

单词 草本
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROW〕Most herbs grow fairly well in dry, poor soil. 多数草本植物在干燥、贫瘠的土壤里也能长得很好。朗文写作活用〔all〕We produce our own hair-care products, all based on herbal recipes.我们自己生产护发产品,全部采用草本配方。柯林斯高阶〔antiseptic〕These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.这些蔬菜和草本植物有很强的杀菌性。柯林斯高阶〔batten〕The sheep battened upon the herbage.羊靠吃草本植物长肥。21世纪英汉〔caudex〕The thickened, usually underground base of the stem of many perennial herbaceous plants, from which new leaves and flowering stems arise.茎基:多年生草本植物的,通常在地下的粗大茎基,从中生出新叶和花茎美国传统〔colour〕The Body Shop Herbal Hair Colour.美体小铺草本染发剂柯林斯高阶〔credit〕Many herbs are credited with healing powers.许多草本植物被认为具有治疗疾病的功能。英汉大词典〔crown〕The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb.宿根:多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部美国传统〔flush〕Cut back flowered herbaceous plants to encourage a further flush of blooms.修剪开过花的草本植物, 使其萌发出更多的花朵。外研社新世纪〔forb〕A broad-leaved herb other than a grass, especially one growing in a field, prairie, or meadow.非草属植物:非草属的宽叶草本植物,尤其指生长在田野、草原或草地上的一种植物美国传统〔galenical〕A medicinal preparation composed mainly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药:主要成分为草本物质或植物物质的药物制剂美国传统〔galenical〕Of, relating to, or being a drug or agent made up chiefly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药的:主要由草本物质或植物物质制成的药剂的,与此有关的,作为这种药剂的美国传统〔gesneriad〕Any of numerous, mostly tropical herbs or shrubs of the family Gesneriaceae, including African violets, the Cape primrose, and gloxinia.苦苣苔类:一种大量的、主要长于热带的苦苣苔科草本植物和灌木,包括非洲紫罗兰、好望角樱草和大岩桐美国传统〔heath〕An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor.荒地:一大片未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的开阔地;荒野美国传统〔herbaceous〕Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant.草本的:与木本植物不同的,关于草本植物的或有草本植物特征的美国传统〔herbage〕Herbaceous plant growth, especially grass or similar vegetation used for pasturage.草本植物群:草本植物群,尤指牧草或类似的用于放牧的植被美国传统〔kitchen garden〕A garden in which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are grown for household consumption.家庭菜园:种植蔬菜,水果,和草本植物用于家庭消费的菜园美国传统〔legion〕The medical uses of herbs are legion.草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。牛津高阶〔nibble away at〕The rabbits nibbled away at the herbaceous plants.兔群一点一点地啃着这些草本植物。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕The rabbits nibbled away on the herbaceous plants.兔子把那些草本植物一点点地啃吃掉了。柯林斯高阶〔originate〕Many herbs originate from the Mediterranean.许多草本植物最初产于地中海地区。麦克米伦高阶〔plant〕A plant having no permanent woody stem; an herb.草本植物,花草:没有永久木茎的植物;草本植物美国传统〔property〕The herb has medicinal properties.这种草本植物具有药用属性。韦氏高阶〔property〕We value herbs for their taste, but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.我们因为草本植物的味道而珍视它们,不过我们忘了它们还有药用价值。剑桥高阶〔root beer〕A carbonated soft drink made from extracts of certain plant roots and herbs.根汁汽水:从某些植物的根部和草本植物中提取汁液制成的碳酸饮料美国传统〔snip〕He snipped some fresh herbs from plants on the windowsill.他从窗台的植物上剪下一些新鲜的草本植物。韦氏高阶〔stalk〕A stem or main axis of a herbaceous plant.茎,干:草本植物的茎或主梗美国传统〔subshrub〕An herb having a woody lower stem.一种木质矮树杆的草本植物美国传统〔sun tea〕A beverage, often iced, made from tea leaves or other herbs steeped in water exposed to direct sunlight.阳光茶:用在阳光下浸泡的茶叶或其它草本植物制成的饮品,通常加冰饮用美国传统〔value〕The herbs are valued for their medicinal properties.这些草本植物因具有药性而受到重视。韦氏高阶Only 5% of ornamental grasses are invasive--all the rest are neat, clump-forming plants.只有5%的观赏性草本植物是扩散型的,其余的都是整齐成簇的。剑桥国际We use herbs in cooking but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.我们在烹饪中使用草本植物,可是我们忘了它们还有药用功能。剑桥国际You get the most tar and nicotine from the last few puffs because the tobacco itself acts as a filter.你从最后几口烟里摄取的焦油和尼古丁最多,因为烟草本身有过滤器的作用。剑桥国际




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