

单词 运送
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLOTHES〕Charities have been delivering food and clothing to the disaster area. 慈善团体一直在向灾区运送食物和衣服。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility. 通过陆路运送货物更快、更灵活。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕A film cameraman was airlifted to safety yesterday after being trapped inside a volcano for two days. 一名电影摄影师在火山里被困了两天之后,已于昨天由飞机运送到一个安全的地方。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Air India carried 1.66 million passengers last year. 去年印度航空公司运送了166万名乘客。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Carrying goods by ship reduces transportation costs. 用船运送货物降低了运费。朗文写作活用〔airdrop〕A delivery, as of supplies or troops, by parachute from aircraft.空投,空降:用降落伞从飞机上运送物品或部队美国传统〔airliner〕An airplane operated by an airline and adapted for carrying passengers.客机,班机:由航空公司运营的用来运送乘客的飞机美国传统〔authorization〕The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.联合国将批准他动用军队运送救援物资的请求。柯林斯高阶〔bootleg〕Football A play in which the quarterback bootlegs.【橄榄球】 四分卫假传进攻:四分之一场运送球的比赛美国传统〔bulk〕They sent bulk shipments of food to the country.他们往那个国家运送了大批食物。韦氏高阶〔canoe〕Munitions were canoed up the river.军火由小划子运送到河的上游。英汉大词典〔canoe〕To carry or send by canoe.用独木舟运送美国传统〔carriage〕A wheeled support or frame for carrying a heavy object, such as a cannon.支架:用于运送重物,如大炮的带轮的支撑物或架子美国传统〔carry〕Railroads and ships carry goods.铁路和船舶运送货物。英汉大词典〔case〕The paintings were shipped in large wooden cases.那些油画都是用大木箱运送的。麦克米伦高阶〔communication〕A network of routes for sending messages and transporting troops and supplies.通讯网路:用于发送信息和运送军队和物资的线路系统美国传统〔control〕The authorities imposed strict controls on the movement of cattle.当局对牛群的运送实行了严格的管理措施。朗文当代〔conveyor belt〕A mechanical apparatus consisting of a continuous moving belt that transports materials or packages from one place to another.传送带,输送带:由连续移动、把货物或包裹从一个地方运送到另一个地方的带子所组成的机械仪器美国传统〔convey〕The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers.火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。美国传统〔convey〕This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day.这列火车每天运送一千多位旅客。21世纪英汉〔convey〕To take or carry from one place to another; transport.传送:将…从一个地方运送或输送到另一个地方;输送美国传统〔core〕The core business of airlines is flying people and cargo from place to place.航空公司的核心业务是运送乘客和货物到各地。朗文当代〔counterfeit〕He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.他承认持有并运送假币。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕The act of conveying or delivering.传送,运送:传递或传送的行为美国传统〔delivery〕The last delivery was damaged.最后一批运送的货物受损。麦克米伦高阶〔deliver〕The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。柯林斯高阶〔distribute〕Jack distributes computers for the computer rental service in that region.杰克把电脑运送给那个地区的电脑出租公司。21世纪英汉〔dolly〕A hand truck or low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads.台车:有小脚轮,用于运送重物的手推车或台车美国传统〔drop〕Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civilians in the war zone.援助机构正组织向战区平民运送食品。牛津高阶〔dustbin〕We put out the dustbins on a Wednesday morning before the van comes.星期三早上我们会在垃圾运送车到来之前把垃圾桶放到外面。牛津搭配〔esophagus〕The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet.食道:把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子;食道美国传统〔ferry〕A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.