

单词 至深
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRIVATE〕It can be difficult for people with domestic responsibilities to work late at night. 承担着家庭责任的人工作至深夜是有困难的。朗文写作活用〔alloy〕A deeply moving, deeply personal story can be alloyed with a powerful political argument.一个感人至深的真人故事会被鲜明的政治观点弄变味。外研社新世纪〔banquet〕The guests banqueted until midnight.宾客饮宴直至深夜。21世纪英汉〔beurre noir〕Butter cooked over low heat until it has turned dark brown.黑黄油:用小火熬至深褐色的黄油美国传统〔boehmite〕A white to dark reddish-brown orthorhombic mineral, AlO(OH), present in bauxite.勃姆石:白色至深红褐色斜方晶矿物,AlO(OH),存在铝土岩中美国传统〔booze〕They went out boozing late last night.他们昨晚出去狂饮至深夜。21世纪英汉〔cardinal〕Color A dark to deep or vivid red.【色彩】 大红:颜色深至深红或鲜红美国传统〔cardinal〕Color Dark to deep or vivid red.【色彩】 大红的:颜色深至深红或鲜红的美国传统〔carnelian〕A pale to deep red or reddish-brown variety of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry.光玉髓,红玉髓:明净的玉髓的一种浅色至深红或红棕色的变体,用于制珠宝美国传统〔chestnut〕Color A moderate to deep reddish brown.【色彩】 栗黄色:一种中至深色的红棕色美国传统〔chestnut〕Of a moderate to deep reddish brown.中至深红棕色的美国传统〔counsel〕The committee counsel(l)ed far into the night.委员会商讨至深夜。英汉大词典〔deep〕She worked deep into the night.她工作至深夜。英汉大词典〔demanding〕Their boss was really demanding, often expecting them to work long into the night.他们的老板十分苛刻,经常要求他们工作至深夜。韦氏高阶〔depths〕The submarine sank slowly into the depths.潜艇缓慢地下沉至深海。外研社新世纪〔devotion〕His devotion to his wife and family is touching.他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。牛津高阶〔emotive〕Kuwait's emir set the tone in Washington following an emotive appeal for his country at the United Nations.科威特埃米尔在联合国为本国人民作出的吁请感人至深, 这为其随后访问华盛顿的活动定下了基调。外研社新世纪〔mass〕The mass result is impressive.最终结果让人印象至深美国传统〔nephrite〕A white to dark green variety of jade, chiefly a metasilicate of iron, calcium, and magnesium.软玉:一种由浅至深的绿色玉,主要指铁、钙和镁的硅酸盐物质美国传统〔on the phone〕I was on the phone with my sister until late last night.昨晚我和姐姐通话至深夜。韦氏高阶〔on〕He worked on late into the night.他一直工作至深夜。外研社新世纪〔patrol〕Security forces remained on patrol until late into the night.保安部队继续巡逻至深夜。柯林斯高阶〔scene〕There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.当难民们呼吸到第一口自由的空气时,有许多感人至深的场面。柯林斯高阶〔scene〕There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.当难民呼吸到第一口自由的空气时, 有许多感人至深的场面。外研社新世纪〔sit up〕We sat up drinking and talking.我们饮酒谈天,直至深夜。柯林斯高阶〔slate blue〕A grayish blue to dark bluish gray.灰蓝色至深蓝灰色美国传统〔slate〕Color A dark or bluish gray to dark bluish or dark purplish gray.【色彩】 石板色,深蓝灰色:深灰色或蓝灰色至深蓝灰色或深紫灰色美国传统〔wurtzite〕A light to dark brown mineral, (Zn,Fe)S, that is a polymorph of sphalerite, used as a minor ore of zinc.纤维锌矿:一种浅棕色至深棕色的矿物,(Zn,Fe)S,闪锌矿的多晶形,用作低质锌矿石美国传统〔yellowware〕Earthenware made from a naturally occurring yellowish clay and ranging in color from pale yellow to mustard.黄陶:用天然的淡黄色黏土制作的陶器,颜色从浅黄色至深黄色美国传统




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