

单词 运转
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPLAIN〕Can you give us a quick explanation of how it works? 你能很快给我们解释一下它是怎么运转的吗?朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Expenses for maintaining the investment fund are negligible - just half a percentage point of profit. 投资基金的运转费用微不足道一只占利润的0.5%。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕Nathan had a series of jobs where he wasn't happy, but this time he's really fallen on his feet. 内森以前的好几个工作都不称心,但这次他是时来运转了。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕The engine is almost silent, even at high speed, and goes like a dream. 这台引擎即使在高速运转时也几乎没有噪音,性能极佳。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕Once a car has started, the engine would continue to run even if you disconnected the battery. 汽车一旦起动,即使你切断电池的电源,引擎还是会继续运转的。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕You can hear the pump in the refrigerator when it's working. 冰箱运转的时候可以听到电泵的声音。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕They overloaded the computer system, and the whole thing just stopped. 他们使电脑系统超负荷运转,因此整个系统就停顿了。朗文写作活用〔action〕You can visit the winery and see it in action.你可以参观葡萄酒厂, 看它是如何运转的。外研社新世纪〔apart〕I took the motor apart (= separated it into pieces) to see how it worked.我把发动机拆开了,想看看它是怎样运转的。剑桥高阶〔asteroid belt〕The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where most of the asteroids are found.小行星带:火星和木星轨道间的太阳系区域,大多数小行星都在此运转美国传统〔at full/top speed〕The machine was operating at high/medium/low speed.机器在高/中/低速运转。韦氏高阶〔balance wheel〕A wheel that regulates rate of movement in machine parts, as in a watch.摆轮:在机器部件,如手表中控制运转速度的轮子美国传统〔be welcome to〕You're welcome to it - I can never get it to work right.你尽管用——我就从没能让它正常运转过。剑桥高阶〔circle〕The moon circles the earth.月球围绕着地球运转。21世纪英汉〔cycle〕The machine cycles automatically.这台机器自动循环运转。英汉大词典〔damn〕The damn thing never worked right.这个该死的东西从来不正常运转。韦氏高阶〔dodgy〕The car's got a dodgy engine.这辆轿车的发动机运转不良。韦氏高阶〔electricity〕The machines run on electricity.这些机器靠电力运转。麦克米伦高阶〔engine〕Is the engine running smoothly? 发动机运转平稳吗?朗文当代〔feedback〕The return of a portion of the output of a process or system to the input, especially when used to maintain performance or to control a system or process.反馈:一个过程或系统的一部分由输出向输入的返回,尤指用来维持运转或控制一个系统或过程美国传统〔full〕The machine was running at full power/speed.机器正以最高功率/全速运转。韦氏高阶〔functional〕The new hospital isn't fully functional as yet but should be very soon.这家医院尚未完全实现正常运转,但很快就会的。麦克米伦高阶〔function〕The bombs continued to fall, but somehow the city still functioned.炸弹继续落下,但不知怎的,这座城市仍在运转。牛津搭配〔function〕We need to get this department functioning efficiently.我们需要让这个部门高效地运转。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕The machine does not go well [smoothly].这机器运转不顺。文馨英汉〔groan〕The system was groaning under an avalanche of applications.系统运行了大量的应用程序,只能勉强维持运转。麦克米伦高阶〔hold ... out〕This old machine will hold out for another 20 years.这台老机器还会再运转20年。21世纪英汉〔hook up〕He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.他把它拿下来,连接好,我们的发电机就开始运转了。柯林斯高阶〔hub〕The computer department is at the hub of the company's operations.计算机部是这家公司运转的枢纽。剑桥高阶〔hum〕Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.用不了5小时,设备就又能嗡嗡地运转了。