内部的:位于或只属于作用于自身的器官或身体部分的。用指神经和肌肉美国传统〔locule〕A small cavity or compartment within an organ or a part of an animal or a plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary.小腔:动植物器官或身体部分内的小腔或小室。如植物子房内的众多小室美国传统〔loin〕The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips.腰部:人类或四足动物的身体部分,位于脊柱两侧,肋骨与臀部之间美国传统〔pack〕The swathing of a patient or a body part in hot, cold, wet, or dry materials, such as cloth towels, sheets, or blankets.布裹疗法:在冷、热、湿或干的材料下病人或身体部分的包扎,如布毛巾、床单或毛毯等美国传统〔part〕The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology that is part lion, part goat, and part serpent.喀迈拉是希腊神话中的一个怪物,身体部分是狮子,部分是山羊,部分是蛇。韦氏高阶〔plastic surgery〕Surgery to remodel, repair, or restore body parts, especially by the transfer of tissue.成形外科学:对身体部分重塑,修补或恢复,尤指通过组织移植的外科学美国传统〔regeneration〕Biology Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs.【生物学】 器官再生:损坏的器官或身体部分的再生长美国传统〔scan〕Examination of a body or bodily part by a CAT scanner or similar scanning apparatus.扫描体查:使用CAT扫描仪或类似的扫描仪器进行的身体或身体部分的检查美国传统〔scissure〕A split or opening in an organ or part.裂缝:在器官或身体部分的纵切或裂缝美国传统〔soma〕The body of an individual as contrasted with the mind or psyche.躯体:某一个体与思想或心理相对而言的身体部分美国传统〔tights〕A snug stretchable garment covering the body from the waist or neck down, designed for general wear by women and girls.紧身衣裤:一种主要供妇女和女孩穿用的紧身有弹性的服装,覆盖从腰部颈部以下的身体部分美国传统〔trunk〕The body of a human being or an animal excluding the head and limbs.躯干:人或动物包括头与四肢的身体部分美国传统〔vinculum〕Anatomy A ligament that limits the movement of an organ or a part.【解剖学】 系带:限制器官或身体部分运动的纽带美国传统He made a partial recovery but he was never able to walk properly after the accident.车祸后他身体部分恢复,但再也不能正常走路了。剑桥国际




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