

单词 表面文章
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cosmetic〕Alterations to the original building have been largely cosmetic.对原建筑的改建大都是表面文章。麦克米伦高阶〔cosmetic〕In general, the students view these changes as merely cosmetic.大体上,学生们认为这些变化只是表面文章。柯林斯高阶〔cosmetic〕It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term.这项举措只是表面文章, 长远来看对改善形势没有任何帮助。外研社新世纪〔cosmetic〕It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term.这项举措只是表面文章,长期来看对于改善情况不会有任何帮助。柯林斯高阶〔cosmetic〕Many MPs denounced the resolution as a cosmetic exercise (=something which will look good, but have no real effect) .许多议员都谴责这项决议,说它是表面文章。朗文当代〔cosmetic〕She dismissed the plan as a cosmetic exercise to win votes.她认为这项计划是为了赢得选票所做的表面文章,因而不予考虑。牛津高阶〔fudge〕This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference.这个解决方案是为了赢得党的会议的赞誉而仓促搞出来的表面文章。牛津高阶〔rhetoric〕The liberalism of their rules was a rhetoric masking vicious exploitation.他们那些开明的规定只不过是掩盖恶毒剥削的表面文章。英汉大词典〔tokenism〕The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration.表面文章:一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略美国传统〔tokenistic〕Campaigners described the study as 'tokenistic and half-hearted'.运动参加者认为这项研究是“半心半意的表面文章”。外研社新世纪〔window dressing〕All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing – the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.所有这些精美光亮的小册子只是表面文章 — 事实是新商场将破坏附近的环境。朗文当代




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