

单词 行相
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕The twins were joined together at birth and had to be separated in a very delicate operation. 这两个孪生儿出生时身体相连,不得不进行相当精细的手术把他们分开。朗文写作活用〔WIMP〕A subatomic particle that has a large mass and interacts with other matter primarily through gravitation.弱相互作用重粒子:一种大质量的次原子粒子,主要透过万有引力与其它物质进行相互作用美国传统〔communion〕A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.教派:实行相同礼拜式且有共同宗教信念的基督教徒团体;宗派美国传统〔crime〕The punishment should fit the crime.量刑应与罪行相当。牛津搭配〔disturbing〕The crimes were disturbingly similar.这些罪行相似得令人不安。麦克米伦高阶〔dream〕Our trip went like a dream.我们的旅行相当完美。外研社新世纪〔favourably〕Vocal teachers in England are more favourably disposed to early music than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe.与欧洲其他国家的同行相比, 英国的声乐教师对早期音乐作品偏爱有加。外研社新世纪〔finding〕We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.我们希望生产厂家会记录这些新发现并对产品进行相应改进。外研社新世纪〔gravity〕Those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.那些通过暴力行径攫取权力的人应该受到与他们的严重罪行相应的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔insider〕German banks have more insider knowledge than most.与大多数银行相比, 德国银行掌握的内部消息更多些。外研社新世纪〔insider〕German banks have more insider knowledge than most.德国银行与大多数银行相比知晓更多的内部消息。柯林斯高阶〔interaction〕The state of undergoing interaction.相互作用:进行相互作用的状态美国传统〔justify〕Theology To free (a human being) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used only of God.【神学】 上帝赦免罪人:宣告(人)无罪,把(人)从与滔天罪行相连的惩罚中解脱出来。只用于上帝美国传统〔locomotive〕Of or relating to travel.旅行的:旅行的或与旅行相关的美国传统〔mediator〕One that mediates, especially one that reconciles differences between disputants.调解人,调停者:(尤指)使冲突各方就其争端进行相互妥协的调停者美国传统〔mob〕They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.他们一直在实行相当于暴政的统治。柯林斯高阶〔modification〕Considerable modification of the existing system is needed.需要对现有的系统进行相当大的改进。牛津高阶〔nonbank〕Of, relating to, or done by a business or an institution that is not a bank but performs similar services.非银行的:属于、关于或由非银行的工商机构办理的,但履行与银行相似的责任美国传统〔panoramic〕Comfortable seats and large panoramic windows make this form of travel ideal.舒适的座椅和大全景窗户让这样的旅行相当完美。外研社新世纪〔pity〕He's got a bad reputation, and it's true, more's the pity.他名声不好,更加糟糕的是,其恶名与恶行相符。英汉大词典〔remainder〕These nouns are compared as they denote what is left after a part has been used or subtracted.这些名词在指一部分被用掉或减去后留下的东西时,通常进行相互比较。美国传统〔rethink〕I think we may have to rethink our policies fairly radically.我认为我们可能不得不对我们的政策进行相当彻底的反思。牛津搭配〔rival〕Local hardware stores can't compete with discount outlets.地方五金商店不能与那些削价商行相竞争。美国传统〔space suit〕A protective pressure suit designed to permit the wearer relatively free movement in space.宇航服:一种保护性加压服装,为使穿戴者能在太空中进行相对自由的运动而设计美国传统〔talion〕A punishment identical to the offense, as the death penalty for murder.同态复仇法:与所犯罪行相同的惩罚,如对谋杀者处以死刑美国传统〔thermopile〕A device consisting of a number of thermocouples connected in series or parallel, used for measuring temperature or generating current.热电堆:由许多系列或平行相连的热电偶组成的元件,用于温度测量或产生电流美国传统




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