

单词 草药
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕Many old herbal remedies have disappeared and been replaced by synthetic drugs. 许多过去的草药都已不再使用,被合成药物所取代。朗文写作活用〔CURE〕I tried some herbal remedies such as drinking camomile tea, but none of them worked. 我试了一些草药方子如甘菊茶等,可都没效果。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Some alternative practitioners seem to regard the herb as some kind of miracle drug, but conventional doctors are warning them to be careful. 一些非传统医学的医生似乎把那草药当成是一种灵丹妙药,然而传统医生却告诫他们要小心使用。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕I don't exactly know how to dry herbs, could you show me? 我具体不知道怎样把这草药弄干,你教教我好吗?朗文写作活用〔EXAGGERATE〕Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal remedies including the curing of baldness. 一些草药的功效被说得太夸张了,说什么能治疗脱发的。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕These herbal remedies become less effective if the patient suffers a relapse. 要是病人旧病复发的话,这些草药效果就会变差。朗文写作活用〔aggregation〕The herb has been shown to hinder platelet aggregation.这种草药已被证实可以抑制血小板凝集。外研社新世纪〔air〕The tang of some wild herb hung in the air.空气中散发着浓烈的野生草药的气味。牛津搭配〔base〕The products are based on traditional herbal medicines.这些产品以传统草药为主要原料制成。外研社新世纪〔base〕Three of the new products are based on traditional herbal medicines.有3种新产品是以传统的草药为基础研制的。柯林斯高阶〔beef stroganoff〕Thinly sliced beef fillet sautéed and mixed with onions, mushrooms, sour cream, and herbs, often served on a bed of noodles or rice.俄式炒牛肉:用洋葱、蘑菇、酸乳脂、草药调拌嫩煎的切成薄片的牛肉,常拌面条或米饭一起吃美国传统〔belief〕Belief in the magical properties of this herb persisted down the centuries.对这种草药的神奇功能的笃信延续了好几个世纪。牛津搭配〔believer〕Mum was a great believer in herbal medicines.妈妈特别相信草药。柯林斯高阶〔believer〕Mum was a great believer in herbal medicines.我妈妈非常相信草药。外研社新世纪〔big business〕Herbal remedies are becoming big business.草药将成为赚钱的大生意。麦克米伦高阶〔calm down〕I'll try a herbal remedy to calm him down.我来用草药试试,看能不能让他镇静下来。柯林斯高阶〔chimichurri〕A sauce made of chopped fresh parsley seasoned with garlic, pepper, and herbs and bound with oil and vinegar.奇米秋里酱:由剁碎的新鲜荷兰芹,加上大蒜、胡椒、草药来调味,再和油还有醋混合的酱料美国传统〔cleanse〕The herb is believed to cleanse the body of toxins.这种草药据说可以清除体内的毒素。韦氏高阶〔coltsfoot〕The dried leaves or flower heads of this plant, long used in herbal medicine to treat coughs.款冬:款冬的干叶或干花序,用于草药以治疗咳嗽美国传统〔corn silk〕The styles and stigmas that appear as a silky tuft or tassel at the tip of an ear of corn, used as a diuretic in herbal medicine.穗丝:玉米穗上的丝缕状的花柱和柱头,用作中草药中的利尿剂美国传统〔echinacea〕The roots, seeds, or other parts of such a plant, used in herbal medicine.紫锥菊:紫锥菊的根、子、或其它部分,被用作为草药美国传统〔effectiveness〕They're doing tests to evaluate the effectiveness of this herb as an antiseptic.他们正通过试验来评估这种草药作为杀菌剂的有效性。牛津搭配〔examine〕He was examined again and then prescribed a different herbal medicine.医生再次为他检查, 并且开了一种新的草药。外研社新世纪〔examine〕He was examined again and then prescribed a different herbal medicine.医生又对他诊察了一遍,然后开了另外一种草药。