

单词 芦苇
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bed〕The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.鸟儿把巢筑在沿河的芦苇丛里。朗文当代〔bed〕The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds.整片湖都被密密层层的芦苇围了起来。柯林斯高阶〔cane〕A slender, strong but often flexible stem, as of certain bamboos, reeds, or rattans.细长有节的茎:细长而坚硬但通常可弯曲的茎干,如某些竹子、芦苇或藤的美国传统〔croak〕Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank.上千只青蛙在河岸边的芦苇荡里呱呱叫。柯林斯高阶〔croak〕Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank.成千上万只青蛙在河岸边的芦苇荡里呱呱地叫。外研社新世纪〔duck blind〕A shelter, often camouflaged with reeds and grasses, for concealing duck hunters.猎鸭掩体:一种掩体,常用草或芦苇伪装以掩避猎鸭者美国传统〔eye〕A movement in the reeds caught my eye (= attracted my attention).芦苇中的动静引起了我的注意。牛津搭配〔filter〕Reed beds filter out much of the pollution.长有芦苇的河床过滤掉许多污染物。麦克米伦高阶〔gadroon〕An ornamental band, used especially in silverwork, embellished with fluting, reeding, or another continuous pattern.串珠状缘饰:用凹槽、芦苇形线脚或其它串状装饰来点缀的尤用于银器的装饰线脚美国传统〔gadroon〕Architecture A band of convex molding carved with ornamental beading or reeding.【建筑学】 刻纹圆线脚装饰:在圆线脚上加以雕刻小凸嵌线装饰或芦苇形线脚装饰而形成的装绵样式美国传统〔line〕On the far bank were thick reeds and a line of palm trees.远处的堤岸上是茂盛的芦苇和一排棕榈树。麦克米伦高阶〔migrant〕Migrant birds shelter in the reeds.候鸟在芦苇丛中筑巢。柯林斯高阶〔papyrus〕A material on which to write made from the pith or the stems of this sedge, used especially by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.纸莎草纸:一种由这种芦苇的茎或髓制成的书写材料,尤其为古代埃及人、希腊人和罗马人使用美国传统〔pool〕The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds.水塘已经干涸,里面都是欧洲蕨和芦苇。柯林斯高阶〔pool〕The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds.池塘已经干涸了, 里面长满了欧洲蕨和芦苇。外研社新世纪〔pot at〕We potted at the wild duck in the reeds.我们向芦苇中的野鸭射击。21世纪英汉〔reeding〕Architecture A convex decorative molding having parallel strips resembling thin reeds.【建筑学】 芦苇形线脚:一种有形似细芦苇的两条平行线条的凸面装饰线脚美国传统〔reedy〕Full of reeds.芦苇丛生的美国传统〔reedy〕Made of reeds.用芦苇制成的美国传统〔reed〕Music A primitive wind instrument made of a hollow reed stalk.【音乐】 芦笛:用空心芦苇杆制成的原始吹奏乐器美国传统〔reed〕Reeds grew in clumps all along the river bank.沿着河岸长着一丛丛芦苇。朗文当代〔reed〕The stalk of any of these plants.芦苇杆:这些植物中任一种的茎杆美国传统〔respond〕Tall reeds responded to the spanking breeze.高高的芦苇在劲风中摇曳。英汉大词典〔slosh〕The water sloshed into a mass of water reeds.水汩汩地流进一丛芦苇。英汉大词典〔steep〕She steeped reeds for basket weaving.她把芦苇浸泡起来以备编织篮子。21世纪英汉〔stilt〕They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water.他们住在建于水中木桩之上的芦苇草屋里。柯林斯高阶〔thatch〕Plant stalks or foliage, such as reeds or palm fronds, used for roofing.茅草:用于盖屋顶的植物茎或叶,如芦苇或棕榈叶美国传统〔wattle〕A construction of poles intertwined with twigs, reeds, or branches, used for walls, fences, and roofs.柳栅:用嫩枝、芦苇或枝条编成的构架,用以筑墙、篱笆和屋顶美国传统〔weave〕She can tell you how to weave reeds into a beautiful basket.她能教你怎样用芦苇编织漂亮的篮子。21世纪英汉The villagers wove dried reeds together to make the roof.村民将晒干的芦苇编在一起做房顶。剑桥国际We tried to avoid the beds of reeds at the river curves. 我们试图避开河弯处的芦苇滩。译典通




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