

单词 评价
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔appraisal〕a critical appraisal of the government's economic strategy 对政府经济策略的批判性评价麦克米伦高阶〔assess〕assess oneself against the model 对照典型对自己作出评价英汉大词典〔assess〕of sth a report to assess the impact of advertising on children 评价广告对儿童影响的报告朗文当代〔cold〕make a cold evaluation of the evidence 冷静地评价证据英汉大词典〔commentary〕keep up a running commentary on a speech 对演讲连续进行评价英汉大词典〔context〕assess sb. in the context of his times 联系人物的时代背景来评价某人英汉大词典〔crass〕if she makes a crass remark about your cooking如果她对你的烹饪作出粗鄙的评价外研社新世纪〔derisive〕a derisive comment/remark 嘲讽的评价/话语剑桥高阶〔disconsider〕to disconsider a book对某书评价不高21世纪英汉〔evaluate〕an evaluation of the health care system 对保健制度的评价牛津高阶〔evaluate〕his ability to objectively evaluate the merits of the works he considers 他在客观评价作品有哪些优点方面的能力牛津搭配〔evaluation〕a critical evaluation of the film 对这部电影的批判性评价牛津搭配〔evaluation〕the evaluation of Margaret Thatcher's record对玛格丽特·撒切尔政绩的评价外研社新世纪〔evaluation〕the latest evaluations of this new treatment 对这种新疗法的最新评价英汉大词典〔evaluative〕use evaluative terms 使用评价性的措辞英汉大词典〔hard-boiled〕a hard-boiled appraisal 实事求是的评价英汉大词典〔honest〕make an honest appraisal 作坦率的评价英汉大词典〔humourless〕a humourless comment严肃的评价外研社新世纪〔impersonal〕an impersonal remark. 客观的评价美国传统〔judge〕judge the quality of a restaurant 评价餐馆的质量英汉大词典〔judge〕to judge a work of art.评价艺术品。牛津同义词〔justness〕estimate the justness of the imitation 评价模仿物的正确性英汉大词典〔just〕a just appraisal. 有根有据的评价美国传统〔merit〕judge sb. on his merits 根据功过评价某人英汉大词典〔non-judgmental〕a non-judgmental book/counsellor 一本不加评论的书/一位不做评价的律师剑桥高阶〔objective〕an objective analysis/assessment/report 客观的分析╱评价╱报告牛津高阶〔of〕the evaluation of students 对学生的评价韦氏高阶〔poor〕to have a poor opinion of sb(= to not think well of sb) 对某人评价很低牛津高阶〔priceless〕a priceless remark. 极可笑的评价美国传统〔pro〕an appraisal of the pros and cons 正反两方面的评价英汉大词典〔rancid〕rancid remarks. 令人恼怒的评价美国传统〔reappraisal〕a thorough reappraisal of the government's policy on education 彻底重新评价政府的教育政策英汉大词典〔regard〕a highly regarded young violinist 评价高地/好地麦克米伦高阶〔revaluate〕revaluate James Joyce 重新评价詹姆斯·乔伊斯英汉大词典〔revaluation〕the critical revaluation of the past twenty years 批评家对过去20年的重新评价英汉大词典〔searing〕searing criticism/comments/complaints 尖刻的批评/评价/投诉麦克米伦高阶〔spark〕a row sparked by a comment about his sister. 由对他姐姐的一句评价引发的争吵柯林斯高阶〔speak〕speak well/highly/ill of sb (=say good or bad things about someone) 说某人的好话/对某人评价很高/说某人的坏话朗文当代〔time〕a time for taking stock of one's life. 对一个人的一生作出评价的时候美国传统〔value〕place a high value on sth. 对某事予以高度评价英汉大词典




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