柯林斯高阶〔extinct〕Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。柯林斯高阶〔extinct〕Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.草药学在西方已经成了一门即将消失的技能。外研社新世纪〔galenical〕A medicinal preparation composed mainly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药:主要成分为草本物质或植物物质的药物制剂美国传统〔galenical〕Of, relating to, or being a drug or agent made up chiefly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药的:主要由草本物质或植物物质制成的药剂的,与此有关的,作为这种药剂的美国传统〔herbal〕A book about plants and herbs, especially those that are useful to human beings.草药书:有关植物和牧草的书,尤指有关对人类有用的植物的书美国传统〔herby〕The sauce is a bit too herby.这种调味汁的草药味有点太浓了。外研社新世纪〔herb〕The shop sells a large range of herbs and spices.商店卖多种多样的草药和香料。牛津搭配〔illness〕The only thing that could cure her illness was a special herb.唯一能治好她疾病的东西是一种特别的草药。牛津搭配〔inducer〕He uses the herb as a sleep inducer.他用草药来促进睡眠。韦氏高阶〔induce〕These herbs can help to induce sleep.这些草药有助于入眠。外研社新世纪〔infuse〕Herbalists infuse the flowers in oil.草药大夫把花朵浸泡到油里。柯林斯高阶〔infuse〕Herbalists infuse the flowers in oil.草药大夫把花浸泡在油里。外研社新世纪〔infuse〕The teas are made by infusing the roots of herbs.这茶是浸泡草药根而沏成的。外研社新世纪〔infusion〕She drinks an infusion of herbs.她喝冲泡的草药。剑桥高阶〔interest〕My main research interest is herbal medicine.我的主要研究兴趣是草药。牛津搭配〔laxative〕The herb has a mild laxative effect.这种草药有轻微的通便效果。韦氏高阶〔medicine〕Chinese herbal medicines 中国草药牛津高阶〔medicine〕She knows a lot about herbal medicines.她懂得许多关于草药的知识。剑桥高阶〔naturopathy〕A medical herbalist or naturopath will be able to advise on individual treatment plans.草药医士或自然疗法医士能够对各别个体治疗方案提供咨询。牛津高阶〔pooh-pooh〕He pooh-poohed herbal remedies at first.起初他对草药疗法嗤之以鼻。朗文当代〔pound〕Pound the herbs and garlic until they form a paste.把草药和大蒜捣碎成糊状。韦氏高阶〔pulverize〕She pulverized a dried herb mix into a fine powder.她把干草药混合物磨成了粉末。外研社新世纪〔purifier〕In traditional medicine, certain herbs are used as blood purifiers.在传统医学中,某些草药被用来净化血液。剑桥高阶〔put〕When the drugs failed to cure her, she put her faith/trust in herbal medicine.西药不能治好她的病时,她转而相信草药了。剑桥高阶〔quackery〕To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。柯林斯高阶〔ratatouille〕A vegetable stew, usually made with eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and onions, seasoned with herbs and garlic, and served hot or cold.普罗旺斯蔬菜杂烩:一种蔬菜杂烩,通常包括茄子,西红柿,西葫芦,洋葱和青椒,由草药或大蒜进行调味,既可冷吃也可热食美国传统〔ravigote〕A vinegar sauce seasoned with minced onion, capers, and herbs, used with boiled meats or fish.酸辣调味汁:一种由切好的洋葱,马槟榔和草药调出来的酸酱,用来煮肉和鱼美国传统〔refreshingly〕Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks.草药用于调制提神饮品已有好几个世纪了。柯林斯高阶〔rekindle〕Her interest was rekindled when she saw herbs in everyday medicinal use there.在那里看到日常医疗中广泛使用草药的时候, 她的兴趣被重新点燃了。外研社新世纪〔rekindle〕Her interest was rekindled when she saw herbs in everyday medicinal use there.在那里看到日常医疗中广泛使用草药的时候,她的兴趣被重新点燃了。柯林斯高阶〔reliever〕The herb is a reliever of spasm and pain.这种草药可以缓解痉挛和疼痛。外研社新世纪〔remedy〕He took a herbal remedy for his hay fever.他服用草药治疗花粉热。