

单词 至高
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ascension〕his ascension to the ranks of senior management 他的级别升至高级管理层朗文当代〔convection〕clouds which lift warm, moist air by convection high into the atmosphere通过对流将温暖而潮湿的空气送至高空大气层的云层外研社新世纪〔crowning〕sb.'s crowning glory 某人至高无上的光荣英汉大词典〔despot〕despotic power/rule 至高无上的权力;专制统治牛津高阶〔divinity〕the divinity of Beethoven's music 贝多芬音乐的至高无上境界英汉大词典〔dualism〕the Gnostic dualism of good and evil struggling for supremacy. 诺斯替教关于善与恶争夺至高权的二元论柯林斯高阶〔dualism〕the Gnostic dualism of good and evil struggling for supremacy诺斯替教关于善与恶争夺至高权的二元说外研社新世纪〔imperial〕the imperial power of the king over his subjects 国王对其臣民至高无上的权力英汉大词典〔omnipotent〕an omnipotent central committee 权力至高无上的中央委员会英汉大词典〔pitch〕the pitch of an arch. 拱门的至高点美国传统〔school〕advanced to the upper school. 晋升至高年级美国传统〔sovereignty〕the sovereignty of Parliament 议会至高无上的权威朗文当代〔sovereign〕the sovereign power of a king 国王的至高权力韦氏高阶〔spike〕when the price of gold spiked in 19801980年黄金价格升至高点时外研社新世纪〔transcendent〕the idea of a transcendent God who stood apart from mankind. 独立于人类之外的至高无上的上帝的概念柯林斯高阶〔transcendent〕the transcendence of God 上帝的至高无上牛津高阶〔transcendent〕transcendent power/beauty/love 至高无上的权力/无与伦比的美/超越一切的爱剑桥高阶〔ultimate〕the ultimate power of the central government. 中央政府的至高权力柯林斯高阶〔ultimate〕the ultimate power of the central government中央政府的至高权力外研社新世纪〔valuation〕set a high valuation on friendship. 把友谊看得至高无上美国传统




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