

单词 运输系统
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔broken-down〕a broken-down transport system 非常糟糕的运输系统英汉大词典〔coherent〕a coherent policy for the transport system 运输系统方面的一个前后一致的政策牛津高阶〔deficiency〕the deficiencies of our transport system我们运输系统的不完备外研社新世纪〔month〕a month-long transport strike 历时一个月的交通运输系统罢工朗文当代〔shambolic〕a shambolic system of public transportation 混乱的公共运输系统韦氏高阶〔subsidization〕the subsidising of London's transport. 对伦敦交通运输系统的补贴柯林斯高阶〔system〕a transport system 运输系统牛津高阶〔telpher〕a telpher system 高架缆索运输系统英汉大词典〔transit〕the city's mass/public transit system 城市的公共交通运输系统牛津高阶〔transportation〕high speed rail transportation 高速铁路运输系统韦氏高阶〔transportation〕public tran sportation(= the system of buses, trains, etc. provided for people to travel from one place to another) 公共交通运输系统牛津高阶a computer/transport system 计算机/运输系统牛津商务high distribution costs caused by poor transport systems 糟糕的运输系统所造成的高昂分销成本牛津商务




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