

单词 负责管理
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔College of Cardinals〕The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.枢密院:选举教皇的枢机主教团体,帮助教皇管理教会,在教皇职位空缺时负责管理圣座美国传统〔IN CHARGE OF〕McBride was a general manager in charge of research and development. 麦克布赖德是负责管理研究和开发的总经理。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕An accountant handles the school's finances. 一位会计负责管理学校的资金。朗文写作活用〔administer〕A administersupon the estate of B.甲负责管理乙的遗产。英汉大词典〔admin〕I deal with cleaning, bedrooms and staff, Mark with admin and bookings.我负责清洁、卧室和员工, 马克负责管理和预订。外研社新世纪〔area〕Local authorities have been responsible for the running of schools in their areas.地方当局一直负责管理本地区的学校。柯林斯高阶〔camerlingo〕The cardinal who manages the pope's secular affairs.教皇代理人:负责管理教皇的非宗教事务的枢机主教美国传统〔care〕The pig farm is under (或in) the care of a young stockman.养猪场由一位青年饲养员负责管理。英汉大词典〔conservancy〕Chiefly British A commission supervising fisheries and navigation.【多用于英国】 管理委员会:一个负责管理渔业及航运业的委员会美国传统〔control〕Managers control the workforce.经理负责管理全体工人。牛津同义词〔dean〕An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty, or division in a university.大学的学院院长;系主任:在大学里负责管理一个学院、系或部门的官员美国传统〔establishment〕She's now running a small government research establishment.目前她负责管理一个小型政府研究部门。牛津搭配〔govern〕The council governs fishing in the region.委员会负责管理这一地区的渔业。韦氏高阶〔handle〕The travelling accounts are handled by me.这次的外出旅游账目由我负责管理。21世纪英汉〔head up〕He said that be would head up the marketing business.他说他将负责管理销售业务。21世纪英汉〔housemaster〕A male teacher in charge of a residence hall at a school.男舍监:负责管理学校宿舍的男性教师美国传统〔manage〕He manages our football team.他负责管理我们的足球队。外研社新世纪〔oneself〕When in charge oneself, one may rearrange the committees as one pleases.当自己负责管理时,便可以根据自己的意愿重新安排委员会美国传统〔printing〕My father headed up the family printing business.我的父亲负责管理家族的印刷产业。外研社新世纪〔probation officer〕An official usually attached to a juvenile court and charged with the care of juvenile delinquents.监护官:通常属于青少年法庭的官员,负责管理照看少年罪犯美国传统〔pull〕I've got a pull with Doctor Smith. I'd get her into his ward.我跟史密斯医生关系很好,我来设法把她送进由他负责管理的病房去。英汉大词典〔put〕I was put in charge of the office.他们让我负责管理这个办公室。牛津高阶〔regulate〕The department regulates foreign trade.这一部门负责管理对外贸易。韦氏高阶〔supercargo〕An officer on a merchant ship who has charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase.押运员:商船上的官员,负责管理货载及其售出及买进美国传统〔supervision〕She's responsible for the supervision of a large staff.她负责管理一大批员工。韦氏高阶I've been asked to superintend the department in Mr Clark's absence.我被要求在克拉克先生外出期间负责管理整个部门。剑桥国际She is responsible for directing a large charity.她负责管理一家大慈善机构。剑桥国际She will assume responsibility for managing the UK business.她将负责管理英国业务。牛津商务She will oversee a number of key accounts.她将负责管理若干关键客户。牛津商务The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.养老基金由商业银行负责管理。牛津商务The transport department looks after roads and railways.交通部门负责管理公路和铁路。剑桥国际




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