牛津搭配〔remedy〕The herb is used as a folk remedy (=a traditional medicine, rather than one a doctor gives you) for a baby's teething pains.这种草药是治疗幼儿牙疼的民间药方。朗文当代〔respect〕She was much respected for her knowledge of herbs.她由于草药知识渊博而颇受尊敬。牛津搭配〔restorative〕This herb has restorative properties.这种草药有助于身体的复元。麦克米伦高阶〔retention〕They say the herb promotes memory retention.他们说这种草药可以提高记忆力。韦氏高阶〔sap〕The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.树叶、树皮和树汁也是当地草药的常用药材。柯林斯高阶〔simple〕A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it.药草,草药制剂:一种医用植物或从这种植物中提炼出来的药品美国传统〔strengthen〕He takes herbs to strengthen his immune system.他吃草药来增强免疫力。韦氏高阶〔tablet〕I take herbal sleeping tablets.我吃草药制成的安眠药片。外研社新世纪〔talk〕Dr. Howard will give a talk on herbal medicine.霍华德医生将作一个关于草药的报告。朗文当代〔therapeutic〕Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.有些人称这种草药具有止痛的疗效。朗文当代〔tisane〕A herbal infusion or similar preparation drunk as a beverage or for its mildly medicinal effect.药剂:一种草药浸剂或类似的制剂,当作饮料或因其温和的药性而饮用美国传统〔try〕I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum… 中草药香烟、口香糖之类的我统统都试过了。柯林斯高阶〔vinaigrette〕A cold sauce or dressing made of vinegar or lemon juice and oil flavored with finely chopped onions, herbs, and other seasonings.酸酱油:由醋、柠檬汁和油加切得很细的洋葱、草药和其它调味品做成的一种冷调味汁美国传统〔woundwort〕Any of several plants formerly used to treat wounds.治伤草:以前用于治伤的一种草药美国传统A shaman of the Wayana tribe may use over 100 different plant species as medicine.威亚那部落的萨满教巫医可能使用100种以上的植物作为草药。剑桥国际Chop the herbs very fine(ly).将草药切得很细。剑桥国际Effective herbal remedies exist for headaches and migraines.有有效医治头痛和偏头痛的草药治疗方法。剑桥国际Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.实验研究表明有些非传统的(指草药一类)药物极为有效。剑桥国际He went to see a quack who said he could cure him with some kind of strange herbs.他去看了一个江湖医生,此人说他能用某种奇怪的草药把他的病治好。剑桥国际He's always quaffing these strange herbal medicines, which he thinks will make him more healthy.他一直喝这些奇怪的草药,他相信这会使他更健康。剑桥国际In traditional medicine, certain herbs are used as blood purifiers.在传统医学中,某些草药被用来净化血液。剑桥国际In tribal S America, the witchdoctor is responsible for healing people with herbal remedies and exorcising evil spirits using magic.在南美部落里,巫医负责用草药来为人们治病,并用魔法来驱逐邪恶的幽灵。剑桥国际Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine. 中医用许多草药。译典通She knows quite a lot about herbal medicines.她知道许多关于草药的知识。剑桥国际Storing herbs in glass jars in a cool place helps preserve their essential oils, which is what gives them their aromas.把草药放在玻璃罐中置于阴凉处有助于保存发出香味的芳香油。剑桥国际The older women gather fragrant herbs in the mountains for love potions that are sold to gullible tourists.老妇人们在山中采集芬芳的草药当作春药卖给易上当的游人。剑桥国际Their herb teas are made by infusion.他们的草药茶是用浸泡的方法制成的。剑桥国际This shampoo contains a light fragrance of natural herb and plant extracts.这种香波里含有一种天然草药和植物提炼品的清淡的香味。剑桥国际When the drugs failed to cure her, she put her faith/trust in herbal medicine.当西药不能治愈她时,她转而相信草药了。剑桥国际




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