渡口:如河或海湾等用渡船将乘客或货物运送过水体的场所美国传统〔ferry〕To transport (people or goods) especially by aircraft.运送,空运:尤指用飞机运输(人或货物)美国传统〔ferry〕To transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.渡运:用渡船跨过水体运送(人、车或货物)美国传统〔flatboat〕A boat with a flat bottom and square ends used for transporting freight on inland waterways.平底船:用于在内陆河道上运送货物的平底方边船美国传统〔flew〕How many passengers do this airline fly weekly?这条航线一周能运送多少乘客?21世纪英汉〔forklift〕To move or stack by use of a vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform.用叉式升降机运送或堆积美国传统〔free alongside ship〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery to the point of loading aboard ship.船边交货:免费把货物运送到船的载货部位美国传统〔freighter〕A vehicle, especially a ship, used for carrying freight.运输工具:用作运送货物的一种运输工具,尤指船美国传统〔freight〕Freighting merchandise is less expensive than mailing it.运送商品比邮寄要便宜得多。21世纪英汉〔freight〕Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.货物:被船或飞机,尤指被商业运输公司运送的货物;货物美国传统〔freight〕To convey commercially as cargo.商业性的运送货物美国传统〔futile〕Attempts to get supplies to the region are futile because troops will not allow the aid convoy to enter the city.往该地区运送物资的努力失败了,因为军方不允许救援物资护送队进城。剑桥高阶〔horse〕Heavy horses were used for delivering beer.挽马用来运送啤酒。牛津搭配〔lighterage〕Transportation of goods on a lighter.驳运:用驳船运送货物美国传统〔mailbag〕A large canvas sack used for transporting mail.邮袋:用来运送邮件的大帆布袋美国传统〔mail〕Teams of men and horses transported mail across the country.以前靠一队队人马在全国运送邮件。外研社新世纪〔manner〕She pleaded guilty to conspiring to harbour and transport illegal immigrants in a manner that led to their deaths.对于密谋窝藏并运送非法移民、致人死亡的罪行她供认不讳。外研社新世纪〔medevac〕A helicopter or other aircraft used for such transport.救伤直升机,救伤飞机:用来运送伤员之直升机或其他飞机美国传统〔medevac〕Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care; medical evacuation.臣务救助和撤退:用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治疗的地方;医务救助美国传统〔medevac〕The wounded soldiers were medevaced to the hospital.伤兵由救护直升机紧急运送到医院。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕Rail and inland navigation together account for 30-50% of the total delivered cost.铁路与内陆运输共占到全部运送成本的 30% 至 50%。牛津搭配〔normally〕Normally, the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day.正常情况下,巴黎的交通系统每天运送95万乘客。柯林斯高阶〔overland〕Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region.民兵首领已拦阻了该地区经由陆上运送食品的车队。柯林斯高阶〔passenger〕Last year the airline carried 4.6 million passengers.去年这家航空公司运送乘客 460 万人次。牛津搭配〔railroad〕The supplies were sent on the railroad.补给是由铁路运送的。朗文当代〔railway〕The railways carry millions of tons of freight every year.铁路每年运送数百万吨的货物。牛津搭配〔reefer〕A conveyance, such as a railroad car or truck trailer, that carries cargo under refrigeration.冷藏车:如火车货车或货车拖车等在冷冻状态下运送货物的运输车美国传统〔return〕A pipe or conduit for carrying something, especially water, back to its starting point.回行管道:将某物(尤指水)运送至起始点的管子或管道美国传统〔ride〕To guard a person or thing while in transit.押车:在运送过程中看守某人或某物美国传统〔rocket〕To carry by means of a rocket.用火箭运送美国传统〔round〕Officials also were having trouble rounding up truck drivers to make the deliveries.官员们在召集卡车司机运送这些物品时也碰到了困难。麦克米伦高阶〔router〕One that routes, especially one who prepares shipments for distribution and delivery.规定路线的人:尤指为分发和装送设备而规定运送路线的人美国传统〔route〕All the goods were routed by way of the Netherlands.一切货物均经由荷兰运送。21世纪英汉〔route〕Deliveries are routed via/by way of London.货物经由伦敦运送。