柯林斯高阶〔initially〕Initially, the system worked well.开始时系统运转良好。牛津高阶〔inside〕They should have everything working inside an hour.他们应该会在一个小时之内使一切运转起来。柯林斯高阶〔insight〕Take the machine apart and get an insight into how it works.把机器拆开,察看一下它是怎样运转的。英汉大词典〔interlock〕To connect together (parts of a mechanism, for example) so that the motion or operation of individual parts affect each other.使互相扣住:把(例如,机械零件)连于一体从而使部件的运转或操作互相牵扯美国传统〔interregnum〕A period of temporary suspension of the usual functions of government or control.过渡期:政府或统治正常运转的一段暂时中间期美国传统〔jazz〕You'd better jazz up the motor.你最好加快马达的运转。21世纪英汉〔jig〕A device for guiding a tool or for holding machine work in place.夹具,装配架:导引工具或使机器固定在适当位置上运转的设备美国传统〔jump-start〕Informal The act or an instance of starting or setting in motion a stalled or sluggish system or process.【非正式用语】 推动法:使受阻或缺乏活力的系统或程序开始运转的行为或事例美国传统〔keep going〕They tried everything they could think of to keep the business going.他们尝试了所有能想到的办法来让公司继续运转。韦氏高阶〔keep〕The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can't afford to keep it going.这家图书馆一年运转费用达五百万英镑,委员会无力把它维持下去了。朗文当代〔kick〕I felt the kick of the engine when it started.发动机运转时,我感觉到它的猛烈震动。韦氏高阶〔land〕She certainly landed on her feet when she got that job.她一定是时来运转,得到了那份工作。朗文当代〔lead〕Her big break came when she got/played the lead in a major Hollywood movie.当她在一部好莱坞大片中获得主角角色/扮演主角时,她就时来运转了。韦氏高阶〔lubricate〕Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转。英汉大词典〔machine〕The machine is working/running properly.机器运转正常。韦氏高阶〔malfunction〕Failure to function.失灵:不能进行运转美国传统〔malfunction〕Faulty or abnormal functioning.功能障碍:运转不对或异常美国传统〔mile〕His thoughts were racing a mile a minute.他的思维正在高速运转。牛津搭配〔motor〕He left the motor running.他让发动机一直运转。牛津搭配〔move〕To be put in motion or to turn according to a prescribed motion. Used of machinery.运转:使按照预先设计的步骤开始运行或启动。用于机械美国传统〔night〕The machines are kept running night and day.这些机器夜以继日地运转着。牛津高阶〔obviously〕Obviously the school cannot function without teachers.显而易见,学校没有老师就无法运转。剑桥高阶〔operant〕Operating to produce effects; effective.运转中的:操作运行着的,起作用的美国传统〔operate〕Check that the equipment is operating in a safe manner.检查一下这个设备是否在安全地运转。朗文当代〔operate〕I don't know how the electoral system operates in France.我不知道法国的选举制度是如何运转的。外研社新世纪〔operate〕The motor operates at very high speeds.马达飞速运转。麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕The washing machine isn't operating properly.洗衣机运转不正常。英汉大词典〔operational〕Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational again with six months.整修工作已经开始,我们预计这家工厂在6个月后会再次全面运转起来。剑桥高阶〔operation〕Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation.这台机器运转时,必须穿上防护服。朗文当代〔operation〕Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine.定期维修可保持发动机的顺畅运转。牛津高阶〔operation〕The aircraft's engine operation was normal.飞机引擎的运转正常。朗文当代〔out〕He landed the plane with one engine out.在一个发动机停止运转的情况下,他使飞机着陆了。韦氏高阶〔perpetual motion〕The hypothetical continuous operation of an isolated mechanical device or other closed system without a sustaining energy source.永恒运动:一种奇特的机械设备或其它封闭系统,无需提供能量而永恒不断地运转美国传统〔power〕The transmitter is operating on reduced power.发报机正在功率不足的情况下运转。牛津搭配〔power〕To supply with power, especially mechanical power.