

单词 致富
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕Too many investors are tempted by the idea of making a quick fortune. 有太多的投资者都被快速致富的想法吸引着。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕She was a heartless, money-grabbing woman who made her fortune from the misery and desperation of others. 她是个铁石心肠、见钱眼开的女人,以别人的痛苦和绝望为代价发财致富。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕I'm trying to think of a way to get rich. 我在设法想出一条致富之路。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕Mr Askin got rich selling second hand cars. 阿斯金先生靠出售二手车致富。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Latenight TV is full of snake-oil salesmen offering get-rich-quick schemes. 深夜电视节目中满是推销快速致富计划的骗子。朗文写作活用〔ambition〕He has already achieved his main ambition in life - to become wealthy.他已经实现了他人生最大的志向——发财致富。剑桥高阶〔bar〕A lack of formal education is no bar to becoming rich.没有接受正规教育并不妨碍致富。剑桥高阶〔brass ring〕An opportunity to achieve wealth or success; a prize or reward.致富机会:获得财富或成功的机会;奖励或报酬美国传统〔chancy〕Financial success in writing is chancy and something few authors ever attain.靠写作致富是靠不住的, 没几个作者能实现。外研社新世纪〔commerce〕They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce.他们靠工商业发家致富。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Zurich's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th-century silk trade.苏黎世最早是在14世纪靠垄断大量的丝绸贸易致富的。外研社新世纪〔enrichment〕The act of enriching or the state of being enriched.丰富:使丰富的行为或被充实被致富的状态美国传统〔enrich〕They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.他们试图通过牺牲穷人利益来使自己致富。韦氏高阶〔fatten on〕For years the directors have been fattening on the efforts of the workers.多年来,厂长们一直靠工人们的劳动成果而发家致富。21世纪英汉〔get into〕The people who have become rich in this business are the ones who got into it at the beginning.这个行业致富的人全是那些在开始阶段就参与进来的人。韦氏高阶〔get in〕The people who have become rich in this business are the ones who got in at the beginning.这个行业致富的人全是那些在开始阶段就参与进来的人。韦氏高阶〔get-rich-quick〕He refused to get involved in a friend's unrealistic get-rich-quick scheme.他拒绝参与一位朋友不现实的短期致富计划。剑桥高阶〔get-rich-quick〕People love the get-rich-quick promise of gambling.人们喜爱赌博所带有的短期致富的诱惑。剑桥高阶〔half-assed〕It's another one of her half-assed ideas for getting rich.这是她另一个发家致富的蠢点子。剑桥高阶〔high road〕The book claims to teach the high road to financial success.这本书声称会教给人们快速致富的方法。韦氏高阶〔independently〕He is independently wealthy.他靠自己的努力而致富。柯林斯高阶〔insane〕He had this insane idea that he could get rich by selling old computers.他荒唐地认为自己靠卖旧电脑能致富。韦氏高阶〔level〕Although he got rich very quickly he did it completely on the level.他虽然很快致富,但靠的完全是正当手段。英汉大词典〔one-way〕It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong.这看起来是一举致富的良机,但到后来所有的一切都出了岔子。柯林斯高阶〔pile〕He made his pile selling tea.他贩卖茶叶致富。英汉大词典〔predominate〕In his mind a wish to become rich has always predominated.他心目中最大的愿望一直是发财致富。英汉大词典〔purpose〕Her only purpose in life was to get rich.她唯一的生活目标就是发财致富。外研社新世纪〔quick〕It's another of his schemes to get rich quick.那是他迅速致富的另一种计谋。牛津高阶〔rich〕He is determined to get rich quickly.他决心尽快致富。剑桥高阶〔rich〕He thought this was the easiest way to get rich .他以为这是最容易的致富办法。朗文当代〔rich〕Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays.如今没有人能靠写作致富。牛津高阶〔saving〕From saving comes having.【谚】节俭可致富。文馨英汉〔scheme〕He has a hare-brained/crazy scheme for getting rich before he's 20.他有一个轻率的/疯狂的计划,让自己在20岁前致富。剑桥高阶〔seek〕Coles came to the Yukon in the 1970s to seek his fortune.科尔斯在 20 世纪 70 年代来到育空地区寻找致富之路。朗文当代〔self-enrichment〕The act or process of enriching oneself financially.致富,发财:使自己富有的行为或过程美国传统〔sordid〕His ambitions are a little sordid, too intent upon growing rich.他的抱负有点儿重利,太热中于发财致富。英汉大词典〔wealth〕The purpose of industry is to create wealth.勤劳的目的是致富。牛津高阶〔whereby〕He devised a plan whereby they might get rich.他设想出他们可以借以致富的计划。文馨英汉A lack of formal education is no bar to becoming rich (= does not make it impossible to become rich).没受过正规教育并不妨碍发家致富。剑桥国际He grew rich from selling used cars. 他靠卖旧车致富。译典通He is determined to get rich quickly.他决心快速致富。剑桥国际He's got a hare-brained/crazy/daft scheme for getting rich before he's 20.他有一个轻率的/疯狂的/愚蠢的计划,要在20岁以前致富。剑桥国际She despised the get-rich-quick mentality of the 1980s.她鄙视20世纪80年代的暴发致富心态。剑桥国际Suddenly she was rich beyond her wildest dreams (= She was richer than she had ever thought possible).她从未想到会突然发财致富。剑桥国际The bitter irony is that the hospice treating AIDS patients is rich from the legacies of grateful dying patients.辛辣的讽刺是专门治疗艾滋病病人的临终关怀院竟获取感激的垂死病人的遗产而致富。剑桥国际The minister became rich through graft. 这位部长贪污致富。译典通The story is about a young girl from the country who went from rags to riches. 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘白手起家由穷致富的经历。译典通We do not see education as merely the road to riches. 我们不认为教育仅仅是致富之道。译典通Writing a best-selling novel is a good way to make a fast / quick / an easy buck (= earn money easily and not always honestly).写畅销书是快速 / 轻易致富的好办法。剑桥国际




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