

单词 财产权
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abstracted〕Distraught with grief, I signed away my rights to the property.因悲伤我在恍惚中签字让出了我的财产权。美国传统〔appoint〕Law To direct the disposition of (property) to a person or persons in exercise of a power granted for this purpose by a preceding deed.【法律】 处置财产权:按以前的契据行使处置(财产)权,指定某人或某些人为财产受益人美国传统〔convey〕Law To transfer ownership of or title to.【法律】 将财产权或头衔转让给…美国传统〔estate〕Abbr. est.Law The nature and extent of an owner's rights with respect to land or other property.缩写 est.【法律】 地产,地产权,财产权:安置土地或其他财产的固有的或暂时的所有权美国传统〔real〕Law Of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land.【法律】 不动产的:属于或与诸如房屋或土地这样的固定不动财产权有关的美国传统〔renounce〕She renounced her claim to the property.她声明放弃她的财产权。21世纪英汉〔trustee〕Abbr. tr.Law One, such as a bank, that holds legal title to property in order to administer it for a beneficiary.缩写 tr.【法律】 受信托人:享有合法财产权以便为受益人管理财产的人或机构,如银行美国传统〔trust〕A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another.信托权:一方为另一方利益而持有的合法财产权美国传统




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