

单词 运送物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕International Aid Agencies have chartered ships to transport supplies to the disaster area. 国际救援组织包船运送物资到灾区。朗文写作活用〔airdrop〕A delivery, as of supplies or troops, by parachute from aircraft.空投,空降:用降落伞从飞机上运送物品或部队美国传统〔delivery〕Something delivered, as a shipment or package.运送物:被运送的东西,如运输的货物或包裹美国传统〔futile〕Attempts to get supplies to the region are futile because troops will not allow the aid convoy to enter the city.往该地区运送物资的努力失败了,因为军方不允许救援物资护送队进城。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕An inclined channel for moving something; a chute.滑槽:运送物体的斜槽;滑槽美国传统〔shuttle〕The American (space) shuttle was able to be used many times to put payloads in space.美国的航天飞机可以多次使用,向太空运送物品。剑桥高阶〔trolley〕A small truck or car operating on a track and used in a mine, quarry, or factory for conveying materials.小矿车,小贷车:在轨道上运行的小型卡车,且用在矿场、码差别或工厂运送物品材料美国传统〔useless〕Without fuel, the vehicles will become useless for moving supplies.没有燃料,车辆就无法运送物资。剑桥高阶They deliver supplies to the offshore platforms of major oil companies.他们向大石油公司的海上作业平台运送物资。牛津商务Without fuel, the vehicles will become useless (= of no use) for moving supplies.没有燃料,车辆就无法运送物品。剑桥国际




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