

单词 被灌输
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TEACH〕Citizens were indoctrinated into believing that their leader was the source of all wisdom and goodness. 市民被灌输了这种思想,相信他们的领袖是所有智慧和善良品质的源泉。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕The people have been conditioned into thinking that anyone from outside their community represents a threat to them. 这些人被灌输了这样的思想,即任何来自社区以外的人都可能对他们构成威胁。朗文写作活用〔diet〕Kids today are raised on a constant diet of pop music and television.如今的孩子在成长过程中不断地被灌输过多的流行音乐和电视节目。朗文当代〔diet〕We are fed a diet of game shows and soap operas.我们被灌输大量的游戏节目和肥皂剧。麦克米伦高阶〔drum into〕Standard examples were drummed into students' heads.学生脑子里被灌输了各种标准的范例。外研社新世纪〔drum into〕Standard examples were drummed into students' heads.学生脑子里被灌输了各种标准的范例。柯林斯高阶〔drum into〕The importance of saying “please” and “thank you” was drummed into us as children.当我们还是孩子时,就被灌输说“请”和“谢谢”的重要性。韦氏高阶〔indoctrinate〕People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders.人们被灌输对领导人不得置疑的观念。朗文当代〔pound into〕They had all the rules of journalism pounded into their heads.他们的头脑中已被灌输了新闻业的各种规则。外研社新世纪〔propaganda〕At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.在学校时我们被灌输了共产主义/右翼思想。剑桥高阶At school they were fed right-wing propaganda and they believed a good deal of it.在学校里,他们被灌输右翼思想宣传,而他们也相信了其中很多东西。剑桥国际She has been brought up with the Protestant work ethic (= the belief that work is valuable as an activity as well as for what it produces).她从小被灌输了新教的工作有益的伦理。剑桥国际




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