

单词 脱离
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SEPARATE〕to deliberately separate yourself from another person, group etc 从其他人、团体等中故意脱离出来朗文写作活用〔bail〕bail sb. out with economic aid 从经济上帮助某人使之脱离困境英汉大词典〔bolt〕to bolt a political party脱离政党21世纪英汉〔cheat〕a heroin addict who has cheated death many times 多次侥幸脱离死亡的海洛因瘾君子韦氏高阶〔clan〕one of a growing clan of stars who have left Hollywood 脱离了好莱坞的那帮人数日益增多的明星中的一员牛津高阶〔closet〕a closet plan 脱离实际的计划英汉大词典〔colonial〕the 31st anniversary of Jamaica's independence from British colonial rule. 牙买加脱离英国殖民统治独立31周年纪念柯林斯高阶〔contact〕lose all contact with reality 完全脱离现实(指沉溺于幻觉) 英汉大词典〔context〕words and phrases placed in no context at all 完全脱离了上下文的单词和短语英汉大词典〔depart〕depart from custom.See Synonyms at swerve 脱离习俗 参见 swerve美国传统〔detachment〕his increasing detachment from reality 他的日渐脱离现实牛津搭配〔detach〕detach oneself from reality 脱离实际英汉大词典〔disembodied〕a disembodied spirit (脱离肉躯)亡灵文馨英汉〔disengage〕disengage a ship from the sea battle 使战舰脱离海战英汉大词典〔divorced〕speculative theories divorced from political reality. 与政治事实相脱离的投机理论柯林斯高阶〔divorce〕an idea that was completely divorced from reality.See Synonyms at separate 完全脱离实际的想法 参见 separate美国传统〔divorce〕the divorce between theory and method 理论与方法的脱离朗文当代〔divorce〕this divorce of Christian culture from the roots of faith. 基督教文化和信仰根基的脱离柯林斯高阶〔divorce〕this divorce of Christian culture from the roots of faith基督教文化从信仰根基上的脱离外研社新世纪〔estrange from〕to estrange oneself from politics脱离政治21世纪英汉〔estranged〕young adults who feel estranged from the church 感到脱离了教会的青年人朗文当代〔faith〕break faith with an organization 脱离组织英汉大词典〔fall〕fall off from a political party 脱离一个政党英汉大词典〔go〕leave the Church of England and go over to Rome 脱离英国国教而皈依罗马教廷英汉大词典〔impractical〕a totally impractical view 完全脱离实际的观点英汉大词典〔independence〕independence from Spain 脱离西班牙而独立牛津搭配〔isolate〕to isolate oneself from the masses脱离群众21世纪英汉〔isolation〕be in isolation from a person 脱离某人文馨英汉〔isolation〕be in isolation from sb. 脱离某人英汉大词典〔jam〕get sb. in (out of) a jam 使某人陷入(脱离)困境英汉大词典〔marooned〕families marooned in decaying inner-city areas无法脱离日益衰败的市中心区的家庭外研社新世纪〔opt-out〕an opt-out school 脱离地方当局财政管辖的学校朗文当代〔renounce〕renounce the world 完全脱离世俗社会英汉大词典〔renounce〕to renounce Christianity宣布脱离基督教外研社新世纪〔secede〕to secede Southern states from the Union企图把南方各州从联邦脱离出来21世纪英汉〔secularize〕secularize education 使教育脱离宗教影响英汉大词典〔separation〕the state's eventual separation from the federation 那个州最终与联邦的脱离牛津高阶〔trunk〕a colony breaking away from the trunk of the British Empire 脱离大英帝国主体的一块殖民地英汉大词典a newly spun out company 一家抽资脱离组建的新公司牛津商务the proposed spin-off of the group's restaurants from its hotels 从这家集团酒店业务中抽资脱离组建餐馆的提议牛津商务




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