剑桥高阶〔route〕Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks.以往由卡车运送的很多货物现在都改用双层列车运送了。柯林斯高阶〔route〕Kobe remains closed, but goods are being routed through different ports.神户港仍然闭港,但是货物正通过其他港口运送进来。麦克米伦高阶〔shipment〕Food shipments could begin in a matter of weeks.几周内就可以开始运送食品了。外研社新世纪〔ship〕The soldiers were shipped overseas for duty.士兵们被运送到海外执行任务。韦氏高阶〔ship〕To send, as to a distant place.运送:派遣,比如到一个遥远的地方美国传统〔ship〕Toxic waste is shipped from Western Europe to other countries.有毒废物被用船从西欧运送到其他国家。麦克米伦高阶〔shuttlecraft〕A reusable space vehicle for transporting astronauts or material back and forth; a space shuttle.航天飞机:一种往返运送宇航员或材料的可重复使用的太空运输工具;航天飞船美国传统〔shuttle〕A bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal.一辆公共汽车在火车站和公共汽车终点站之间往返运送旅客。牛津高阶〔sluice〕To send (logs, for example) down a sluice.(沿斜水槽)运送:将(例如原木)沿水渠运送美国传统〔state〕It can be a felony to transport wine across state lines.运送葡萄酒跨越州界可能被判重罪。牛津搭配〔stretcher〕A litter, usually of canvas stretched over a frame, used to transport the sick, wounded, or dead.担架:通常由帆布撑于架子之间的担架,用于运送病人,伤员或死者美国传统〔supply〕The trucks carried medicine and other supplies across the border.卡车运送药品和其他日常用品穿越边境。麦克米伦高阶〔travel〕The order/shipment is traveling by plane.所订货物/发出的货物由飞机运送。韦氏高阶〔travois〕A frame slung between trailing poles and pulled by a dog or horse, formerly used by Plains Indians as a conveyance for goods and belongings.马拉雪橇:一种用狗或马拉的吊挂于几根滑行杆之间的结构,以前北美平原地区的印第安人将它作为运送货物的运输工具美国传统〔truck〕A wheeled platform, sometimes equipped with a motor, for conveying loads in a warehouse or freight yard.电动搬运车:装备有电动机的带轮平台,用于仓库或货场运送货物美国传统〔truck〕Most of the aid is being trucked into the city, although some is arriving by boat.大部分的援助物资用卡车运到这座城市,有一小部分是用船运送的。剑桥高阶〔use〕Bob uses the van for picking up groceries.鲍勃用货车运送食品杂货。朗文当代〔work〕Carrying heavy loads around all day is hard work.整天来回运送重物是个苦活儿。剑桥高阶Barges ferry the gas and heating oil to regional distributors.驳船将天然气和燃油运送到地区分销商手中。牛津商务Fruits are perishable in transit. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。译典通In the past, sledges were used in Russia for carrying people and goods during the winter.在过去,雪橇是俄国在冬天用来运送人和货物的。剑桥国际Oil is shipped in drums. 汽油装桶运送。译典通Relief supplies have been flown out to the refugee camps.救济物资被空运送往难民营。剑桥国际Shipping merchandise directly to the customer lowers costs.将商品直接运送给顾客会降低成本。牛津商务Sixty-five per cent of Brazil's freight is carried by lorry.65% 的巴西货物是用卡车运送的。牛津商务The function of the veins is to carry blood to the heart.血管的功能是将血液运送到心脏。剑桥国际The gold ingots will be transported in a high-security van.将用一辆高保安的货车运送金锭。剑桥国际The race horses were vanned from here to there. 赛马被用有篷卡车从这里运送到那里。译典通The supermarket has its perishables delivered by air rather than truck to ensure freshness.超级市场为了确保新鲜用飞机而不是卡车运送易腐烂的食品。剑桥国际The system allows us to monitor shipments as they move through the supply chain.这个系统有助于我们监视货物在供应链上的运送情况。牛津商务They deliver supplies to the offshore platforms of major oil companies.他们向大石油公司的海上作业平台运送物资。牛津商务They rafted (= transported on a raft) their supplies down the river.他们用筏子把供给品沿河运送。剑桥国际We overnight fresh fish to restaurants in New York.我们夜间运送鲜鱼到纽约的餐馆。牛津商务We ship goods all over the world.我们把货物运送到世界各地。牛津商务We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter. 我们使用直升机往返不停地将旅客运送到市中心。译典通




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