

单词 运载工具
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fairing〕An auxiliary structure or the external surface of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, that serves to reduce drag.整流装置:运载工具(如飞机的)用以减少阻力的一种附件或外部表面美国传统〔first class〕The most luxurious and most expensive class of accommodations on a train, passenger ship, airplane, or other conveyance.头等舱:火车、客轮、飞机或其它运载工具中最豪华、最昂贵的住宿等级美国传统〔guidance〕Any of various processes for guiding the path of a vehicle, especially a missile, by means of built-in equipment.导航系统:任一种以其本身装置引导运载工具路径的过程,尤指导弹美国传统〔mount〕A means of conveyance, such as a horse, on which to ride.运载工具:骑在…上的运载方式,例如马美国传统〔offload〕To unload (a vehicle or container).卸载,卸(货):(从运载工具或集装箱中)卸下(货)美国传统〔offload〕To unload a vehicle or container.卸货:从运载工具或集装箱上卸下货来美国传统〔oversteer〕To turn more sharply than the operator would expect. Used of vehicles, especially automobiles.过度转向:出乎驾驶人意料之外的急转弯。用于运载工具,尤指汽车美国传统〔school bus〕A publicly or privately owned vehicle that is used for taking schoolchildren to and from school or school-related activities.校车:公共或私人拥有的运载工具,以接送学童上学、放学或参加学校活动美国传统〔tail wind〕A wind blowing in the same direction as that of the course of an aircraft, a ship, or another vehicle.顺风:一架飞机、一艘船或另一种运载工具向着与风吹一致方向行驶美国传统〔tail〕The rear end of a wagon or other vehicle.车辆的后部:一辆马车或其它运载工具的尾端美国传统〔vehicular〕Of, relating to, or intended for vehicles, especially motor vehicles.车辆的;运载工具的:属于、关于或用于运载工具的,尤指机动车辆美国传统




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