运转:提供动力,尤指机械动力美国传统〔publicity〕The record company's publicity machine was working flat out.唱片公司的宣传机器正在全速运转。牛津搭配〔reactivate〕They are trying their best to reactivate the old coal cutter.他们正在尽最大的努力使这台旧截煤机重新运转。21世纪英汉〔relay〕Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.工人们轮班工作,机器彻夜运转。剑桥高阶〔rev〕Keep the revs up (= the engine parts turning quickly) or the engine will stall.保持发动机高速运转,不然车就会熄火。剑桥高阶〔roll〕To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.周期性运转:以定期运转的方式移动,如行星在自己的轨道上运行美国传统〔rough〕The engine is running a little rough.这台发动机的运转有点不稳。韦氏高阶〔run on〕This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil.这种手扶拖拉机靠柴油运转。21世纪英汉〔running〕It's going to be hard to get the business up and running.这家企业将很难正常运转。外研社新世纪〔smoothness〕Sayer was delighted with the smoothness of the engine.塞耶为发动机的平稳运转感到高兴。外研社新世纪〔stop〕A part in a machine that stops or regulates movement.制动器:机器中停止或调节运转的部分美国传统〔stop〕To cause (a motor, for example) to cease operation or function; halt.使停止:使(如发动机)停止运作或运转;使停止美国传统〔strongly〕The old machinery was still going strong.这台旧机器依然运转良好。柯林斯高阶〔synchromesh〕An automotive gear-shifting system in which the gears are synchronized at the same speeds before engaging to effect a smooth shift.同步齿轮系:一种自动的齿轮转动系统,在齿轮接合以产生顺利的转动之前齿轮以同样速度运转美国传统〔the〕This machine is working none the worse for its long service.这机器并不因长久使用而运转得差些。英汉大词典〔tick-over〕The engine slowed to a tick-over.发动机速度下降, 开始低速运转。外研社新世纪〔trade name〕The name under which a business firm operates.牌号:商业公司运转所使用的名字美国传统〔troubleshooter〕A worker whose job is to locate and eliminate sources of trouble, as in mechanical operations.故障检修员:查找或排除,如机器运转中的故障的人美国传统〔twist〕The happy twist of fate transformed her life.时来运转改变了她的生活。英汉大词典〔upturn〕Their fortunes have taken an upturn in recent months.最近几个月他们时来运转。牛津搭配〔up〕By that time the new system should be up and running.到那时这个新系统应该会运转起来了。牛津高阶〔up〕You'll notice a big difference once the new computer system is up and running.一旦新计算机系统运转起来, 你就会发现有一个很大的不同之处。外研社新世纪〔viable〕In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.很遗憾,为使公司继续运转下去,将不得不裁员。剑桥高阶〔way〕The machine isn't working the way it's supposed to.这部机器没有正常运转。韦氏高阶〔work〕My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的大脑疯狂运转, 把那晚发生的事情飞快地过了一遍。外研社新世纪If the photocopier stops working just give it a clout.如果那部影印机停止运转的话,就敲它一下好了。剑桥国际Keep clear of the machines while they're running.当机器运转时,请勿靠近。剑桥国际Marshall's papers provided a rare look into the workings of the contemporary court.马歇尔的论文提供了一种对当代法庭运转的少有的审视。剑桥国际Paul is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.保罗对办公室的有效运转直接负责。剑桥国际Something is wrong with the car --the engine feels a bit sluggish.这辆车有毛病----引擎运转得有些不畅。剑桥国际The boiler is working inefficiently and wasting gas.锅炉在无效率地运转并且浪费着煤气。剑桥国际The machine is not operating properly. 机器运转得不正常。译典通We only have electricity when the generator is working.发电机运转的时候我们才有电。剑桥国际When the large cog wheel engages (with the smaller one), the mill stone will start to go round.当大齿轮(与小齿轮)啮合时,石磨就开始运转。剑桥国际You can avoid excessive wear on your tyres by checking that the wheels are not misaligned.你可以通过检查确定轮子没有运转不正从而避免过度磨损你的轮胎。剑桥国际You're welcome to it--I can never get it to work properly.你尽管用----我总是不能让它正常运转。剑桥国际




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